I am trying to replace the colorbar given by "hp.mollview" with a custom one. In particular I am interested in:

  • Rotating the colorbar by 90 degrees (i.e. replacing the horizontal by a vertical one)
  • Using two labels (left and right of the colorbar)
  • Setting custom ticks
  • Indicating that the range is set (via the "max" parameter) by setting "cmap.set_over".

Minimal amount of code:

import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
m = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(32))

Any help?

  • you should disable the colorbar in mollview and then add a custom one with Figure.colorbar Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 11:49
  • Can you a minimal amount of code?
    – tacaswell
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 12:55

1 Answer 1


I'll expand my comment here:

import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
m = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(32))
hp.mollview(m, cbar=None)

fig = plt.gcf()
ax = plt.gca()
image = ax.get_images()[0]
cmap = fig.colorbar(image, ax=ax)

Then you can customize the colorbar with the function arguments.

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