"Somewhere" being "in the standard library or in some package that's small and general enough to make it a relatively harmless dependency".
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
newtype MMap k v = MMap {unMMap :: M.Map k v}
newtype MApplictive f a = MApplicative {unMApplicative :: f a}
-- M.unionWith f M.empty m = M.unionWith f m M.empty = m
-- f a (f b c) = f (f a b) c =>
-- M.unionWith f m1 (M.unionWith f m2 m3) =
-- M.unionWith f (M.unionWith f m1 m2) m3
instance (Ord k, Monoid v) => Monoid (MMap k v) where
mempty = MMap $ M.empty
mappend m1 m2 = MMap $ M.unionWith mappend (unMMap m1) (unMMap m2)
instance (Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (MApplicative f a) where
mempty = MApplicative $ pure mempty
mappend f1 f2 = MApplicative $ liftA2 mappend (unMApplicative f1) (unMApplicative f2)
(These instances should satisfy the monoid laws - didn't bother to prove it for the applicative one though)
I'm asking because I have some use for both of those and I don't like to redefine things that are already there.
would fulfull the monoid laws pretty much by definition: recall that applicatives are monoidal functors, mathematically!