I'm trying to pass association values as hidden field in simple form

so same functionality like when you do ...

= simple form for @document do |f|
 = f.association :clients

...but will generate hidden field insted

I'm trying to do it as this

  = f.association :clients, as: hidden 

but that wont work obviously

only thing that works for me is

%input{ name: 'document[client_ids][]', value: '1'}
%input{ name: 'document[client_ids][]', value: '2'}
%input{ name: 'document[client_ids][]', value: '3'}
  • have you tried = f.association :clients, type: 'hidden' ?
    – MrYoshiji
    Commented Nov 9, 2012 at 15:51

3 Answers 3



=f.hidden_field :client_id, :value => "some value"

but I think you'd be better of explaining the bigger picture and then we can suggest a suitable rails answer for you. In most cases using hidden fields is a sign that something should be done a better way.


An array is sent on submit from associations in simple form. The following will allow for this using a hidden field:

  <%= f.hidden_field('client_ids][', value: "some value") %>

(Note: The reversed brackets are important)


I think

<%= f.association :clients, input_html: { hidden: true } %>

should work.

  • no this wont work for 2 reasons, Simple form f.association is excepting first parameter association field symbol, (e.g. :clients for has_many :clients) and even if I generate these fields, they are still select html tag with just hidden=hidden argument Commented Nov 15, 2012 at 17:30
  • what's wrong with hidden="hidden"? whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/… Commented Nov 15, 2012 at 19:32

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