What's the most efficient way to drop only consecutive duplicates in pandas?

drop_duplicates gives this:

In [3]: a = pandas.Series([1,2,2,3,2], index=[1,2,3,4,5])

In [4]: a.drop_duplicates()
1    1
2    2
4    3
dtype: int64

But I want this:

In [4]: a.something()
1    1
2    2
4    3
5    2
dtype: int64

9 Answers 9


Use shift:

a.loc[a.shift(-1) != a]


1    1
3    2
4    3
5    2
dtype: int64

So the above uses boolean critieria, we compare the dataframe against the dataframe shifted by -1 rows to create the mask

Another method is to use diff:

In [82]:

a.loc[a.diff() != 0]
1    1
2    2
4    3
5    2
dtype: int64

But this is slower than the original method if you have a large number of rows.


Thanks to Bjarke Ebert for pointing out a subtle error, I should actually use shift(1) or just shift() as the default is a period of 1, this returns the first consecutive value:

In [87]:

a.loc[a.shift() != a]
1    1
2    2
4    3
5    2
dtype: int64

Note the difference in index values, thanks @BjarkeEbert!

  • 2
    How should we do it, if we want to do a groupby at first then drop consecutive duplicates? For example df.groupby(['Col1','Col2']) and save it again as dataframe?
    – DSaad
    Commented Feb 12, 2021 at 11:05

Here is an update that will make it work with multiple columns. Use ".any(axis=1)" to combine the results from each column:

cols = ["col1","col2","col3"]
de_dup = a[cols].loc[(a[cols].shift() != a[cols]).any(axis=1)]
  • Can you do this but keep the last row?
    – jonboy
    Commented May 20, 2022 at 7:29
  • It will only remove the last row if it is a duplicate.
    – johnml1135
    Commented May 20, 2022 at 13:54
  • @jonboy you need to use shift(-1) see the accepted answer Commented Jan 31, 2023 at 22:01
  • I don't think so - the "Update" on the accepted answer affirms that shift() is the proper expression. In essence, if the current row is different than the next row (shift() or shift(1)), keep the current row. See pandas doc on shift.
    – johnml1135
    Commented Feb 1, 2023 at 12:34
  • de_dup = a[a.colums].loc[(a.shift() != a).any(axis=1)] is a little bit handier and will work as well.
    – kernstock
    Commented Dec 6 at 9:30

Since we are going for most efficient way, i.e. performance, let's use array data to leverage NumPy. We will slice one-off slices and compare, similar to shifting method discussed earlier in @EdChum's post. But with NumPy slicing we would end up with one-less array, so we need to concatenate with a True element at the start to select the first element and hence we would have an implementation like so -

def drop_consecutive_duplicates(a):
    ar = a.values
    return a[np.concatenate(([True],ar[:-1]!= ar[1:]))]

Sample run -

In [149]: a
1    1
2    2
3    2
4    3
5    2
dtype: int64

In [150]: drop_consecutive_duplicates(a)
1    1
2    2
4    3
5    2
dtype: int64

Timings on large arrays comparing @EdChum's solution -

In [142]: a = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1,5,(1000000)))

In [143]: %timeit a.loc[a.shift() != a]
100 loops, best of 3: 12.1 ms per loop

In [144]: %timeit drop_consecutive_duplicates(a)
100 loops, best of 3: 11 ms per loop

In [145]: a = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1,5,(10000000)))

In [146]: %timeit a.loc[a.shift() != a]
10 loops, best of 3: 136 ms per loop

In [147]: %timeit drop_consecutive_duplicates(a)
10 loops, best of 3: 114 ms per loop

So, there's some improvement!

Get major boost for values only!

If only the values are needed, we could get major boost by simply indexing into the array data, like so -

def drop_consecutive_duplicates(a):
    ar = a.values
    return ar[np.concatenate(([True],ar[:-1]!= ar[1:]))]

Sample run -

In [170]: a = pandas.Series([1,2,2,3,2], index=[1,2,3,4,5])

In [171]: drop_consecutive_duplicates(a)
Out[171]: array([1, 2, 3, 2])

Timings -

In [173]: a = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1,5,(10000000)))

In [174]: %timeit a.loc[a.shift() != a]
10 loops, best of 3: 137 ms per loop

In [175]: %timeit drop_consecutive_duplicates(a)
10 loops, best of 3: 61.3 ms per loop
  • I do not understand why timing for [147] and [175] differ? Can you explain what change have you made cuz I dont see any? Perhaps a typo?
    – Biarys
    Commented Feb 7, 2019 at 3:38
  • @Biarys [175] is with the modified Get major boost for values only! section one, hence the time diff. The original one works on pandas-Series whereas the modified one on array as also listed in the post.
    – Divakar
    Commented Feb 7, 2019 at 8:38
  • Oh I see. Hard to notice change from return a[...] vs return ar[....]. Does your function work for dataframes?
    – Biarys
    Commented Feb 8, 2019 at 13:01
  • @Biarys For dataframes, if you are looking for duplicate rows, we simply need to use slicing : ar[:,:-1]!= ar[:,1:], alongwith ALL reduction.
    – Divakar
    Commented Feb 8, 2019 at 15:32
  • Thanks. I'll try that
    – Biarys
    Commented Feb 9, 2019 at 17:30

Here is a function that handles both pd.Series and pd.Dataframes. You can mask/drop, choose the axis and finally choose to drop with 'any' or 'all' 'NaN'. It is not optimized in term of computation time, but it has the advantage to be robust and pretty clear.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# To mask/drop successive values in pandas
def Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(df, drop=False, 
                                             axis=0, how='all'):

    #Function built with the help of:
    # 1) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48428173/how-to-change-consecutive-repeating-values-in-pandas-dataframe-series-to-nan-or
    # 2) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19463985/pandas-drop-consecutive-duplicates
    df should be a pandas.DataFrame of a a pandas.Series
    df of ts with masked or dropped values
    # Mask keeping the first occurrence
    if keep_first:
        df = df.mask(df.shift(1) == df)
    # Mask including the first occurrence
        df = df.mask((df.shift(1) == df) | (df.shift(-1) == df))

    # Drop the values (e.g. rows are deleted)    
    if drop:
        return df.dropna(axis=axis, how=how)        
    # Only mask the values (e.g. become 'NaN')
        return df   

Here is a test code to include in the script:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # With time series
    print("With time series:\n")
    ts = pd.Series([1,1,2,2,3,2,6,6,float('nan'), 6,6,float('nan'),float('nan')], 
    print("#Original ts:")    

    print("\n## 1) Mask keeping the first occurrence:")    
    print(Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(ts, drop=False, 

    print("\n## 2) Mask including the first occurrence:")    
    print(Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(ts, drop=False, 
    print("\n## 3) Drop keeping the first occurrence:")    
    print(Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(ts, drop=True, 
    print("\n## 4) Drop including the first occurrence:")        
    print(Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(ts, drop=True, 
    # With dataframes
    print("With dataframe:\n")
    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(15, 3))
    print("#Original df:")

    print("\n## 5) Mask keeping the first occurrence:") 
    print(Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(df, drop=False, 

    print("\n## 6) Mask including the first occurrence:")    
    print(Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(df, drop=False, 
    print("\n## 7) Drop 'any' keeping the first occurrence:")    
    print(Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(df, drop=True, 
    print("\n## 8) Drop 'all' keeping the first occurrence:")    
    print(Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(df, drop=True, 
    print("\n## 9) Drop 'any' including the first occurrence:")        
    print(Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(df, drop=True, 

    print("\n## 10) Drop 'all' including the first occurrence:")        
    print(Mask_Or_Drop_Successive_Identical_Values(df, drop=True, 

And here is the expected result:

With time series:

#Original ts:
0     1.0
1     1.0
2     2.0
3     2.0
4     3.0
5     2.0
6     6.0
7     6.0
8     NaN
9     6.0
10    6.0
11    NaN
12    NaN
dtype: float64

## 1) Mask keeping the first occurrence:
0     1.0
1     NaN
2     2.0
3     NaN
4     3.0
5     2.0
6     6.0
7     NaN
8     NaN
9     6.0
10    NaN
11    NaN
12    NaN
dtype: float64

## 2) Mask including the first occurrence:
0     NaN
1     NaN
2     NaN
3     NaN
4     3.0
5     2.0
6     NaN
7     NaN
8     NaN
9     NaN
10    NaN
11    NaN
12    NaN
dtype: float64

## 3) Drop keeping the first occurrence:
0    1.0
2    2.0
4    3.0
5    2.0
6    6.0
9    6.0
dtype: float64

## 4) Drop including the first occurrence:
4    3.0
5    2.0
dtype: float64
With dataframe:

#Original df:
            0          1         2
0   -1.890137  -3.125224 -1.029065
1   -0.224712  -0.194742  1.891365
2    1.009388   0.589445  0.927405
3    0.212746  -0.392314 -0.781851
4   40.000000   1.889781 -1.394573
5   40.000000  -0.470958 -0.339213
6   40.000000   1.613524  0.271641
7   40.000000  -1.810958 -1.568372
8   40.000000  22.000000  0.230000
9   -0.296557  22.000000  0.230000
10  -0.921238  22.000000  0.230000
11  -0.170195  22.000000  0.230000
12   1.460457  22.000000 -0.295418
13   0.307825  22.000000 -0.759131
14   0.287392  22.000000  0.378315

## 5) Mask keeping the first occurrence:
            0          1         2
0   -1.890137  -3.125224 -1.029065
1   -0.224712  -0.194742  1.891365
2    1.009388   0.589445  0.927405
3    0.212746  -0.392314 -0.781851
4   40.000000   1.889781 -1.394573
5         NaN  -0.470958 -0.339213
6         NaN   1.613524  0.271641
7         NaN  -1.810958 -1.568372
8         NaN  22.000000  0.230000
9   -0.296557        NaN       NaN
10  -0.921238        NaN       NaN
11  -0.170195        NaN       NaN
12   1.460457        NaN -0.295418
13   0.307825        NaN -0.759131
14   0.287392        NaN  0.378315

## 6) Mask including the first occurrence:
           0         1         2
0  -1.890137 -3.125224 -1.029065
1  -0.224712 -0.194742  1.891365
2   1.009388  0.589445  0.927405
3   0.212746 -0.392314 -0.781851
4        NaN  1.889781 -1.394573
5        NaN -0.470958 -0.339213
6        NaN  1.613524  0.271641
7        NaN -1.810958 -1.568372
8        NaN       NaN       NaN
9  -0.296557       NaN       NaN
10 -0.921238       NaN       NaN
11 -0.170195       NaN       NaN
12  1.460457       NaN -0.295418
13  0.307825       NaN -0.759131
14  0.287392       NaN  0.378315

## 7) Drop 'any' keeping the first occurrence:
           0         1         2
0  -1.890137 -3.125224 -1.029065
1  -0.224712 -0.194742  1.891365
2   1.009388  0.589445  0.927405
3   0.212746 -0.392314 -0.781851
4  40.000000  1.889781 -1.394573

## 8) Drop 'all' keeping the first occurrence:
            0          1         2
0   -1.890137  -3.125224 -1.029065
1   -0.224712  -0.194742  1.891365
2    1.009388   0.589445  0.927405
3    0.212746  -0.392314 -0.781851
4   40.000000   1.889781 -1.394573
5         NaN  -0.470958 -0.339213
6         NaN   1.613524  0.271641
7         NaN  -1.810958 -1.568372
8         NaN  22.000000  0.230000
9   -0.296557        NaN       NaN
10  -0.921238        NaN       NaN
11  -0.170195        NaN       NaN
12   1.460457        NaN -0.295418
13   0.307825        NaN -0.759131
14   0.287392        NaN  0.378315

## 9) Drop 'any' including the first occurrence:
          0         1         2
0 -1.890137 -3.125224 -1.029065
1 -0.224712 -0.194742  1.891365
2  1.009388  0.589445  0.927405
3  0.212746 -0.392314 -0.781851

## 10) Drop 'all' including the first occurrence:
           0         1         2
0  -1.890137 -3.125224 -1.029065
1  -0.224712 -0.194742  1.891365
2   1.009388  0.589445  0.927405
3   0.212746 -0.392314 -0.781851
4        NaN  1.889781 -1.394573
5        NaN -0.470958 -0.339213
6        NaN  1.613524  0.271641
7        NaN -1.810958 -1.568372
9  -0.296557       NaN       NaN
10 -0.921238       NaN       NaN
11 -0.170195       NaN       NaN
12  1.460457       NaN -0.295418
13  0.307825       NaN -0.759131
14  0.287392       NaN  0.378315

  • You could also avoid explicitly checking the values if keep_first: is enough (and better style) Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 1:11

For other Stack explorers, building off johnml1135's answer above. This will remove the next duplicate from multiple columns but not drop all of the columns. When the dataframe is sorted it will keep the first row but drop the second row if the "cols" match, even if there are more columns with non-matching information.

cols = ["col1","col2","col3"]
df = df.loc[(df[cols].shift() != df[cols]).any(axis=1)]

Just another way of doing it:


The method pandas.Series.ne is the not equal operator, so a.ne(a.shift()) is equivalent to a != a.shift(). Documentation here.

  • This one is nice because people typically also want to drop if there are missing values but NaN == NaN evaluates to False. With .ne(fill_value=12356789.345326) you can still drop them. It just needs to be a float not in your data (easy if your data is ints or strings).
    – grofte
    Commented Jun 28, 2023 at 9:57

Here's a variant of EdChum's answer that treats consecutive NaNs as duplicates, too:

def remove_consecutive_duplicates_and_nans(s):
    # By default, `shift` uses NaN as a fill value, which breaks our
    # removal of consecutive NaNs. Hence we use a different sentinel
    # object instead.
    shifted = s.astype(object).shift(-1, fill_value=object())
    return s.loc[
        (shifted != s)
        & ~(shifted.isna() & s.isna())

Create new column.

df['match'] = df.col1.eq(df.col1.shift())


df = df[df['match']==False]

The approach recommended by @johnml1135 does not work for me.

I figured out a similar approach though:

cols = ['Position', 'Offset']
df = df[df[cols] != df[cols].shift(-1)].dropna()

shift(-1) will keep the last duplicated row, and shift(1) will keep the first row.

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