I am a bit puzzled by this behaviour.

I clone a table with jquery, then do a GET request to the server and get a json. From that I set the value for each field in the cloned table.

enter image description here

It all appears just fine on the screen, however I don't see any value in FireBug for that element.

<input id="id_deals-1-deal_template_name" type="text" maxlength="100" name="deals-1-deal_template_name" readonly="True">

The way I set the value is like this, maybe I do this wrong:

$('#id_deals-' + (total-1) + '-deal_template_name').val(template_name);
  • You're doing it right. A firebug refresh doesn't show you the attribute?
    – Asciiom
    Commented Sep 25, 2012 at 10:36

1 Answer 1


The value attribute sets the default value.

The value property, which is set by the jQuery val(), method deals with the current value.

You shouldn't see a change in the attribute when viewing in Firebug as you aren't changing the default value.

If you really want to change that then use .attr('value', foo) instead.


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