I have four columns Name, Y/N, NameList and Result, e.g.:

   A          B              C            D 
  Name       Y/N          NameList      Result   
  Abc         Y            Xyz            N
  Xyz         N            Wto            N.A
  Def         Y            Abc            Y
                           Tow            N.A
                           Wtf            N.A
                           Qrz            N.A
                           Def            Y

I want to fill up column D (Result) according to column B if A and C match. I have tried LOOKUP, VLOOKUP and MATCH but still do not get what I want, e.g.:


What am I doing wrong here?

2 Answers 2


If you are prepared to replace the spaces in ColumnA (with nothing) then


should work for entries in the NameList that include a single space, as well as those with no spaces but you might want to apply TRIM to NameList first.

NOTE: Chris Neilsen's solution (in a comment on the OP's own answer) is a much better solution (once the requirements were clarified!)

  • may i uds what does the 1 stands for in the search function?
    – 10e5x
    Commented Dec 28, 2012 at 8:46
  • I tried your solution but cant work. For e.g I want to match APL DEN/055W (column A) with APL DEN /055W (Column C), JAME RIVER B/018A with JAME RIVER B /018A. And do i need the IFERROR? i need this kinda urgent, any help?
    – 10e5x
    Commented Dec 28, 2012 at 9:03
  • I am thinking to make my column A from "/" to " /". But i dk how to implement the replace on column A unless i generate out another column
    – 10e5x
    Commented Dec 28, 2012 at 9:16

I have found solution to my own answer but it is not the perfect one because it needs to match exactly the same. Meaning the spaces. But i will stick to this first. If anyone has better answer please do advise.



P.S what should i do to also match abc/123 and abc /123. Due to the space currently they are not match

  • To handle the possibility of spaces in column A, use =VLOOKUP(C2,SUBSTITUTE($A$2:$B$4," ",""),2,FALSE) entered as an array formula (press Ctrl-Shift-Enter rather than just Enter to finalise the formula) Commented Dec 28, 2012 at 9:45
  • 1
    @pnuts If Column C might also contain spaces use =VLOOKUP(SUBSTITUTE(C2," ",""),SUBSTITUTE($A$1:$B$4," ",""),2,0) (also as an array formula) Commented Dec 28, 2012 at 11:26

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