What's the most efficient way to change my Mac OS X application name in Xcode?

(I know it's easy; I've done it in the past but I can't really remember how... :/)

What I mean :

  • Let's say, I've got a Project/Application named oldName.
  • How do I change that to newName, so that this new name appears everywhere it should be? (Application name, bundle identifier, About dialog, Dock, etc)
  • 4
    maybe this will help? stackoverflow.com/questions/5416677/… Commented May 20, 2012 at 15:52
  • @IkmalEzzani Thanks! This is the correct answer - post it as a proper answer and you'll get all the credit you deserve! ;-) Commented May 20, 2012 at 16:18
  • 2
    thank u @Dr.Kameleon, the fact that I starved for rep is not denied. by it will confuse other users as to point to another SO question. it will help them better to edit your original post and redirect others to the answers link. you can +1 on comment and I'll receive them too. :) Commented May 20, 2012 at 16:24

3 Answers 3


Click your project on the left at the top where it list all of the files associated with said project. Press return on your keyboard and simply rename it.

  • 1
    It's worth pointing out that this will result in large swaths of the project directory tree to be renamed, wreaking havoc on source control. The suggestion by @Mrunal is far more practical.
    – Melllvar
    Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 20:03

Only change bundle display name in your -info.plist file.

It will update the title of the application written below the application icon. I guess this is what you required.


sincerly I'll go with a grep on the terminal an change all the occurrences by hand.

cd yourprojectdirectory

grep -r oldName .

  • 2
    Quite an overkill - don't you think? Commented May 20, 2012 at 16:18

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