I'm writing a script that uses some CPAN modules. What can I do so that co-workers can use my script without manually installing these CPAN modules?
I'm writing a script that uses some CPAN modules. What can I do so that co-workers can use my script without manually installing these CPAN modules?
Simply mark them as dependencies for your script. When he installs your script, cpan
will automatically install them too if needed.
If it's going to be shipped and installed, I definitely recommend packaging as a CPAN-style distribution with dependencies declared in the normal way (modules of note: Dist::Zilla, Module::Build, ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
However, there may be the odd occasion when shipping the dependencies with the script itself is desirable. For pure-perl dependencies and having played around a little bit, App::FatPacker seems to work OK (cpanm uses it itself).