The Boss Kettle for this mission can be found in the back of the Beaker's Lookout. To reach it, use a Grapplink in the back of the area to get to a Ride Rail. The ride rail will loop around the platform with the Kettle. Hit either of the Grapplinks to reach the kettle.
Boss Appearance
The Octostomp has not changed that much since the last game, however it does have some new tricks up its sleeves. The Octostomp will slide at the player before "stomping" and does not lose panels unlike the battle in Splatoon. During the 2nd phase, the Octostomp will wear a coat made of ink-proof material, much like the inside of a Hot/Cold shopping bag. The coat has a design of a penguin on the back, and holding it onto the boss is a large plastic buckle, which the player will need to shoot first before they can climb up. The Octostomp also is hiding an Octotrooper inside the top of the coat, complete with a Splatling gun. During the 3rd phase of the fight, the Octostomp gains another coat similar to the first one, but this one has two zippers at the sides, allowing its 2 extra faces to be revealed. At the back of the boss is the hole where the tentacle is resting, which the player will need to shoot in order to defeat the boss.
You need to climb to the top of it after when the boss face plants. That is where the tentacle is located.
Phase 1
The Octostomp without its coat
The Octostomp will run up to you and try to face plant itself on you, exactly as it did in The Mighty Octostomp!. You can climb up it once its on the ground, but it won't stay like that forever. The boss can also do a sliding charge attack. After the charge, the Octostomp will do its face plant.
Phase 2
The Neo Octostomp
And I brought this sweet new coat! Neo Octostomp
— intro to phase two, the Neo Octostomp.
The boss is now covered in armor that makes it un-inkable. To get rid of the armor, you must attack the black buckle holding the armor together. It is located on the Octostomp's face. If the boss still has its armor, it can do an attack where it fires a Splatling at you. It will use all of its attack methods from phase 1.
Phase 3
The Neo Octostomp with three faces
The boss regenerates its armor, and now it has two extra faces. These faces will make the Octostomp's sliding charge and face plant over a much wider area than before. The rush of air pushes the extra faces up during the slide attack which, by submerging yourself in ink, you can avoid. Destroying the armor will also get rid of the faces. It uses all attack methods from the previous phases.
Or you could just drop of the main stage onto a road as the Octostomp can't reach you there. Then paint up it for the first phase, and for the second and third phases wait till it gets up to damage the buckle and the paint up it again. You should probably only do this if you are having trouble with the normal way to do the fight. It also takes a long time if you do it this way.
"Wacht, ik ken die jongen. Het is de Octostamper!" (Wait, I know that boy. It is the Octostomp!)
"Het lijkt erop dat hij terug is voor een tweede ronde, agent 4." (It looks like he is back for a second round, Agent 4.)
"Doe een duikrol met terwijl je schiet en rent!" (Do a dodge roll with while you shoot and run!)
"Je moet boven op hem zien te komen." (You have to somehow get on top of him.)
"Die Octarianen weten ook telkens weer iets nieuws te verzinnen." (Those Octarians know how to come up with something new again and again.)
"Wijk uit wanneer hij je probeert te pletten!" (Dodge when he tries to flatten you!)
"Denkt hij dat hij er cool uitziet met dat ding op zijn neus? Ik snap het niet." (Does he think he looks cool with that thing on his nose? I do not get it.)
"Hij opent het vuur! Duikrol!" (He opens fire! Dodge roll!)
"Het werkt! Probeer nu zijn lichaam met inkt te bedekken." (It works! Now try to cover his body with ink.)
"Da's niet eerlijk! Als hij zijn gezicht kan verdrievoudigen, wil ik agent 4 verdrievoudigen!" (That's not fair! If he can triple his face, I want to triple Agent 4!)
"Als je niet naar de zijkant kunt duiken, ga dan naar achter!" (If you can't dive to the side, then go backwards!)
"Zo doe je dat! Verf nu zijn lichaam!" (That's how you do that! Now paint his body!)
After defeating the boss for the first time:
"Agent 4, ik wil je nogmaals bedanken voor alles wat je tot nu toe hebt gedaan." (Agent 4, I want to thank you again for everything you have done so far.)
"Nu lijkt het me tijd om te vertellen over de andere reden waarom ik je gevraagd heb hier te komen." (Now it seems time to tell about the other reason why I asked you to come here.)
"Bij onze eerste ontmoeting vertelde ik je dat ik op zoek was naar de Megavoltvis." (At our first meeting I told you that I was looking for the Great Zapfish.)
"Maar dat is niet het hele verhaal..." (But that is not the whole story...)
"Het zit zo... Ik ben eigenlijk op zoek naar mijn nicht, Callie. Ze is op dezelfde dag verdwenen als de Megavoltvis!" (It is like this... I am actually looking for my cousin, Callie. She disappeared on the same day as the Great Zapfish!)
"Huh...? Dat wist je al?! Wàààt?! Oké, goed dan..." (Huh...? You already knew?! Whaaat?! Okay, well then...)
"Oké, het zit dus zo... Ik ben agent 2 van de nieuwe Kraakcommando's en Callie is agent 1." (Okay, so it is like this... I am Agent 2 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon and Callie is Agent 1.)
"Er is ook nog een agent 3 die op het moment op pad is met onze opa, Kaptein Kraak. Die blijven voorlopig nog een tijd weg." (There is also an Agent 3 who is currently on the road with our grandfather, Cap'n Cuttlefish. They will be gone for some time to come.)
"Ik was aangesteld als inval-Kaptein om Inkopolis te beschermen, maar toen verdween Callie... En de Megavoltvis..." (I was assigned as substitute-Cap'n to protect Inkopolis, but then Callie disappeared... And the Great Zapfish... )
"Het spijt me dat ik dit niet eerder verteld heb... Maar dankzij jou, agent 4, hebben we al heel veel bereikt." (I am sorry I have not told you this sooner... But thanks to you, Agent 4, we have accomplished very much already.)
"Als we doorgaan met zoeken, weet ik zeker dat we Callie zullen vinden! Dus zou je me nog een tijdje kunnen helpen?" (If we continue with searching, I am sure that we will find Callie! So could you help me out for yet another while?)
"WAT! Loopt iemand nou weer de ontvangst te verstoren? Je zult ons niet tegenhouden! Agent 4 laat niet met zich sprotten!" (WHAT! Is someone disturbing the reception yet again? You will not stop us! Agent 4 is not to be trifled with!) NOTE: 'sprotten' comes from 'sprot' ("sprat": a small herringlike fish) and 'spotten' ("to mock, to deride").
After the transmission:
"Agent 4... Callie en de Megavoltvis moeten ergens verderop zijn..." (Agent 4... Callie and the Great Zapfish must be somewhere further on...)
Krabbert's Quotes
Order van Krabbert:
"Gebruik dit wapen maar snel, dan kan ik de gegevens ervan analyseren!" (Use this weapon quickly, then I can analyze the data of it!)
Mission quotes:
"Ja! Maar heeft agent 3 niet al jaren geleden met hem afgerekend?" (Yes! But hasn't Agent 3 dealt with him years ago?)
"Onvoorstelbaar... Zijn bepantsering is volledig inktwerend!" (Unpredictable... His armor is fully ink-repellent!)
???'s Quotes
"Ga... rug... GA TERUG!" (Go... ck... GO BACK!)
French (NOE)
Oly's Quotes
During the fight:
"Je le connais, lui ! C'est Tentacube !" (Hey, I know this guy! It's Octostomp!)
"Si, mais puisqu'il en redemande, on va en remettre une couche. Vas-y, Numéro 4 !" (True, but if he's coming back for more, then we'll give him more. Go, Agent 4!)
"Les ingénieurs des Octariens sont pas manchots, il faut leur laisser ça." (The Octarians' engineers aren't unskilled, gotta give them that.)
"Jette-toi sur le côté quand il essaie de t'écrabouiller !" (Throw yourself to the side when he's trying to stomp you!)
"Il ouvre le feu ! Vite, une roulade !" (He's opening fire! Quick, dodge-roll!)
"Ça marche ! Encre-le sur les côtés, maintenant !" (It's working! Ink him on the sides, now!)
"Il est trois fois plus moche, comme ça ! Gare au triple coup de boule, quand même..." (He's thrice as ugly like that! Watch out for the triple headbutt, though...)
"Recule à toute blinde si tu ne peux pas esquiver sur les côtés !" (Retreat at full speed if you can't dodge from the sides!)
"C'est bon ! Encre-le de haut en bas !" (Here we go! Ink him from top to bottom!)
After defeating the boss:
"Numéro 4, laisse-moi d'abord te remercier pour tout ce que tu as fait jusqu'à présent." (Agent 4, let me first thank you for all you've done up to this point.)
"Ensuite, j'ai quelque chose à te dire... Il se pourrait que j'ai oublié un léger détail lors de notre première rencontre..." (Now, I've got something to tell you... I might have forgotten to bring up a small detail during our first encounter...)
"Si je me souviens bien, je t'avais dit être à la recherche du Grand Poisson-charge." (If I remember correctly, I told you I was looking for the Great Zapfish.)
"Et c'est vrai ! Mais en fait, il y a autre chose..." (And that's true! But actually, here's another thing...)
"Voilà... Je cherche ma cousine Ayo... Elle a disparu en même temps que le Grand Poisson-charge !" (Well... I'm looking for my cousin Callie... She disappeared at the same time as the Great Zapfish!)
"Quoi ? T'étais déjà au courant ? Bravo, j'ai l'air fine, maintenant." (What? You already knew? Great, I look dumb now.)
"Bref, passons. Donc, je suis Numéro 2, de l'escadron Espadon, nouvelle version, et Ayo est Numéro 1." (Whatever, moving on. So, I'm Agent 2, from the New Squidbeak Splatoon, and Callie is Agent 1.)
"Il y a aussi Numéro 3, qui est avec notre papi, l'amiral Macalamar. Ils sont partis pour un moment..." (There's also Agent 3, who's with our grandpa, Cap'n Cuttlefish. They left for some time...)
"Donc, je faisais mon boulot d'amirale suppléante, je surveillais... Et c'est là que tout est parti en vrille." (Anyway, I was doing my job as a substitute captain, keeping watch... And that's when it all went haywire.)
"J'aurais dû t'en parler plus tôt, désolée... Mais maintenant que t'es là, je suis sûre que tout va rentrer dans l'ordre." (I should have talked to you about it sooner, sorry... But now that you're here, I'm sure everything will go back to how it was before.)
"Aucun doute qu'on va retrouver Ayo, il suffit de chercher, après tout ! Du coup... Tu veux bien m'aider encore un peu ?" (No doubt we'll find Callie back, we just need to keep looking, after all! So... Are you willing to help me for a bit longer?)
"Quoi ? Encore quelqu'un qui trafique les fréquences ? Si j'attrape cette fripouille, Numéro 4 lui fera la tête au carré !" (What? Somebody's tempering with the frequency again? If I catch this rascal, Agent 4 will mess them up!)
Cartouche's Quotes
"Ze confirme ! Mais Numéro 3 lui avait pas dézà réglé son compte ?" (I can confirm! But I thought Agent 3 already took care of him?)
"Une armure anti-encre ! C'est pas du zeu !" (Ink-proof armor! That's not fair!)
???'s Quotes
"Allez... crrr... Allez-vous-en !" (Go... crrr... Go away!)
Level icon
The Octostomp is the only boss to have two introductions, its second being in Phase 2 where it is renamed the Neo Octostomp.
Octostomp can be defeated in less than two minutes using a level 3 Hero Shot.
During the last phase after breaking Octostomp's coat, Marie says "That's it! Ink him up!" This may be a reference to Ink Me Up, a song by the Squid Sisters.