Here's another alternative, XCAsyncTestCase, that works well with OCMock if you need to use it. It's based on GHUnit's async tester, but is uses the regular XCTest framework instead.
Fully compatible with Xcode Bots.
Usage is the same, just import and subclass XCAsyncTestCase.
@implementation TestAsync
- (void)testBlockSample
[self prepare];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(){
[self notify:kXCTUnitWaitStatusSuccess];
// Will wait for 2 seconds before expecting the test to have status success
// Potential statuses are:
// kXCTUnitWaitStatusUnknown, initial status
// kXCTUnitWaitStatusSuccess, indicates a successful callback
// kXCTUnitWaitStatusFailure, indicates a failed callback, e.g login operation failed
// kXCTUnitWaitStatusCancelled, indicates the operation was cancelled
[self waitForStatus:kXCTUnitWaitStatusSuccess timeout:2.0];