Kelp Dome/Quotes
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Squid Sisters quotes
English quotes
Callie's dialogue | Marie's dialogue | Region |
Callie “All this tech, yet the place is buzzing with insects...” |
Marie “Woodlice I can handle. Anything else? NOPE.” |
Callie “Try flanking your enemies, then move in for the krill!” |
Marie “You just couldn't kelp yourself, could you?” |
Callie “Hey hey! I heard they grow beans here too!” |
Marie “That makes me think of Gramps's bean biscuits!” |
Callie “I heard they grow veggies in here too!” |
Marie “Ugh... Veggies? I'd rather eat a Splattershot.” |
Callie “Hey, Judd is a pretty strange critter, isn't he?” |
Marie “Stop gossiping during the show, Callie!” |
Callie “Hey, you ever wonder what Judd does on his days off?” |
Marie “Oh, I know exactly what he does. He sleeps. Allllll day.” |
Callie “Hey, did you know that when Gramps was a kid, there was no such thing as vegetables?!” |
Marie “Man... That is SO LUCKY!” |
Callie “I read on the web that ink is really good for plants!” |
Marie “Cite your sources, Callie!” |
Callie “So...I read online that ink is really good for plants!” |
Marie “Seems legit.” |
Callie “I saw chips growing here the other day! I think...” |
Marie “I'm pretty sure that was just a dream, Callie.” |
Callie “I saw a Super Sea Snail in here the other day!” |
Marie “I hear they love to eat kelp!” |
Callie “It's always lovely and warm in here, isn't it!” |
Marie “I hate the heat...” |
Callie “Ah... It's always so nice and warm in the dome!” |
Marie “Yeah, it's nice if you like pitting-out all your shirts!” |
Callie “It's so hot here the crops grow really big and strong!” |
Marie “I wonder if they have a chips tree here...” |
Callie “Everything grows great in here because it's so hot!” |
Marie “Hm... Hold on a sec—I gotta go plant some french fries!” |
Callie “It's so humid here, battling makes you super sweaty!” |
Marie “Yeah, I need a cold shower just thinking about it.” |
Callie “It's so humid here! Battling makes me super sweaty!” |
Marie “Yeah, I need a cold shower just thinking about it.” |
Callie “Marie! What advice do you have for this stage?” |
Marie “Um... Huh? Sorry, Did you say something?” |
Callie “OK, Marie! What's your advice for this stage?” |
Marie “Hairspray. Seriously, the humidity in here is chaos!” |
Callie “What do Kelp Dome and me have in common?” |
Marie “Uh... You're both sweaty and full of food?” |
Callie “What are they studying in the Kelp Dome anyway?” |
Marie “Algae, brah.” |
Callie “You know, I don't get this newfangled dome tech.” |
Marie “How old are you again?” |
Callie “This dome is a fully sustainable ecosystem!” |
Marie “It's about to be a fully stained ink-osystem!” |
Japanese quotes
アオリ's dialogue | ホタル's dialogue | Region |
アオリ 「ここって 温度が高いから、すごい勢いで 作物が育つんだって!」 (Because it's so warm in here, crops grow with amazing energy!) |
ホタル 「ポテトは育ててないのかな~」 (I wonder if they're growing any potatoes~) |
アオリ 「こんなハイテク農園でも、虫は居るんだよね…」 (Even in this high tech plantation, they still have bugs...) |
ホタル 「ダンゴムシまでならギリセーフ」 (They're just pillbugs, so they're still safe!) |
アオリ 「ここって 蒸し暑いから、バトル後は汗だくだよねー」 (It's so humid here, I'm super sweaty after a battle.) |
ホタル 「黒い涙流してる自分にビビったわ」 (Black tears were spilling down my face, it was so embarrassing.) |
Notes: Marie is probably talking about her eye makeup running. | ||
アオリ 「ここっていつも ポカポカしてるよね!」 (It's always warm and cozy in here!) |
ホタル 「暑いのヤダ~」 (I hate the heat~) |
アオリ 「こないだフライドポテトが 地面から生えてるの見たかもー」 (I think I might've seen french fries growing here the other day.) |
ホタル 「どうせ夢見てたんでしょ…」 (I'm sure it was just a dream...) |
アオリ 「そう言えば、じーちゃんが子供の時 トマトとか 無かったらしいよ!」 (Say, Gramps said that when he was little, tomatoes didn't even exist!) |
ホタル 「その時代に 生まれたかった…」 (I wish I was born back then...) |
アオリ 「ねぇねぇ、バトル後に来るジャッジくんって なんか 変わった生き物だよねー」 (Hey hey, Judd's a weird animal, appearing after battles like that.) |
ホタル 「…本番中は 私語禁止じゃね?」 (...Aren't you not allowed to gossip on the air?) |
アオリ 「ねぇねぇ! ここって、小豆も作られてるんだってー」 (Hey hey! I heard they grow adzuki beans here too.) |
ホタル 「久しぶりにおじいちゃんのオハギ、食いたくなってきたな…」 (We haven't had Gramps' ohagi in a while...) |
アオリ 「インクを作物にかけると めっちゃ育つらしい! ネットで見た!」 (Ink on crops makes them grow a ton! I saw it online!) |
ホタル 「…ソースはどこよ?」 (...Where'd you see that?) |
アオリ 「ハイカラシティのハイテク農園! いやー、すごい時代になったもんだ!」 (A high-tech farm for a high-collar city! This is an amazing time!) |
ホタル 「アオリちゃん、アンタ何才ね…?」 (Callie, how old are you...?) |
Notes: "ハイカラシティ" ("high-collar"/"color city") is also the name of Inkopolis. | ||
アオリ 「ホタルちゃん、ここの攻略ポイントは?」 (Marie, what's the strategy tip here?) |
ホタル 「……………え? ゴメン、何だっけ?」 (.........Huh? Sorry, what was that?) |
アオリ 「モズク農園とかけてアタシと解く そのココロは?」 (What do the Kelp Dome and I have in common?) |
ホタル 「ちょっと暑苦しい」 (Sweatiness.) |
French quotes
Ayo's dialogue | Oly's dialogue | Region |
Ayo « C'est tellement moderne qu'on dirait le futur ! » (It's so modern it looks like the future!) |
Oly « Elle est mignonne. » (She is cute.) |
Ayo « Dis, tu le trouves pas trop bizarre, Charbitre ? » (Say, don't you find Judd to be so weird?) |
Oly « Ton micro est allumé. » (Your microphone is on.) |
Ayo « Il fait toujours bon, ici ! Un vrai délice ! » (It's always good here! A real treat!) |
Oly « Pfff... Cette chaleur est insoutenable... » (Pfff... This heat is unbearable...) |
Ayo « Les plantes poussent bien avec ce climat tropical ! » (The plants grow well with this tropical climate!) |
Oly « Un arbre à frites donnerait des frites enormes, ici. » (A fries tree would yield enormous fries here.) |
Ayo « Quand Papi était petit, les légumes n'existaient pas ! » (When Gramps was small, vegetables didn't exist!) |
Oly « J'ai toujours su que j'étais née trop tard. » (I always knew I was born too late.) |
Ayo « Un conseil à ceux qui nous regardent, Oly? » (How any advice for our viewers, Marie?) |
Oly « J'ai cru voir bouger tes lèvres... Tu disais un truc ? » (I thought I saw your lips move... Did you say something?) |
Ayo « Un point commun entre la serre Géomon et moi ? » (What do Kelp Dome and I have in common?) |
Oly « Votre survie exige une attention constante ? » (Your survival requires constant attention?) |
Ayo « Apparemment, l'encre est bonne pour les plantes ! Je l'ai lu sur Internet. » (Apparently, the ink is good for plants! I read it on the Internet.) |
Oly « Alors c'est sûrement vrai... Hum. » (While this is certainly true... Hmm.) |
Ayo « Oly, là-bas ! Un arbre à frites ! Tu le vois ? » (Marie, over there! A french fry tree! Do you see it?) |
Oly « Tu hallucines, Ayo. Essaie de te détendre. » (You're hallucinating, Callie. Try to relax.) |
German quotes
Aioli's dialogue | Limone's dialogue | Region |
Aioli „Das heiße Klima ist ideal für die Pflanzen hier.“ (The hot climate is ideal for the plants here.) |
Limone „Wann erfinden sie endlich mal den Pommesstrauch?“ (When will they finally invent the fry bush?) |
Aioli „Hier ist jeden Tag Hochsommer! Herrlich!“ (Here it's midsummer every day. Gorgeous!) |
Limone „Für dich vielleicht. Ich halte die Hitze kaum aus...“ (For you maybe. I can't stand the heat...) |
Aioli „Was haben diese Arena und ich gemeinsam?“ (What do this stage and I have in common?) |
Limone „Ihr seid beide voll heißer Luft und Essen?“ (You're both full of hot air and food?) |
Aioli „[missing first screen] Das hab ich auf dieser Seite im Internet gelesen!“ ([missing first screen] That's what I read on this site on the Internet!) |
Limone „Glaub doch nicht immer alles im Internet!“ (Don't believe everything on the web!) |
Aioli „Hast du das gewusst? Als Opa noch klein war...“ (Did you know? When grandpa was young...) |
Limone „Wär ich nur damals geboren worden...“ (If only I was born back then...) |
Aioli „Tinte hilft Pflanzen total gut beim Wachsen!“ (Ink totally helps the plants grow better!) |
Limone „Glaub doch nicht immer alles im Internet!“ (Don't believe everything you read on the internet!) |
Aioli „Worauf sollten unsere Zuschauer hier achten?“ (What should the viewers pay attention to here?) |
Limone „Oh, was? 'tschuldigung, ich hab nicht aufgepasst...“ (Oh, what? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention...) |
Aioli „Die Tümmlerkuppel sieht so futuristisch aus!“ (The kelp dome looks really futuristic!) |
Limone „Wer hätte gedacht, dass du auf Scifi stehst!“ (Who knew you liked sci-fi!) |
Aioli „Der Miezrichter ist so was von schräg drauf, total...“ (Judd is acting so weirdly, I swear...) |
Limone „Pssst! Aioli! Wir sind schon auf Sendung!“ (Pssst! Callie! We're already on air!) |
Aioli „Hier wird auch Rote Bete angepflanzt.“ (They grow also beetroot here, too.) |
Limone „Das erinnert mich an Opas Labskaus!“ (That reminds me of grandpas labskaus!) |
Aioli „So viel Technik, aber dann die ganzen Insekten!“ (So much technology, but also all those insects!) |
Limone „Solange es nur gaaanz kleine Asseln sind...“ (As long as they are veeery little woodlice...) |
Aioli „Die Luftfeuchtigkeit hier ist kaum auszuhalten...“ (The humidity here is hard to stand out...) |
Limone „Wenn ich nur daran denke, brauche ich 'ne Dusche...“ (I need a shower just thinking about it...) |
Aioli „Neulich habe ich da Pommes wachsen sehen!“ (I saw french fries growing there the other day!) |
Limone „Das wäre toll, aber das hast du sicher geträumt...“ (That would be great, but you probably dreamt that...) |
Italian quotes
Stella's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Stella «Certo che Giudigatto è davvero bizzarro...» (Judd sure is really bizarre...) |
Marina «Siamo in diretta, smettila di sparlare degli altri!» (We're live, stop gossiping about others!) |
Stella «Cos'abbiamo in comune io e la serra di alghe?» (What do I and the kelp dome have in common?) |
Marina «Siete tutte e due piene di cibo?» (You're both full of food?) |
Stella «Dunque, Marina, cosa consigli per lo scenario?» (So, Marie, what advice do you have for this stage?) |
Marina «Ehm... Uhm... Scusa, stavi dicendo?» (Um... Um... I'm sorry, you were saying?) |
Stella «L'inchiostro fa bene alle piante. L'ho letto in rete.» (The ink is good for plants. I read that on the net.) |
Marina «Stella, devi sempre controllare le fonti!» (Callie, you always have to check the sources!) |
Stella «Pure le serre più moderne hanno problemi di insetti...» (Even the smallest greenhouses have troubles with insects...) |
Marina «Se sono piccoli non ho paura...» (I'm not afraid if they're small...) |
Stella «Qui coltivano le alghe, vero?» (They grow kelps in here, right?) |
Marina «Che voglia di polpette di alghe del nonno!» (I could really go for Gramp's kelp meatballs!) |
Stella «Qui fa così caldo che le piante crescono belle forti.» (It's so hot here that the plants grow rather strong.) |
Marina «Spero che abbiano anche un albero di patatine!» (I hope they have a chips tree too!) |
Stella «Sai che ai tempi del nonno i pomodori non c'erano?» (Did you know that back in Gramp's time there were no tomatoes?) |
Marina «Ah, come avrei voluto esserci in quei tempi...» (Ah, I would have loved to live in those times...) |
Stella «È così carino qui dentro, e c'è pure un bel calduccio!» (It's so nice in here, and it's so hot!) |
Marina «Io odio il caldo...» (I hate the heat...) |
Stella «Credo che qui coltivino patatine fritte!» (I believe that they grow fry chips in here!) |
Marina «Mi sa che te le sei sognate, Stella...» (I think you dreamed that, Callie...) |
Stella «Che umidità qui! Nelle mischie si suda parecchio!» (It's so damp in here! You sweat a lot during the turfs!) |
Marina «Tanto dopo ci si può fare una bella doccia fredda...» (You can always get a nice cold shower afterwards...) |
Spanish quotes
Mar's dialogue | Tina's dialogue | Region |
Mar «Ay, las plantas de aquí me dan alergia últimamente.» (Ah, the plants here have been giving me allergies lately.) |
Tina «A mí también, es lo peor.» (Me too, it's the worst.) |
Mar «Aquí se cultivan patatas.» (Potatoes are grown here.) |
Tina «¡¿Fritas?!» (Fries?!) |
Mar «Me pregunto si Justino tendrá algún hobby...» (I wonder if Judd has some hobby...) |
Tina «¡Pues dormir! ¿Qué más iba a ser?» (Sleep, of course! What else would it be?) |
Mar «El abuelo dice recordar cuando no había tomates.» (Grandpa says he remembers when there were no tomatoes.) |
Tina «Eso es imposible. ¡No puede ser tan viejo!» (That's impossible. He can't be that old!) |
Mar «Según al abuelo... Cuando él era niño no existían las verduras.» (According to grandpa: when he was a kid, vegetables did not exist.) |
Tina «¡Qué suerte la suya!» (What luck he had!) |
Mar «Si riegas las plantas con tinta, crecen más rápido.» (If you water the plants with ink, they'll grow faster!) |
Tina «¿De dónde te sacas eso? ¿Lo has leído en internet?» (Where did you get that from? Have you read it on the Internet?) |
Mar «Leí que la tinta es muy buena para las plantas.» (I read that ink is very good for plants.) |
Tina «¡Te dije que no creas todo lo que lees en internet!» (I told you not to believe everything you read on the internet!) |
Mar «¡El otro día vi un supermolusco por aquí!» (The other day, I saw a Super Sea Snail around here!) |
Tina «Dicen que les gustan las plantas.» (They say that they like plants.) |
Mar «Me encanta venir aquí. La temperatura es perfecta.» (I love coming here. The temperature is perfect.) |
Tina «¡Perfecta para asar rábanos!» (Perfect for boiling radishes!) |
Mar «El calor de su interior es ideal para los vegetales.» (The heat inside is ideal for vegetables.) |
Tina «¿Tendrán árboles de patatas fritas?» (Do they have a potato fries tree?) |
Mar «El calor aquí es ideal par todo tipo de cultivo.» (The heat here is ideal for all kinds of farming.) |
Tina «¿Sí? Ya vuelvo, ¡voy a sembrar unas papas fritas!» (Yeah? Be right back, I'm gonna plant some french fries!) |
Mar «Combatiendo aquí siempre acabo cansada y pegajosa.» (Battling here, I always end up tired and sticky.) |
Tina «Yo lo llamo 'efecto invernadero'.» (I call it "the greenhouse effect".) |
Mar «Tina, ¿tienes algún consejo para el combate?» (Marie, do you have some advice for battle?) |
Tina «Usen spray para el cabello. Hay muchísima humedad!» (Use hair spray. There's a lot of humidity.) |
Mar «Este jardín utiliza energía eólica.» (This garden uses wind energy.) |
Tina «Y solar también, si lo piensas.» (And solar too, if you think about it.) |
Mar «En mis tiempos no había jardines tan modernos...» (Back in my day, there were no gardens that were this modern...) |
Tina «Oye, Mar, ¿cuántos años me dijiste que tenías?» (Hey, Callie, how old did you tell me you were?) |
Off the Hook quotes
English quotes
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “This place feels like a jungle at night!” |
Marina “RAWR!” |
NOE, NOA[note 1] |
Pearl “I bet you looooove all the weird machinery here, don't you, Marina?” |
Marina “Is it that obvious?!” |
Pearl “Yo, I'll splat a dude with attitude, I don't carrot all like rabbit food!” |
Marina “OHHHHHHHHHHHH! Best rapper alive.” |
Pearl “I usually don't like vegetables, but the ones they grow here are super tasty.” |
Marina “I think it's because the machinery here regulates the temperature and humidity!” |
Pearl “The air in this place smells kinda...spicy.” |
Marina “I know! Do you think they grow wasabi in there?” |
Pearl “So wait—they grow adult corn here, but they don't grow baby corn? That's wack.” |
Marina “Uh... Those come from the same plant.” |
Pearl “This place is haunted. Sometimes I get cooked from above out of nowhere!” |
Marina “Pretty sure those are Slosher players splatting you over the walls.” |
Pearl “Man, it's always so hot and muggy in here. They should get air-conditioning.” |
Marina “I think they keep it hot for a reason...” |
Pearl “"Peaaarl! Do you think they grow wasabi in there?"” |
Marina “Haha! Your impressions are hilarious.” |
Pearl “Did you know I have a huge veggie garden in front of my house?” |
Marina “Grass may technically be a vegetable, but your lawn is NOT a veggie garden.” |
Pearl “Marina, what's your favorite veggie?” |
Marina “Beets, of course!” |
Pearl “Grrrr... I can't hit anyone with my charger here!” |
Marina “Right. "Here."” |
Japanese quotes
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「夜はジャングルっぽいから ワクワクするなー!」 (It's like a jungle at night so don't get excited-!) |
イイダ 「バトルの熱気で もっとアツくしていきましょ~!」 (Let's get hotter with the heat of the battle~!) |
NOJ[note 1] |
ヒメ 「ここにある機械とか… イイダが ぜってー好きなヤツだ」 (The machines here... Are Marina's favorite.) |
イイダ 「ど、どうしてわかったんですか?!」 (H-How did you find out?!) |
ヒメ 「オマエら! カナアミの上でローラー転がしても、 その下のユカは塗れないぞー」 (You guys! Even if you roll the roller over the grate, you won't be able to ink underneath.) |
イイダ 「塗れないぞ♪」 (I can't paint♪) |
ヒメ 「ここで採れた野菜って、結構ウマいらしいな」 (The vegetables harvested here look like horses.) |
イイダ 「さすが、無圧ボイラーの温水暖房!」 (As expected, hot water heating of a pressureless boiler!) |
ヒメ 「ここって、なんか いいニオイするよな」 (It smells nice here.) |
イイダ 「きっと ミョウガを作ってるからですよ!」 (I'm sure they're growing wasabi!) |
ヒメ 「ここって、コーンは育ててるのに ヤングコーンは育ててないのかよー…」 (They're growing corn here, but not young corn-...) |
イイダ 「あれって、どっちも同じ実なんですよ~」 (Both are the same vegetable~) |
ヒメ 「ここ、カベの向こうからスッゲー バシャバシャくるんだよなー!」 (Here, it's coming from behind the wall!) |
イイダ 「スロッシャーのインクが カベをこえて来ますよね…」 (Slosher ink is coming over the wall...) |
ヒメ 「なんかここ いっつも暑い… クーラーつけて欲しい…」 (It's always hot here... I want a cooler...) |
イイダ 「わざと暑くしてるんですよ~」 (It's hot on purpose~) |
ヒメ 「センパ~~イ♪ ここってミョウガ、育ててないんですかぁ~?」 (Senpaaaai, don't they grow wasabi~?) |
イイダ 「センパイ、ワタシのマネ上手すぎです~♪」 (Senpai, you're too good at impressions~♪) |
ヒメ 「そーいえば、ウチの庭でも 家庭菜園してるなー」 (Speaking of which, even in my garden, I have a kitchen garden.) |
イイダ 「ヘリコプターで水をまいてる アレですよね…」 (She waters it with a helicopter, doesn't she...) |
ヒメ 「この場を借りて言っとこ! ウチらはテンタクル「ズ」だからな!」 (Let's take this opportunity to say something! Because we are Off the Hook!) |
イイダ 「覚えてくださいね♪」 (Please remember♪) |
ヒメ 「ちくしょー… ここって チャージャー 当たらねぇよな…」 (Crap, I don't think I'll be able to hit anyone with my charger here...) |
イイダ 「たぶん、ここに限らないと思います…」 (Maybe it's not just here...) |
Dutch quotes
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “Dit level is 's nachts net een jungle!” (This level is like a jungle at night!) |
Mariana “En met onze vechtlust maken we het hier alleen nog maar warmer!” (And with our fighting spirit we only make it warmer here!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Lorelei “Jij bent vast dooooool op dit level, met al die machines!” (You must adoooooore this level, with all those machines!) |
Mariana “H-h-hoe weet je dat?” (H-h-how do you know that?) |
Lorelei “Als je met een Roller over een rooster rolt, verf je de grond daaronder niet.” (If you roll over a grate with a roller, you won't paint the ground beneath it.) |
Mariana “Bedankt voor de tip!” (Thanks for the tip!) |
Lorelei “De groente die ze hier verbouwen, schijnt ontzettend goed te smaken.” (The vegetables that they grow here, seem to taste incredibly good.) |
Mariana “Da's ook logisch, met al die toffe machines om het klimaat te beheersen!” (That's logical, with all those cool machines to control the climate!) |
Lorelei “Er ruikt hier iets ontzettend... pittig.” (There is something here that smells incredibly... spicy.) |
Mariana “Klopt! Denk je dat ze hier wasabi verbouwen?” (That is right! Do you think they are growing wasabi here?) |
Lorelei “Dus ze verbouwen hier maïs, maar geen babymaïs? Wat gek.” (So they grow corn here, but not baby corn? How crazy.) |
Mariana “Eh, dat... is dezelfde plant...” (Uh, that... is the same plant...) |
Lorelei “Het spookt hier. Soms krijg ik zomaar uit het niks de volle laag!” (It is haunted here. Sometimes I get attacked out of the blue just like that.) |
Mariana “Dat klinkt als spelers met Morsers, die inkt over de muur gooien.” (That sounds like players with sloshers, who throw ink over the wall.) |
Notes: De volle laag krijgen is a Dutch expression for "to endure something / to be under an all-out attack". | ||
Lorelei “Het is hier altijd zo ontzettend warm... Kunnen ze de airco niet aanzetten?” (It is always so incredible warm here... Can't they turn on the air-conditioning?) |
Mariana “Lorelei, het is hier expres zo warm...” (Pearl, it is deliberately so warm here...) |
Lorelei “Loreleeeei! Zouden ze hier ook wasabi kwekeeeen?” (Peaaaarl! Would they also groooow wasabi here?) |
Mariana “Het is moeilijk om boos te worden als je me zo goed nadoet!” (It is hard to get angry when you imitate me so well!) |
Lorelei “Ik wil thuis ook een moestuin hebben!” (I also want to have a vegetable garden at home!) |
Mariana “Je weet toch dat je daar geen Inktsprinkler voor kunt gebruiken, hé?” (You do know you cannot use a Sprinkler for that, right?) |
Notes: Hé erroneously uses the wrong accent. It should be hè. | ||
Lorelei “Voor alle duidelijkheid: wij zijn dus TentaCOOL. Niet Tentakel.” (To be clear: we are TentaCOOL(Off the Hook). Not Tentacle.) |
Mariana “Al zijn tentakels ook best wel cool!” (Although tentacles are also quite cool!) |
Lorelei “Grrrr... Ik raak hier nooit iemand met mijn Lader...” (Grrrr... I never hit anyone here with my charger...) |
Mariana “Volgens mij gebeurt je dat niet alleen hier...” (I do not think that's only happening here...) |
French quotes
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « La nuit, dans cette serre, on se croirait presque dans la jungle ! Trop cool ! » (At night, in this dome, it almost feels like jungle! So cool!) |
Coralie « Il ne manque plus que quelques lianes pour liquider tout en voltigeant ! » (Now it only needs a few ivys to swing and splat!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perle « Les machines de ce stage doivent t'avoir tapé dans l'œil, Coralie, pas vrai ? » (The machines in this stage must have caught your eye, Marina, right?) |
Coralie « Co-Comment tu sais ça ?! » (H-How do you know that?!) |
Perle « Passer un coup de rouleau sur une grille n'encre pas le sol qu'il y a dessous ! » (Pass with a roller on a grid does not ink the floor below it!) |
Coralie « C'est bon à savoir ! » (Good to know!) |
Perle « Il paraît que les légumes qui poussent ici sont délicieux. » (I heard the vegetables that grow here are tasty.) |
Coralie « Le contraire serait surprenant avec un chauffe-eau sans pression dernier cri ! » (It would be surprising otherwise, with a high-tech unpressurized hot water system!) |
Perle « Ça sent toujours bon dans la serre Goémon... » (It always smells good in Kelp Dome...) |
Coralie « Normal, on y cultive du gingembre ! » (Of course, they grow wasabi here!) |
Perle « Tiens, ils font pousser du maïs, mais pas de mini maïs ? Bizarre... » (Oh, they grow corn, but no baby corn? Weird...) |
Coralie « Euh, comment dire... c'est la même plante dans les deux cas. » (Uh, well... both are the same plant.) |
Perle « Ici, je me fais toujours asperger par-dessus les murs... C'est lourd ! » (Here, I always get splatted from above the walls... That sucks!) |
Coralie « Fais comme tes adversaires, utilise un seau plutôt que ton sacro-saint fusil... » (Do like your opponents, use a slosher instead of your beloved scope!) |
Perle « On meurt toujours de chaud dans ce stage... Ils pourraient arranger ça... » (It's always so hot in this stage... They could do something...) |
Coralie « Voyons, Perle... Je te rappelle qu'il s'agit d'une serre... » (Come on, Pearl... Let me remind you this is a dome...) |
Perle « « Peeerle ! Ils font pousser du gingembre ici, non ? » » ("Peaaarl! They grow wasabi there, right?") |
Coralie « Belle imitation, ma foi. Tu t'améliores, Perle ! » (Good imitation, I must admit. You're getting better, Pearl!) |
Perle « Je t'ai déjà dit que j'avais un potager rien qu'à moi, à la maison ? » (Did I tell you that I have a veggie garden just for me, at home?) |
Coralie « Oui, oui... D'ailleurs ces frites, ça pousse ? » (Yea, yea... By the way, are those fries growing well?) |
Perle « Au fait, nous, on est les Tenta-Cool, avec deux « o ». Pas les Tenta-Coule... » (By the way, we are the Tenta-Cool (Off-the-Hook), with two "o". Not Tenta-Coule...) |
Coralie « C'est vrai qu'on peut facilement se tromper... ! » (It can be confusing indeed!) |
Notes: Tenta-Coule is a pun with the verb couler ("to drown"). | ||
Perle « Pfff... J'arrive à rien avec mon fusil dans ce stage. » (Gah... I can't get any result with my scope in that stage.) |
Coralie « Je suis pas certaine que ça vienne du fusil ou du stage... » (I don't think it comes from the scope or the stage...) |
German quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Diese Arena ist nachts wie ein Dschungel!“ (This stage is like a jungle at night!) |
Marina „Und die Kämpfe machen sie nur heißer!“ (And the battles only make it hotter!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla „Du magst diese Arena doch bestimmt, oder? Wegen der ganzen Maschinen?“ (You sure like this stage, don't you? Because of all the machines?) |
Marina „Huch, ist das so offensichtlich?“ (Huh, is that so obvious?) |
Perla „Mit 'nem Roller über ein Gitter zu laufen färbt den Boden darunter nicht ein.“ (Running on a grate with a roller doesn't paint the floor under it.) |
Marina „Die Tinte ist wohl zu dickflüssig oder so.“ (The ink is probably too thick or something!) |
Perla „Das Gemüse, das hier angebaut wird, soll ganz lecker schmecken.“ (The vegetables that are grown here is supposed to taste very good.) |
Marina „Das liegt an den tollen Maschinen, die hier das Klima regulieren!“ (That's because of the great machines that regulate the climate there!) |
Perla „Täusche ich mich, oder riecht es hier irgendwie... scharf?“ (Am I mistaken or does it smell kind of... spicy here?) |
Marina „Ich rieche das auch! Bauen die hier vielleicht Wasabi an?“ (I smell it too! Are they growing wasabi here?) |
Perla „Also, sie züchten hier Mais, aber nicht diesen kleinen Kinder-Mais? Hm...“ (So they grow corn here, but not that little kid corn? Hm...) |
Marina „Öh, du meinst Baby-Mais, oder?“ (Uh, you mean baby corn, right?) |
Perla „Ich glaube, hier spukt's. Manchmal erwischt's mich aus heiterem Himmel!“ (I think this place is haunted! Sometimes I get cooked out of nowhere!) |
Marina „Das sind wohl Spieler mit Schwappern, die über die Wände feuern.“ (That must be players with sloshers who shoot over the walls.) |
Perla „Hier ist es immer so heiß... Kann nicht wer die Klimaanlage anmachen?“ (It's always so hot here... Can't someone turn on the air-conditioning?) |
Marina „Hier ist es doch mit Absicht so heiß...“ (It's so hot on purpose here...) |
Perla „„Perla! Bauen die hier vielleicht Wasabi an?"“ („Pearl! Are they growing wasabi here?") |
Marina „Ich kann dir gar nicht böse sein, du triffst mich einfach immer so gut!“ (I can't be mad at you, you always imitate me so well!) |
Perla „Hab ich schon erzählt, dass ich meinen eigenen Gemüsegarten zu Hause habe?“ (Did I ever tell you that I have my own vegetable garden at home?) |
Marina „Meinst du den, den du per Helikopter bewässerst?“ (You mean the one that you water by helicopter?) |
Perla „So, um das noch mal zu klären... Wir sind „TentaCool", mit großem „C"!“ (So, to clarify again... We are TentaCool(Off the Hook) with a capital "C"!) |
Marina „Vergesst das nicht!“ (Don't forget that!) |
Perla „Grrr... Hier treffe ich mit meinem Konzentrator immer kaum was.“ (Grrr... I always hardly hit anything with my charger there.) |
Marina „Vielleicht ist das auch einfach nicht die Waffe für dich...“ (Maybe that's just not the weapon for you...) |
Italian quotes
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Questo posto sembra una giungla di notte!» (This place looks like a jungle at night!) |
Nori «Riscaldiamo l'ambiente ancora di più col nostro spirito combattivo!» (Let's heat up the environment even more with our fighting spirit!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Alga «Scommetto che adori i macchinari che ci sono qui. Vero, Nori?» (I bet you love the machinery here. Right, Marina?) |
Nori «E-Eh? Come fai a saperlo?!» (E-Eh? How do you know?!) |
Alga «Anche se usate il rullo su una grata, non inchiostrerete l'area sottostante.» (Even if you use the roller on a grate, you won't ink the area underneath.) |
Nori «Buono a sapersi!» (Good to know!) |
Alga «Qui coltivano ottime verdure!» (Here they grow excellent vegetables!) |
Nori «Tutto grazie al boiler depressurizzato a riscaldamento idrico.» (All thanks to the depressurized boiler with water heating.) |
Alga «Senti questo profumino?» (Do you smell this scent?) |
Nori «Staranno preparando lo zenzero.» (They will be preparing the wasabi.) |
Alga «Credi che qui coltivino anche l'alga nori, Nori?» (Do you think they also grow baby corn here, Marina?) |
Nori «Certo, coltivano ogni tipo di alga, Alga. Uh uh uh...» (Sure, they grow all kinds of corn, Pearl. Uh uh uh...) |
Alga «Cos'è questo sciaquettio dall'altra parte del muro?» (What is this slobbering on the other side of the wall?) |
Nori «Credo sia un secchiostro, e la tinta arriva pure da questa parte.» (I think it's a slosher, and the paint comes this way too.) |
Alga «Certo che fa un caldo qui... potrebbero mettere l'aria condizionata.» (Sure it's hot here... they could put air conditioning.) |
Nori «È una serra, deve far caldo per forza...» (It's a greenhouse, it has to be hot...) |
Alga «Algaaaa! Qui coltivano anche lo zenzero?» (Pearllll! Do they also grow wasabi here?) |
Nori «Alga, stai migliorando a vista d'occhio con la mia imitazione!» (Pearl, you are improving visibly with my imitation!) |
Alga «Ti ho detto che ho un piccolo orto a casa mia?» (Did I mention I have a small vegetable garden at my house?) |
Nori «Quello che annaffi con lo spruzzatore modificato?» (What do you water with the modified Sprinkler?) |
Alga «Che sia chiaro una volta per tutte, siamo le Tenta COOL, con due O!» (Let's be clear once and for all, we are Off the Hook, with two Os!) |
Nori «Non vi sbagliate!» (Don't be wrong!) |
Alga «Grrr... Qui non riesco a usare bene lo splatter a carica...» (Grrr... Here I can't use the dualies well...) |
Nori «Ah, perché invece negli altri scenari...» (Ah, because you can in the other scenarios...) |
Russian quotes
Жемчик's dialogue | Мариша's dialogue | Region |
Жемчик «Ночью тут настоящие джунгли! Вообще отпа-а-ад!» (It's like a real jungle here at night! Just a-a-awesome!) |
Мариша «А по закону джунглей выживает сильнейший. Так что удачи бойцам!» (And according to the law of the jungle, the strongest survive. So good luck fighters!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Жемчик «Дай угадаю: ты, наверное, без ума от всей этой сельхозтехники, да?» (Let me guess, you must be crazy about all that agricultural machinery, right?) |
Мариша «Конечно! Она такая классная!» (Of course! It's so cool!) |
Жемчик «Даже если катить валик по решетке, до пола под ней краска не долетит!» (Even if you roll the roller along the grate, the paint will not reach the floor under it!) |
Мариша «Правда? Полезный совет!» (Really? What a useful piece of advice!) |
Жемчик «Я слышала, местные овощи на удивление вкусные...» (I heard the local vegetables are surprisingly delicious...) |
Мариша «А то! Активное капельное орошение с параллельной системой аэрации!» (You bet! It's an active drip irrigation with a parallel aeration system!) |
Жемчик «Там всегда так классно пахнет!» (It always smells so good in there!) |
Мариша «Потому что они выращивают васаби!» (Because they grow wasabi!) |
Жемчик «Почему кукурузу там выращивают, а мини-кукурузу нет? Странно!» (Why is corn grown there, but not mini-corn? Weird!) |
Мариша «Жемчик, это одно и то же растение.» (Pearl, it's the same plant.) |
Жемчик «На этой арене я все время слышу какое-то плюханье за стеной...» (In this arena, I hear some kind of splatter behind the wall all the time...) |
Мариша «Мне кажется, это кто-то пытается попасть по тебе из ведрогана...» (I think it's someone trying to hit you with a slosher...) |
Жемчик «Там вечно та-а-акая жарища! Хоть бы кондиционер включили!» (There's always so-o-o hot! At least turn on the air conditioner!) |
Мариша «Это теплица, там должно быть жарко!» (This is a greenhouse, it must be hot there!) |
Жемчик ««Жемчи-и-ик! Давай купим васаби? Пожалуйста-а-а!»» («Pe-e-earl! Let's buy some wasabi, shall we? Ple-e-ease!») |
Мариша «У тебя так похоже получается!» (You seem to be good at mimicking!) |
Жемчик «Погоди, а я рассказывала, что у меня тоже есть огород?» (Wait, did I tell you that I also have a garden?) |
Мариша «Жемчик, я же говорила, заросшая лужайка перед домом — не огород!» (Pearl, I told you, your overgrown lawn in front of the house is not a garden!) |
Жемчик «Там из нагнетателя вообще ни по кому не попасть. Дурацкая арена!» (There's no way to hit anyone from the charger at all from there. Dang arena!) |
Мариша «А ты уверена, что проблема в арене?» (Are you sure the arena is the problem?) |
Spanish quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla «Por la noche, este sitio parece una selva con techo. ¡Cómo mola!» (At night, this place looks like a jungle with a roof. How cool!) |
Marina «No te distraigas con el escenario y pon tus cinco sentidos en el combate, anda.» (Get distracted by the scenery and put your five senses into combat, go.) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla «Al ver tanto aparato, he pensado: «Marina va a alucinar con esto».» (Seeing so much apparatus, I thought: «Marina is going to hallucinate with this».) |
Marina «¿Desde cuándo me conoces tan bien?» (Since when do you know me so well?) |
Perla «No intentéis pintar con un rodillo el suelo tras las alambradas. No funciona.» (Don't try to ink the floor beyond grates with a roller. It won't work.) |
Marina «Ya lo ha dicho Perla. Nada que añadir.» (Pearl's said it. Nothing else to say.) |
Perla «Este sitio sería ideal para cultivar verduritas. Mmm... qué ricas.» (This place would be ideal to raise vegetables. Hmm... delicious.) |
Marina «Ya te digo. ¡Ese climatizador a base de agua despresurizada es una pasada!» (That's it. That depressurized water-based air conditioner is amazing!) |
Perla «¿No notas un olor un poco extraño?» (Don't you notice a slightly strange smell?) |
Marina «Debe de ser el jengibre que tienen plantado por ahí.» (It must be the ginger they have planted over there.) |
Perla «Qué curioso... Aquí solo cultivan maíz del tipo que viene en mazorcas.» (How curious... They only raise corn on the cob here.) |
Marina «Todo el maíz crece en mazorcas, Perla...» (All corn grows on cobs, Pearl...) |
Perla «¿Qué será ese <<chof-chof>> de tinta que suena detrás del muro?» (What's that ink noise behind the wall?) |
Marina «Alguien estará usando un Derramatic. Yo no me acercaría mucho.» (Someone might be using a slosher. I wouldn't get too close.) |
Perla «¡Qué calor hace aquí dentro! ¿Es que no hay aire acondicionado?» (It's so hot in here! Why isn't there air conditioning?) |
Marina «Así se morirían todas las plantas...» (Because all the plants would die otherwise...) |
Perla ««¿Por qué no cultivan jengibre aquí? ¡Deberían cultivar jengibreee!»» ("Why don't they raise ginger here? They should raise ginger!") |
Marina «A veces me da hasta miedo que me imites tan bien...» (You imitate me so well that it scares me sometimes...) |
Perla «¿Te he hablado del huerto que me he montado en casa?» (Have I told you about my vegetable garden?) |
Marina «¿Te refieres a ese que tienes que regar con un helicóptero?» (Do you mean the one you have to water with an helicopter?) |
Perla «Aprovecho para aclarar algo: el dúo «Cefalopop» solo tiene dos miembros.» (Let's clear something up: the Off the Hook duo only has two members.) |
Marina «Tú y yo, claro. Si no, no podríamos ser un dúo.» (You and I, yes. Otherwise, we wouldn't be a duo.) |
Perla «Grrr... En este escenario no soy capaz de acertar a nadie con el cargatintas.» (Grr... I can't splat anyone with a charger on this stage.) |
Marina «¿Seguro que solo te pasa en este escenario?» (Are you sure that it only happens on this stage?) |
“ | A new stage, Kelp Dome, will be added to Splatoon today at 7 PM PT! Viewed from above, this stage takes the shape of a nearly perfect square. You can either make your way to the center by circling around the perimeter of the dome, or you can take the high road on the grated catwalks to get straight into the action. The boundaries of the dome and the inner, maze-like structure of the facility are covered in ink-resistant glass. | ” |
“ | Do you have the sudden urge to fight under a large glass dome? Although this is a very specific (and peculiar) urge, Friday's stage update can help.
The popular Kelp Dome stage from the original Splatoon game is making a comeback. Our researchers have discovered some fresh twists from the first game, such as extra grates to slip through and a bit of added turf on each side. Be careful on the catwalks – there's no place to hide up there! The Kelp Dome stage will be available to play Friday evening. |
” |
— Live from Squid Research Lab[2]
“ | This farm is a high-tech facility where the temperature is warm and the humidity is high all year long. Perhaps it's because of the ink that is the lifeblood of the Inklings, but it's rumored the plants grow well here and taste the best. | ” |
“ | The facility is a semi-enclosed greenhouse. It mainly grows fruits and vegetables to be sold in department and convenience stores. Because Grammie, the owner, checks the crops often and harvests them at the perfect moment, the crops are very well received for their high quality. | ” |
— The Art of Splatoon