I am using a route in Silex to delete an object from the database. If an object does not exist, a 404 error should be thrown. This works fine in the browser, and the response is received accordingly.
This is my source:
$app->delete("/{entity}/{id}", function(\Silex\Application $app, HttpFoundation\Request $request, $entity, $id) {
// some prep code is here
$deleteObject = $this->em->getRepository($entityClass)->find($id);
if (empty($deleteObject))
$app->abort(404, "$ucEntity with ID $id not found");
// other code comes here...
This is my test case:
// deleting the same object again should not work
$client->request("DELETE", "/ccrud/channel/$id");
$this->assertTrue($response->getStatusCode() == 404);
Now phpunit fails with the following error: 1) CrudEntityTest::testDelete Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException: Channel with ID 93 not found
I can see from the message that the 404 was thrown, but I cannot test the response object as planned. I know that in theory I could assert for the exception itself, but that is not what I want to do, I want to get the response (as a browser would do as well) and test for the status code itself.
Anybody any ideas how to reach that or if there is a better way to test this?
Thanks, Daniel