I want to use some jquery in my forms and I was hoping to use some ready made solutions - there seem to be a lot of them...

Which django apps would you recommend for this purpose? Which are most popular?

EDIT #1: Hmmmm... I suppose I didn't put enough effort into my question... I was hoping for more options/clarifications...

There seems to be a huge amount of jquery apps out there. Here's a random selection:

I suppose the obvious answer is "use the one that gives you the functionality you need", as most of these serve different purposes. But I was wondering which are commonly used... Or maybe most people just tend to code their own?

For someone who is pretty clueless about jquery is it easier to use one or a few of these? Or is it easier to do it "by hand"?

1 Answer 1


Here's a few examples

Ajax Contact Form http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/992/

django-ajax-forms http://code.google.com/p/django-ajax-forms/

Here's a tutorial if you want to get your hands dirty http://dewful.com/?p=100

  • The links may indeed prove useful :) But could you elaborate a bit? I see two of the links aren't apps, but jquery + django examples. One is an app - why did you recommend that particular one? Commented Jan 10, 2010 at 20:31

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