- For post-release content, see List of post-release content in Splatoon.
Since being launched, Splatoon has received 16 version updates that corrected glitches, enhanced the gameplay experience, or added content. Most additional content released was included in the data of the initial version, and was unlocked by Nintendo later on. The 2.0.0 update was the first update to add content such as weapons, modes, and gear that were not included in the initial version's data.
The following is a history of all versions. For a full list of known changes in each version, view the main article for that version.
Update |
Highlights |
28 May 2015
- A glitch involving Spyke and Judd that gave the player their money back was fixed.
2 June 2015
30 June 2015
- Major content update:
- New modes: Squad Battle and Private Battle.
- Progression changes: new level cap, new rank cap, new rewards.
- 12 new headgear items, 22 new clothing items, and 11 new pairs of shoes.
- Four new music tracks.
- Major changes to terrain and object placement in the Urchin Underpass stage.
- Adjustments to layout of Arowana Mall, Kelp Dome, Moray Towers and Saltspray Rig.
- Change to how the winning team is determined when a Splatfest event ends.
- Balance adjustments for weapons and abilities.
6 August 2015
- Bug fixes for multiplayer battles.
- Adjustments to some stages to remove unintended shortcuts.
2 September 2015
- Bug fixes for multiplayer battles.
- Adjustments to some stages to remove unintended shortcuts and prevent unintended weapon usage.
- Balance adjustments for main weapons, sub weapons, special weapons, and abilities.
- Adjustments to matchmaking and point gain/loss for S and S+ ranks.
- Change to how the winning team is determined when a Splatfest event ends.
21 October 2015
- 10 new headgear items, 22 new clothing items, and 10 new pairs of shoes.
- Bug fixes for multiplayer battles.
- Changes to the display of the results screen for Ranked Battles.
13 November 2015
- Adjustment to matchmaking for Splatfest Battles and Regular Battles.
- Introduced prohibited areas for some stages in Rainmaker mode.
- Bug fixes for multiplayer battles.
- Adjustments to some stages to remove unintended shortcuts.
17 December 2015
- Various adjustments and bug fixes for stages.
19 January 2016
- Adjustments to the layout of Arowana Mall and Moray Towers.
- Adjustments to matchmaking for Ranked Battles.
- Decreases the number of rank points lost if teams are made uneven by a connection error.
- Balance adjustments for abilities.
- Replaces the Vibe meter with the Splatfest Power meter during Splatfest events.
8 March 2016
- Adds eight new weapons.
- Balance adjustments for main weapons, sub weapons, and special weapons.
- Balance adjustments for the duration of location tracking effects.
- Bug fixes for multiplayer battles.
- Various adjustments and bug fixes for stages.
13 April 2016
- Adds nine new weapons.
- Adds two gear items.
- Balance adjustments for weapons and the Stealth Jump ability.
- Various adjustments and bug fixes for stages.
8 June 2016
- Support for Callie and Marie amiibo.
- Balance adjustments for main weapons and special weapons.
- Bug fixes for multiplayer battles.
6 July 2016
- Adjustments and bug fixes.
8 July 2016
- Adjustments and bug fixes.
3 August 2016
- Adjustments and bug fixes.
13 September 2016
- Fixed vulnerability related to online battles.
3 August 2023
See also
External links