Splat Roller

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The Splat Roller is a main weapon in the Splatoon series.

The Splat Roller is a large paint roller. It covers turf while the player pushes it and can be used as a melee weapon. After pressing , it flings ink at a short range. If the player continues to hold down , the Splat Roller touches the ground and can leave a wide trail of ink identical to the player's movements for as long as the player holds . Enemies who come into direct contact with the roller while it is being pushed are splatted instantly. At close range, well-aimed fling attacks will splat opponents with one hit.


The Splat Roller is reminiscent of an over-sized version of a paint roller commonly used to paint walls. Its ink tank is always near-identical to that of the Splattershot of the game it is in. The weapon is usually kept folded up into a more compact state, folded along a joint in the middle, and is unfolded for its horizontal swings and when rolling along the ground, and is kept folded up when used for vertical swings. The paint roller portion of it is covered in round indents, and is usually covered in a thick coating of the user's ink, but when the user is out of ink, most of it is faded and the texture of the roller is visible underneath. The frame of the weapon is only attached to one side of the paint roller, another element taken from its real-life counterpart.

In Splatoon, the frame of the weapon is mostly dark green with the handle grips being yellow-green, along with the joint that connects the top part of the roller to the rest of the frame. There is a small ink tank located in the middle of the frame, connected to it via its yellow-green strap, and a large piece of green and red plastic connected to the bottom of the hinge, with the frame going behind the ink tank. The roller cover is connected to the frame by the right side.

In Splatoon 2, the appearance changes slightly, with the frame now being purple and the handle grips being black and simpler, resembling a rubber grip, along with the ink tank now being on the left side of the weapon, now just attached by a piece of plastic connected to the opening on the top of the ink tank, and is pointed slightly away from the frame. Unique to this game is an extra support added in the middle of the weapon's frame, a black latch added to the weapon's hinge and another to its handle. The two ends of the paint roller now have an exposed metal bolt, surrounded by a large black metal ring.

In Splatoon 3, the appearance changes significantly in some respects, having a more simplified and plastic-like design. The frame of the weapon is black, but is surrounded by a purple plastic casing. The black frame is exposed in a few parts of the weapon - the hinge is now partly black, as well as the part of the frame on the roller-side connected to the hinge, and the bottom of the frame, which connects to a further-simplified black grip. The hinge is also much more simplified and rounded. The casing on the handle-side of the roller has a large protrusion that it is held by when it is unfolded. The roller-side of the frame has a black pad connected to it by yellow plastic, likely acting as a mudguard. The two ends of the paint roller now have a yellow plastic rim, and the exposed metal bolts on the ends are more large and prominent, with a wavy edge on the part connected to the frame, and two protruding metal loops on the other end. The ink tank still is on the side and points slightly away from the frame, but it no longer has any extra element connecting it, instead connected by the wavy yellow plastic surrounding it. The ink tank is also reversed compared to the tank on the other games' rollers, meaning the screw top of it is not connected to the frame itself, and instead protrudes.


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Splat Roller

Splat Roller

Basic information
Category Main
Class Roller
Sub Suction Bomb
Special Killer Wail
Special points
Special depletion Special gauge 40%
55 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
50 / 100
40 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 3
Cost Cash 1,000
Added in Initial Release (1.0.0)
Base damage 25–125 (Splash)
140 (Roll)
Base duration
Ink consumption 9% (Splash)
0.1% per frame (Roll)
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variants Krak-On Splat Roller Krak-On Splat Roller
CoroCoro Splat Roller CoroCoro Splat Roller
Hero Roller Replica Hero Roller Replica

The Splat Roller comes with Suction Bombs and Killer Wail.


  • The Splat Roller is a middleweight weapon.
  • Ink consumption while rolling is 6% per second.
  • Ink consumption per attack is 9%.
    • This allows players to attack 11 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
    • This stat can be changed with Ink Saver (Main).
  • The weapon can attack with a depleted ink tank, but the damage of that attack is reduced to 40% of the normal amount.
  • Rolling with a depleted ink tank will not leave a trail or damage opponents.
  • When attacking, it takes 20 frames to lift the roller (0.33 seconds).
  • When rolling, the player's movement speed is set to 1.2 units per frame.
  • When rolling on an uninkable surface or with a depleted ink tank, the player's movement speed is set to 0.96 units per frame.
  • After rolling, there is a 0.33 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.75 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Hitting an opponent while rolling deals 140 damage.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 125.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 65 units and stops losing damage at 105 units. The minimum damage is 25.
  • Ink globs travel straight for 4 frames.
  • Ink flung from the center of the roller does the greatest damage. Ink that flies to the left or right will have lower damage. This low-damage ink starts losing damage after traveling a distance of 95 units and stops losing damage at 105 units. The maximum damage is 50 and the minimum damage is 25.
  • When rolling, the Splat Roller leaves an ink trail that is 52 units wide.


Version history

Version Adjustments
  • Players can only splat their opponents in one hit with the center of the roller.
  • Opponents cannot be splatted in one hit when the player is out of ink.
  • Amount of damage given when the roller is repeatedly swung balanced.
  • Special gauge loss: 50% → as low as 40%


Sheldon's Introduction

The Splat Roller represents the Roller class of weapons, useful for close combat and also for inking turf. Tap ZR to fling ink at foes, or hold it down to ink the ground as you run! Rollers began as unofficial weapons but became so popular that they're now an officially recognized style! The included Suction Bombs and Killer Wail are powerful too, so this is a great set to learn the Roller ropes.(NA)[a]

Sheldon's Introduction

The Splat Roller represents the Roller class of weapons, useful for close combat and also for painting the floor. Tap ZR to hurl ink at foes, or hold it down to paint the floor beneath you as you run! Rollers began as unofficial weapons, but became so popular that they're now an officially recognised style! The included Suction Bombs and Killer Wail are powerful too, so this is a great set to learn the Roller ropes.(EU/OC)[b]

A weapon adopted from an ordinary paint roller. Aside from inking the ground, it can also be swung to hurl globs of ink at your opponents.
— In-Game Description
This weapon here is the Splat Roller. Its ability to ink the ground while on the move sometimes classifies it as a melee weapon, but you can also swing it to fling ink, making it effective at medium range too! It's all about knowing when to roll and when to fling!
  1. North America
  2. Europe and Oceania





Splatoon 2

Splat Roller
Basic information
Category Main
Class Roller
Sub Curling Bomb
Special Splashdown
Special points 170p
Special depletion
48 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
45 / 100
55 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 3
Cost Cash 1,800
Added in Initial Release (1.0.0)
Base damage 35–150 (Ground)
40–150 (Midair)
125 (Roll)
Base duration
Ink consumption 8.5% (Splash)
0.1% per frame (Roll)
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variants Krak-On Splat Roller Krak-On Splat Roller
Kensa Splat Roller Kensa Splat Roller
Hero Roller Replica Hero Roller Replica

The Splat Roller returns in Splatoon 2 with a new visual design and a new vertical swing mechanic. When flicked while jumping, ink travels in a vertical line rather than a horizontal splash, and it travels much farther than a grounded flick. It comes with Curling Bombs and Splashdown.

It appears in seven Octo Expansion stations:


  • The Splat Roller is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 118. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • Ink consumption per second while rolling scales from 1.2% to 6% depending on the rolling speed.
  • When rolling, the player's movement speed is set to 1.08 units per frame.
  • After rolling for 1.5 seconds, the player begins to dash.
  • When dashing, the player's movement speed is set to 1.32 units per frame.
  • After rolling, there is a 0.33 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Hitting an opponent while rolling deals 125 damage. Main Power Up increases rolling contact damage up to 143.75.
  • When rolling, the Splat Roller leaves an ink trail that is 56 units wide.

Horizontal swing (while grounded)

  • The ink consumption of 8.5% allows players to attack 11 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
    • This stat can be changed with Ink Saver (Main).
  • When attacking with a nearly depleted ink tank, the ink consumption of that attack is reduced to 4.25%. The damage of that attack is reduced to 25% of the normal amount.
  • When attacking, it takes 21 frames to lift the roller (0.35 seconds).
  • When attacking while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.48 units per frame.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.75 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 150. Main Power Up increases damage up to 172.5.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 50 units and stops losing damage at 115 units. The minimum damage is 35. Main Power Up increases minimum damage up to 40.25.
  • The lethal range is 80 units, as this is the farthest distance where ink deals 100 damage.
  • In situations where ink falls down, the ink will lose damage as it falls. The minimum damage for falling ink is 17.5.
  • Ink flung from the center of the roller does the greatest damage. Ink that is flung at an angle greater than 12 degrees to the left or right will have lower damage. This low-damage ink starts losing damage after traveling a distance of 28 units and stops losing damage at 100 units. The maximum damage is 100 and the minimum damage is 35. Main Power Up increases maximum damage up to 115 and increases minimum damage up to 40.25.

Vertical swing (while in midair)

  • The ink consumption of 8.5% allows players to attack 11 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
    • This stat can be changed with Ink Saver (Main).
  • When attacking with a nearly depleted ink tank, the ink consumption of that attack is reduced to 4.25%. The damage of that attack is reduced to 50% of the normal amount.
  • When attacking, it takes 26 frames to lift the roller (0.43 seconds).
  • When attacking while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.48 units per frame.
  • After swinging, there is a 1 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 150. Main Power Up increases damage up to 172.5.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 60 units and stops losing damage at 140 units. The minimum damage is 40. Main Power Up increases minimum damage up to 46.
  • The lethal range is 90 units, as this is the farthest distance where ink deals 100 damage.
  • In situations where ink falls down, the ink will lose damage as it falls. The minimum damage for falling ink is 20.
  • Damage does not change based on the angle of the ink.


Version history

Version Adjustments
Base game
  • Splash attacks in midair changed to slower vertical swings that are narrow and have increased range.
  • Ground splash damage: 25–125 → 35–150.
  • Roll damage: 140 → 125.
  • Ink consumption per flick: 9% → 10%.
  • Splash damage: 25–125 → 35-150.
  • Movement speed while rolling increased: 1.2 → 1.32.
  • When rolling you need to accelerate to max rolling speed: 1.08 → 1.32.
  • Decreased amount of ink consumed by a horizontal or vertical swing by 10%: 10% → 9%.
  • Salmon Run worker's Splat Roller:
    • Decreased ink consumed by horizontal and vertical swings by approximately 14%.
  • Increased width of ink path when using to ink the ground continuously and moving at maximum speed by roughly 8%.
  • Made it easier to ink the ground in front of you when using a horizontal swing.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers with either a vertical or horizontal swing by roughly 40%.
  • Decreased the knockback distance when coming into contact with a roller that has run out of ink or is in mid-air.
  • Fixed an issue causing the aiming reticule to display outside the center of the screen when moving the camera and using a roller or brella-type weapon.
  • Points to fill special gauge: 170 → 180.
  • Decreased ink consumption when inking the ground with the roller while moving at top speed by roughly 33%.
  • Adjusted the range after which damage from a vertical swing will drop off. Extended the range after which this damage will drop off to 40.0 by roughly 11%. The ranges in which more than 100.0 damage and more than 50.0 damage can be dealt remain unchanged.
  • Increased damage dealt to opponent Splat Brellas increased by 13%.
  • Vertical flick painting ranged increased.
  • Increased damage dealt to the Booyah Bomb armor by roughly 2%.
  • Points to fill special gauge: 180 → 170.
  • Slightly extended the splash of ink from swinging sideways.
  • Reduced the ink consumption of horizontal and vertical swings by roughly 5%: 9% → 8.5%.


Sheldon's Introduction

The Splat Roller represents the roller class of weapons that excel at close combat and inking turf. Tap to fling ink at foes, or hold it down to ink the ground as you run. Bounce a Curling Bomb off a wall to cut off your opponent's route, get right up on them, aaaaaaand SPLAT! Paired with the Splashdown, I'm pretty sure you'll have no trouble splatting multiple opponents at once! If you want to experience the basics of the new generation of rollers, look no further.

The perfect weapon for getting up close and personal. Press while on the ground to fling a wide volley of ink or press while in midair to fling a narrower, concentrated volley of ink.



Splatoon 3

Splat Roller

Splat Roller

Basic information
Category Main
Class Roller
Sub Curling Bomb
Special Big Bubbler
Special points 180p
Special depletion
48 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
45 / 100
55 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 2
Added in Drizzle Season 2022 (1.1.0)
Base damage 35–150 (Ground)
40–150 (Midair)
125 (Roll)
70-200 ( SRNW Ground)
70-200 ( SRNW Midair)
125 ( SRNW Roll)
Base duration
Ink consumption
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variants Krak-On Splat Roller Krak-On Splat Roller
Order Roller Replica Order Roller Replica

The Splat Roller returns in Splatoon 3 with a new design. It keeps its vertical swing mechanic from Splatoon 2. It has Curling Bombs and the Big Bubbler as its kit.

It appears in three missions in Return of the Mammalians:


  • The Splat Roller is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 11.8. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • Ink consumption per second while rolling scales from 1.2% to 6% depending on the rolling speed.
  • While rolling, the player's movement speed is set to 0.108 units per frame.
  • After rolling for 1.5 seconds, the player begins to dash.
  • When dashing, the player's movement speed is set to 0.132 units per frame.
  • After rolling, there is a 0.33 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Hitting an opponent while rolling deals 125 damage.
  • While rolling, the Splat Roller leaves an ink trail that is 5.6 units wide.

Horizontal swing (while grounded)

  • The ink consumption of 8.5% allows players to attack 11 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
  • When attacking, it takes 21 frames to lift the roller (0.35 seconds).
  • When attacking while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.048 units per frame.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.75 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 150.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 4.2 units and stops losing damage at 10.7 units. The minimum damage before time-based falloff is applied is 35.
  • The lethal range is 7.2 units, as this is the farthest distance where ink deals 100 damage.
  • If a glob of ink is in the air for more than 25 frames after being flung, it loses damage each frame until frame 45, at which point it will deal 50% of its original damage. Thus, the minimum damage that can be dealt per glob is is 17.5.
  • Ink flung from the center of the roller does the greatest damage. Ink that is flung at an angle greater than 16.0 degrees to the left or right will have lower damage. This low-damage ink starts losing damage after traveling a distance of 2.0 units and stops losing damage at 9.2 units. The maximum damage is 100 and the minimum damage is 35.

Vertical swing (while in midair)

  • The ink consumption of 8.5% allows players to attack 11 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
  • When attacking, it takes 26 frames to lift the roller (0.43 seconds).
  • When attacking while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.048 units per frame.
  • After swinging, there is a 1 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 150.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 5.2 units and stops losing damage at 13.2 units. The minimum damage before time-based falloff is applied is 40.
  • The lethal range is 8.2 units, as this is the farthest distance where ink deals 100 damage.
  • If a glob of ink is in the air for more than 30 frames after being flung, it loses damage each frame until frame 45, at which point it will deal 50% of its original damage. Thus, the minimum damage that can be dealt per glob is is 20.
  • Damage does not change based on the angle of the ink.


Version history

Version Adjustments
  • Widened the angle at which horizontal swings deal maximum damage: 12 degrees → 16 degrees.
  • Damage dealt by horizontal swings and vertical swings to Splash Wall increased by about 10%: 2.4x → 2.64x.


Sheldon's Introduction

The Splat Roller represents the roller class of weapons that excel at close combat and inking turf. With any roller, you can tap to fling ink, or hold down as you run to lay down a path of inky goodness. Try using your Curling Bombs to sneak up close to an enemy, and then... PLOOSH! Get 'em with the roller. It's oh so satisfying. As an added strategic wrinkle, you have the Big Bubbler to rally your team to the front line at just the right moment. If you're new to rollers, I can't recommend this loadout enough. Who knows? Maybe you'll become a roller for life!

Let's take a look at the Splat Roller. This is an easy-handling roller that's a great introduction to the "rolling life." But make no mistake - it's plenty capable, especially if you can master both horizontal and vertical swings.
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[6]


Main article: Badge#Weapon Freshness badges

Reaching certain Freshness levels with the Splat Roller will reward the player with special badges that they can use on their Splashtag.

Splat Roller badges
4★ Splat Roller User
5★ Splat Roller User



For competitive tips about the Splat Roller

Click to view the strategy for Splat Roller. View the strategy page.

In other games

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Main article: Splat Roller

The Splat Roller (as it appears in Splatoon) appears as Inkling's side special attack in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, alongside a variety of other weapons used in her attacks.

When executed, Inkling pulls up a roller and pushes it along the ground, covering it with ink that slows opponents walking on it. Hitting an opponent when rolling buries them, deals damage, and coats them in ink. When Inkling runs out of ink, rolling does not deal damage, will not ink the ground, and rolls much slower.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese スプラローラー
Netherlands Dutch Klodderroller Blob Roller
CanadaFrance French Rouleau Roller
Germany German Klecksroller Splat Roller
Italy Italian Rullo splat Splat Roller
Russia Russian Сплат-валик
SpainMexico Spanish Rodillo Básico Basic Roller
China Chinese (Simplified) 斯普拉滚筒
sīpǔlā gǔntǒng (Mandarin)
Splat Roller
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 斯普拉滾筒
sīpǔlā gǔntǒng (Mandarin)
Splat Roller
South Korea Korean 스플랫 롤러
seupeullaet rolleo
Splat Roller
 Internal Roller_Normal_00[7]

Translation notes

  1. From splat + roller
