I would like to use Readability's javascript to clean up news articles, then download the generated article. What this entails is being able to execute their js code:

window.baseUrl          = 'https://www.readability.com';
window.readabilityToken = '';

var s = document.createElement('script');

s.setAttribute('src', baseUrl + '/bookmarklet/read.js');


in an environment different from a traditional web browser. For example, this is possible to do by executing the above code on a site using Firebug; I would like to emulate that functionality through Java (without a browser). One of the problems I see here is the "window" object, which may not be present when accessing pages programmatically.

Any hints on whether this is possible and how to implement?

1 Answer 1


Take a look at a headless browser, such as EnvJS.


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