I am trying to authenticate users configured in ApacheDS with password and calling from Worklight client.
I am not able to pass username from Worklight client, I tried username placeholder which I have used in my client but its not working. Then I tried hardcoding uid created in ApacheDS LDAP server and its working. can anyone help me out in passing username given in client to LDAP server.
My authconfig file :
<parameter name="ldapProviderUrl" value="ldap://localhost:10389"/>
<parameter name="ldapTimeoutMs" value="2000"/>
<parameter name="ldapSecurityAuthentication" value="simple"/>
<parameter name="validationType" value="exists"/>
<parameter name="ldapSecurityPrincipalPattern" value="uid=Raj,ou=users,ou=system"/>
<parameter name="ldapSearchFilterPattern" value="(&(uid={usernameInput})(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)"/>
Is there any syntax I need to take care with <parameter name="ldapSecurityPrincipalPattern"