I have a some data in an exel file with 128 rows and 400 column.I am reading this Excel file into a Matrix with 128X400. Now I want to draw 3D Plott using presp in r. Which parameters from this Matrix should be passed to persp?


I have this Matrix for example and I want to generate a 3D Plot, but I get an error:

op <- par(bg = "white")
persp(ncol(k), nrow(k), k, theta = 30, phi = 30, expand = 0.5, col = "lightblue")


Error in persp.default(ncol(k), nrow(k), k, theta = 30, phi = 30, expand = 0.5,  : 
  invalid 'x' argument
  • 3
    provide reproducible example (stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269/…)
    – jon
    Commented May 13, 2014 at 12:58
  • 1
    From your description, you already have a matrix (make sure it really is a matrix, not a data.frame, by using class()). Just feed that into the z parameter of persp(): persp(z=foo) Commented May 13, 2014 at 13:01
  • I have updated my post, @StephanKolassa thanks, I think you have answered my question
    – Kaja
    Commented May 13, 2014 at 13:04
  • Read the help for persp? Why did you write what you wrote? Were you guessing?
    – Spacedman
    Commented May 13, 2014 at 13:05

1 Answer 1


Thanks for the reproducible example.


should do what you want. The help page ?persp may be helpful.

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