Saltspray Rig/Quotes
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Squid Sisters quotes
English quotes
Callie's dialogue | Marie's dialogue | Region |
Callie “Blech, the salt spray here really gets in my eyes!” |
Marie “It makes my skin totally dry as well...” |
Callie “Blech, the salt spray here really gets in my eyes!” |
Marie “You know, salted squid is a delicacy in some places.” |
Callie “Hey Marie, can you think of any good puns?” |
Marie “You know how much I hate puns. They're punbearable!” |
Callie “Hey, Marie. Can you think of any good puns?” |
Marie “You know how much I hate puns. They're punbearable!” |
Callie “Hey Marie, what's the best way to attack here?” |
Marie “Uhhhh... Shoot lots of ink?” |
Callie “So, Marie, how would you plan your attack here?” |
Marie “Uhhhh...shoot lots of ink?” |
Callie “I love to come and spend hours staring at the sea.” |
Marie “You mean spend hours catching a cold...” |
Callie “Ah, staring at the ocean is so therapeutic.” |
Marie “So is therapy.” |
Callie “I remember learning about this place in school!” |
Marie “Yeah, we studied it in Ink Battles 101!” |
Callie “Just take the high ground and it'll be an easy win! ...Is what amateurs think. Then they get splatted.” |
Marie “But don't just stick to the low ground, either!” |
Callie “'Just grab the high ground and it'll be an easy win!' ...Is what amateurs say. Then they get splatted.” |
Marie “But don't just stick to the low ground, either!” |
Callie “Let's dive off of the rig! CANNONBALL!” |
Marie “But you can't swim! None of us can!” |
Callie “The lift here is so much fun to ride! Exciting stuff!” |
Marie “Exciting? Don't you mean scary?” |
Callie “I love riding the elevators here! SO MUCH FUN!” |
Marie “Sure. If by 'fun' you mean ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING!” |
Callie “The thing about this stage is it's covered in seagulls! It's too easy to splash ink on them by accident!” |
Marie “So you're the reason they seem so angry sometimes...” |
Callie “I hope those poor seagulls don't get all inked up!” |
Marie “Well, seagulls are natural predators of squid, so...” |
Callie “There's an oil field here, right?! Should we really be throwing bombs around?” |
Marie “They're only ink bombs! It's totally safe.” |
Callie “Uhh... This is, like, an oil field, right? Should we really be tossing explosives around?” |
Marie “They're ink bombs! Not TNT! It's totally safe.” |
Callie “They should totally open a cute coffee shop here!” |
Marie “On an oil rig? Not exactly the greatest business plan.” |
Callie “They should totally open a relaxing day spa here!” |
Marie “Uh... On an oil rig? Great business plan, Callie.” |
Callie “Where does Judd go while the battle's going on?” |
Marie “Dunno... Probably eating fish. Doing cat stuff.” |
Japanese quotes
アオリ's dialogue | ホタル's dialogue | Region |
アオリ 「あ! ここ、社会の授業で習ったことがあるよね!」 (Ah! I had a social studies lesson about this place!) |
ホタル 「なんか有名らしいね~」 (It seems to be famous~) |
アオリ 「ここ カモメ多いから、インクが 当たっちゃうんだよね…」 (There's so many seagulls here, it's easy to ink them...) |
ホタル 「たまに おそわれるの、アンタのせいか…」 (So you're the reason they attack us every now and then...) |
アオリ 「ここって 油田があるんだよね? ボムとか投げたら 危なくない?」 (This is an oil field, right? Isn't it dangerous be throwing bombs and stuff?) |
ホタル 「インクだからダイジョブ、ダイジョブ」 (It's ink, so it's fine, it's fine.) |
アオリ 「ここのエレベーター、乗るの楽しいよね! ワクワク♪」 (It's fun to ride the elevators here! So exciting♪) |
ホタル 「え? こわくね?」 (Eh? It's not scary?) |
アオリ 「ここのバトルは、しお風が目にしみて 苦手だわ~」 (I hate it when the salt sprays in my eyes when I'm battling here~) |
ホタル 「バトル後は シオカラ寸前だよね~」 (After the battle, you could almost call us the Salted Squids~) |
アオリ 「ここは、高い所を制すと有利! …とも限らないのが ポイント!」 (Controlling the high spots here will give you an advantage! ...But don't limit yourself to just that!) |
ホタル 「低い所ばっかでも ダメ~」 (The low spots are bad, though~) |
アオリ 「この辺、何も無いから不便だわー コンビニできないかなー?」 (This place is so empty. Can't they build a convenience store or something?) |
ホタル 「海の上じゃ 採算取れんっしょ」 (I don't think they'd turn much of a profit above the ocean.) |
アオリ 「ねえねえ、ホタルちゃんなら ここは どう攻める?」 (Hey, hey, Marie, what's your attack here?) |
ホタル 「ガンガン攻める」 (A pounding attack.) |
アオリ 「バトル後に出て来る ジャッジくんって、バトル中は どこで待ってるんだろ?」 (Judd shows up after the battle, but where is he waiting during it?) |
ホタル 「魚 食べてるの、見かけた事あるけどな~」 (I happened to see him eating fish~) |
アオリ 「ホタルちゃん、なんかダジャレ考えてー」 (Marie, tell me a bad joke.) |
ホタル 「えっ…無茶ぶりせんで」 (Eh... Don't be joking me.) |
アオリ 「ヨットでプカプカ揺られて おひるねしたいなー」 (Floating in a swaying yacht makes me wanna take a nap.) |
ホタル 「アオリちゃん そのままどっかに 流されちゃいそうだから やめてね…」 (Callie, make sure you don't float away...) |
アオリ 「失恋したら冬の海 見に来たりしちゃうのかな?」 (If your heart gets broken, should you come look at the winter sea?) |
ホタル 「カゼ引かんようにね~」 (You'd just catch a cold~) |
German quotes
Aioli's dialogue | Limone's dialogue | Region |
Aioli „Das Meerwasser brennt mir immer so in den Augen!“ (The seawater always burns me in the eyes!) |
Limone „Also ich krieg hier immer Lust auf Salzstangen...“ (I always start craving pretzel sticks here..) |
Aioli „Die Möwen, die sich hier herumtreiben...“ (The seagulls, who hang out here...) |
Limone „Du versuchst ja nicht mal, an ihnen vorbeizuschießen!“ (You're not even trying to shoot past them!) |
Aioli „Bomben auf einer Bohrinsel herumzuwerfen...“ (Throwing around bombs on a drilling rig...) |
Limone „Ach, das bisschen Tinte, das macht doch nichts aus!“ (Oh, that bit of ink, that doesn't do anything!) |
Aioli „Anfänger wollen immer gleich hoch hinaus...“ (Beginners always want to go big right away...) |
Limone „Wahre Profis haben ein Auge auf beide Zonen!“ (Real pros have an eye on both zones!) |
Aioli „Hast du noch 'nen heißen Tipp auf Lager, Limone?“ (Do you have a hot tip in stock, Marie?) |
Limone „Nicht kleckern, sondern klotzen!“ (Don't make a mess, but show off!) |
Aioli „Hier nehm ich total gern den Aufzug!“ (I really like taking the lift here!) |
Limone „Nee, das ist nix für mich... Das trau ich mich nicht!“ (Noo, that's not for me... I'm not brave enough!) |
Aioli „Wo ist eigentlich der Miezrichter während Kämpfen?“ (Where is Judd while the battle is going on?) |
Limone „Vielleicht fängt er sich ein paar Wollknäuel?“ (Maybe he's catching some yarn balls?) |
Aioli „Was hier noch fehlt, ist ein nettes kleines Café!“ (What's missing here is a nice little café!) |
Limone „Auf einer Bohrinsel mitten im Meer? Ich weiß nicht...“ (On a drilling rig in the middle of the sea? I don't know...) |
Aioli „Ich sitze dort stundenlang und schaue aufs Meer...“ (I spend hours sitting here and looking out onto the sea...) |
Limone „Und holst dir stundenlang 'ne Erkältung...“ (And spend hours catching a cold while you're at it...) |
Aioli „Von diesem Ort haben wir doch in der Schule gehört...“ (We heard about this place in school...) |
Limone „Stimmt, das war im Grundkurs Revierkampf!“ (Right, that was the basic course on Turf War!) |
Aioli „Lass uns von der Bohrinsel ins Wasser springen!“ (Let's jump into the water from the drilling rig!) |
Limone „Aber niemand von uns kann schwimmen!“ (But none of us can swim!) |
Aioli „Fallen dir ein paar gute Wortspiele ein, Limone?“ (Have you thought out some good puns, Marie?) |
Limone „Ich mag keine Wortspiele. Die sind unverantwortbar!“ (I don't like puns. They are irresponsible!) |
Notes: Wortspiele means "wordplay". Unverantwortbar means "irresponsible". They both have the word Wort. |
French quotes
Ayo's dialogue | Oly's dialogue | Region |
Ayo « T'as des conseils pour ce stage, Oly? » (Do you have any advice for this stage, Marie?) |
Oly « Hmmmm... Tirer de l'encre, plein d'encre? » (Hmmmm... Shoot ink, lots of ink?) |
Ayo « Je connais cet endroit, on l'a étudié à l'école! » (I know this place, we learned about it in school!) |
Oly « Ouais, c'est assez célèbre, mais je ne sais plus pourquoi! » (Yeah, it's pretty famous, but I don't remember why anymore!) |
Ayo « Hé, Oly, tu veux que je te raconte une blague ? » (Hey, Marie, wanna hear a joke?) |
Oly « Ça ira, j'ai pas la force de feindre l'enthousiasme. » (Better not, I don't have the force to fake enthusiasm.) |
Italian quotes
Stella's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Stella «Adoro fare su e giù con i montacarichi!» (I love going up and down on the lift!) |
Marina «Mmmh... a me invece fanno un po' paura...» (Hmmm... they're a bit scary to me...) |
Stella «Adoro passare ore e ore a guardare il mare.» (I love to spend hours and hours to look at the sea.) |
Marina «Vuoi dire passare ore e ore a prenderti il raffreddore...» (You mean spend hours and hours catching a cold...) |
Stella «Chissà cosa fa Giudigatto nei giorni senza battaglie...» (Who knows what Judd does in battle-free days...) |
Marina «Una volta l'ho visto che mangiava un pesciolino!» (I saw him once eating a small fish!) |
Stella «L'aria di mare è così salata che mi irrita gli occhi!» (The salt spray is so salty that it irritates my eyes!) |
Marina «Dopo la battaglia, un bel branzino in crosta di sale...» (After the fight, a nice salt-crusted sea bass...) |
Stella «Marina, che tipo di attacco sarebbe meglio usare qui?» (Marie, what kind of attack strategy would suit better here?) |
Marina «Devastante, distruttivo, totale... reso il concetto?» (Devastating, destructive, full-scale... got my drift?) |
Stella «Marina, fai una battuta!» (Marie, make a pun!) |
Marina «Non mi viene nessuna battuta... sono abbattuta!» (I can't think of any pun... I'm down!) |
Notes: Battuta means "pun", and abbattuta means "being down". | ||
Stella «Non sempre stare in zone alte è sinonimo di vittoria.» (Sticking on upper levels doesn't always mean winning.) |
Marina «In ogni caso non conviene stare nelle zone basse.» (In any case, you shouldn't stick on lower grounds.) |
Stella «Questo posto l'ho studiato a scuola!» (I've studied this place in school!) |
Marina «Già, è piuttosto famoso.» (Yeah, it's rather notorious.) |
Stella «Qui è pieno di gabbiani, è impossibile evitarli tutti!» (There are so many seagulls here, it's impossible to avoid them all!) |
Marina «Potresti cominciare almeno a non prenderli di mira!» (You could at least try to by not aiming at them!) |
Stella «Riesco a sentire le onde che mi cullano...» (I can hear the waves lulling me to sleep...) |
Marina «Attenta a non farti portare via dalla corrente!» (Be careful not to get dragged away by the sea current!) |
Stella «È un po' deserto da queste parti... un bel bar magari...» (It's kinda deserted around here... maybe a nice bar...) |
Marina «Non credo che avrebbe molti clienti...» (I don't think it would get many customers...) |
Stella «C'è un'area petrolifera qui. Meglio evitare le bombe...» (This is an oil field. Better avoid bombs...) |
Marina «Sono bombe d'inchiostro, non sono pericolose!» (They're ink bombs, they're not dangerous!) |
Stella «È un po' deserto da queste parti... Un bel bar magari...» (It's a bit desolated here... Maybe [if there's] a café...) |
Marina «Non credo che avrebbe molti clienti...» (I don't think it will have a lot of clients...) |
Spanish quotes
Mar's dialogue | Tina's dialogue | Region |
Mar «¡Odio la brisa salada! ¡Hace que me lloren los ojos!» (I hate the salty breeze! It makes my eyes water!) |
Tina «Ay, sí, a mí me deja la cara toda reseca.» (Ah, yes, it makes my face all dry.) |
Mar «Oye, Tina, ¿te cuento un chiste?» (Hey Marie, can I tell you a joke?) |
Tina «No te molestes, seguro que ya me lo sé...» (Don't bother, I'm sure I already know it...) |
Mar «Oye, Tina, ¿te cuento un chiste?» (Hey Marie, can I tell you a joke?) |
Tina «¡No! ¡El de las gaviotas no se puede contar en la tele!» (No! The seagull one cannot be told on TV!) |
Mar «¿Qué opinas, Tina? ¿Alguna sugerencia?» (What do you think, Marie? Any suggestions?) |
Tina «Yo iría a por todas.» (I would go for it.) |
Mar «Tina, ¿algún consejo para este escenario?» (Marie, some advice for this stage?) |
Tina «La tinta más pobre de color es mejor que... nada.» (The poorest ink color is better than... nothing.) |
Mar «Me encanta venir aquí a contemplar el mar.» (I love to come here to look at the sea.) |
Tina «A mí me gusta venir a estudiar la maquinaria.» (For me, I like to come to study the machinery.) |
Mar «Creo que en el colegio estudiamos este sitio.» (I think we studied this place at school.) |
Tina «Al parecer es muy famoso pero aún no sé por qué.» (It seems to be famous but I don't know why yet.) |
Mar «¡Estudiamos este sitio en la escuela!» (We studied this place at school!) |
Tina «Sí, fue parte de Historia de los Combates de Tinta.» (Yes, it was apart of the History of Ink Battles.) |
Mar «Un error común es solo enfocarse en la zona alta...» (A common mistake is to focus just on the high zone...) |
Tina «Aunque tampoco es bueno enfocarse solo en la baja...» (While it's not good either to focus just on the low zone...) |
Mar «¡Vamos a hacer clavados desde la plataforma!» (Let's go diving from the platform!) |
Tina «¿Al agua? ¿Estás loca? ¡No podemos nadar!» (To the water? Are you crazy? We can't swim!) |
Mar «Cómo me gustaría poder manejar la grúa!» (I would like to be able to operate the crane!) |
Tina «No me quiero ni imaginar el desastre que armarías.» (I don't want to imagine the disaster that you would make.) |
Mar «Si las gaviotas se acercan, acabarán bañadas en tinta.» (If the seagulls approach this place, they'll be bathed in ink!) |
Tina «Pero no les disparéis a propósito. ¡Pobrecillas!» (But don't shoot them on purpose! Poor seagulls!) |
Mar «¡Ojalá las pobres gaviotas no acaben entintadas!» (I hope the poor seagulls don't end up covered in ink!) |
Tina «No te preocupes. Suelen quitarse de en medio.» (Don't worry, they usually get rid of it on their way.) |
Mar «¿Es una plataforma petrolera? ¡Que nadie use bombas!» (This is an oil rig? Nobody use bombs!) |
Tina «¡Son bombas de tinta! No pasa nada... creo...» (They're ink bombs! Nothing bad will happen... I think...) |
Mar «A este escenario le falta un balneario.» (This stage is missing a spa.) |
Tina «Sí, con lo relajante que es ese olor a petróleo.» (Yes, with the relaxing smell of oil.) |
Mar «Oye, ¿qué hará Justino durante los combates?» (Hey, what does Judd do during battles?) |
Tina «No sé... comer pescado, arañar sofás... Cosas de gatos.» (I don't know... eat fish, scratch up sofas... cat stuff.) |