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For more information about Bloblobber, see Bloblobber

Splatoon 2



Abbreviations Bloblobber
Sub Splash Wall
Special Ink Storm
Base damage 30
Base duration
Ink consumption 8%
Special points 180p
Special depletion
Role Support/Anchor Flex
Strengths Long range, high damage, good turfing, Ink Storm farming
Weaknesses Low mobility, high ink consumption, vulnerable at close range

The Bloblobber, alongside its Deco variant, is a long-range slosher that can throw four, delayed bubbles of ink that bounce off of walls. The weapon's unique capabilities alongside its kit allow the user to control an area exceptionally well.


The Bloblobber is a long-range weapon that launches multiple damaging bubbles, making it a quick splat if every bubble hits.

  • Like other sloshers, tapping the will allow the user to launch a trail of ink.
    • Unlike other sloshers, the Bloblobber launches four, delayed bubbles of ink, each dealing 30 damage.
    • To splat opponents quickly, a Bloblobber user will have to time their shots, as even hitting an opponent with three bubbles will only deal 90 damage without splatting them. Missing a volley of bubbles in close range will often leave a Bloblobber user vulnerable to quickly getting splatted.
  • The Bloblobber has a few notable strengths:
    • Most notably is its turfing, which can contest areas and take map control quickly.
      • With its range, the Bloblobber user can safely stay back and still turf the front lines.
      • Splash Walls can also help a Bloblobber turf safely, even closer at the front lines.
      • Its turfing allows the user to quickly build up the special gauge, allowing for more frequent Ink Storms.
      • Be sure to not just aim aimlessly to turf, as opponents can easily take advantage of this.
    • With its delayed shots, the user can hold an area extremely well.
      • The delayed shots will force opponents backward. Swarms of bubbles can easily splat opponents or deal damage to them quickly.
    • A Bloblobber user should also take advantage of bouncing its projectiles off walls. On stages like Walleye Warehouse, Blackbelly Skatepark, and Port Mackerel, this can be used to its full potential, bouncing the bubbles at angles to turf key points from behind cover, and forcing opponents out of enclosed areas.
  • The Bloblobber has a few notable drawbacks.
    • The user will have to be careful of their surroundings, as they can easily be rushed down.
      • While flinging ink, the user has a particularly low strafe speed which can be exploited.
    • The Bloblobber's ink consumption can punish the user if caught unaware.
      • Flinging ink aimlessly should be avoided. The user can easily waste ink and get caught with no ink when in a confrontation.
      • While turfing an area from afar, the user should keep a close eye on their ink tank levels to avoid being caught without ink.
      • Ink Saver (Main) can help reduce the chance of being caught without ink.

When placed properly, a Splash Wall can provide great utility, even in stages and areas that are more open:

  • Any bombs thrown by an opponent that hit a Splash Wall will instantly explode, potentially splatting the Splash Wall's user or their teammates.
    • Refrain from either showering in or rushing through the wall until it is certain that the other team has no bombs available in the area.
    • Do not throw a Splash Wall behind a teammate unless you know there's no threat of opponent bombs, as a bomb thrown into the wall can instantly splat them.
  • Defensively, a Splash Wall can allow its user to evade a pursuing opponent[1] or hinder the opponents' push, blocking both their movement and their fire.
  • Offensively, a Splash Wall can restrain the opponents' movement, allowing its user and their teammates to push forward or gain map control.
  • Throwing a Splash Wall behind an opponent can prevent them from fleeing from a fight, which can be particularly effective if they're low on ink.[2]
  • A Splash Wall can nullify a brella shield — even a Tenta Brella shield.
    • If an opposing brella user launches their shield, dropping a Splash Wall in front of it will cause both to negate one another, potentially denying a Rainmaker or Power Clam push.
    • At maximum, it takes 36-41% of the ink tank to launch a brella shield and 60% to drop a Splash Wall. However, the Splash Wall can be deployed far more quickly, allowing its user more time to reload ink or reposition themselves to a more favorable location.
  • In Splatoon 2, the Tower will destroy any Splash Wall it collides into. However, a Splash Wall may be placed onto the Tower to protect its user or their teammate while riding it. (Once again, watch out for the opponents' bombs.)

Ink Storm is an area of effect (AoE) special weapon that can alter the battle if activated in the right location and direction:

  • Immediately upon activating the special, its user will be holding the Ink Storm device and be vulnerable to attack. Therefore, do not activate the special while being attacked, and make sure to throw it onto a surface before an opponent gets the opportunity to splat you.
    • In an emergency situation, an Ink Storm can provide a free ink tank refill. If the user of the Bloblobber is out of ink and stuck in enemy turf, but not in the middle of a fight, activating and quickly throwing an ink storm can give the user the ink they need to turf a path to escape, throw a Splash Wall, or turn their main weapon on nearby opponents for a surprise turnaround.
  • Slower, less mobile opponents – especially Rainmaker carriers – are less capable of escaping Ink Storm's area of effect and, thus, are more adversely affected.
  • Its gradual damage provides benefits for the Bloblobber user:
    • It provides a good counter against Ink Armor, especially when paired with Object Shredder.
    • Opponents who spend even a short period of time in the Ink Storm can become vulnerable to being splatted by fewer Bloblobber blobs, making it a bit easier for the Bloblobber to splat opponents.
  • Ink Storm's damage on the opponent becomes more effective whenever the opponent has less space to maneuver around, such as in an alley or on the Tower.
  • Defensively, Ink Storm can slow or disrupt the opponents' push by either altering their intended attack routes or weakening any opponents within the storm.
  • Offensively, Ink Storm can soften opposing defenses by forcing opponents out of optimal positions and inflicting chip damage onto those caught in the ink rain.
  • Besides potentially damaging opponents, Ink Storm also gradually turfs any non-vertical surface it travels over:
    • Although an Ink Storm may not be enough to capture an entire zone or two by itself, it can still help capture zones by pushing out opponents.
    • While Bomb Launcher is more damaging and thorough in turfing, Ink Storm works completely automatically and allows its user to remain in relative safety.
    • The damaging and turfing effects of Ink Storm are slower and more gradual than those of a Booyah Bomb but last longer and affect a larger area, due to its drift.
  • An Ink Storm above the Rainmaker can either weaken its shield to pop it or prevent the opponent from popping it.


The Bloblobber is best paired with short-range slayers like the Tri-Slosher or Sploosh-o-matic 7 to help increase pressure and potentially deal damage.

  • A team with too many long-ranged weapons will have fewer mobile weapons that can more quickly capture turf and wrest control of the objective, hindering its ability to begin an effective push into the opponents' territory. Such a team will also have difficulty breaking out of an opponent's spawn camp.
    • A team with a Bloblobber user can usually get away with having one other long-range weapon like a Charger, as the focus of a Bloblobber is usually more to turf and take control of the objective rather than pressure opponents with the threat of getting quickly splatted from afar.
  • Because of the Bloblobber's high range, a Bloblobber user can stay back and keep control of an area while other of the weapons with short range can go to the frontlines.
  • A Bloblobber user can still be offensive in the backlines. Because of their delayed shots, the shots can get to the opponent's area while traveling and apply pressure.

The Bloblobber's lack of lethal bombs – particularly either Splat or Suction Bombs – generally necessitates its user's teammates to equip weapons that include them. Lethal bombs provide their user's team a couple advantages over another team that has no lethal bombs in its composition:[3]

  • Their one-hit-splat offers its user's team chances of instantly gaining a numbers advantage, from which a game-winning push can arise.
  • Their lethal explosion provides space for its user's team to either push into an area held by the opponent or stall an opponent's push.

Ink Storm is intended for either contesting territory, such as Splat Zones, or stalling opponents' pushes but is not as reliable at splatting opponents who actively avoid the Storm. Therefore, it is advised to have other special weapons available to complement Ink Storm, as having too many users of any combination of Ink Storm and Bomb Launcher (no more than two) in a team composition will limit a team's arsenal of weapons:

  • Ink Storm provides no direct means of protection, meaning that opponents can still fire or throw sub weapons into the Storm.
  • Other special weapons, such as Inkjet or Sting Ray, are intended for splatting opponents and more capable at this than is Ink Storm.

Combining Ink Storm with other specials can bolster a team's ability to either make a push or counter the opponents' push:

  • Ink Armor and other protective special weapons, such as Baller and Bubble Blower, can increase the survivability of a team as they push into contested territory.
  • After launching Ink Storm, a teammate who is using a special weapon designed for splat opponents, such as Sting Ray or Inkjet, can further limit the opponents' escape options or splat them as they scatter.


  • Since the Bloblobber has very long range, using something that outranges it, such as the Jet Squelcher or the E-Liter 4K, can splat the Bloblobber user fairly easily, without entering its effective range.
  • The Bloblobber also has a slow fire rate and its delayed shots always travel in a straight line, so using dualies, preferably Dualie Squelchers, lightweight shooters, or anything else with high mobility to dodge the bubbles can be an effective way to swiftly dispose of the Bloblobber user.
    • Take advantage of how the blobs are delayed. Compared to the Slosher's ink stream, it takes more time for the Bloblobber's blobs to hit an opponent. The extra time can be used to at least trade splats with the Bloblobber in a worst-case scenario.
  • If the Bloblobber user is behind a Splash Wall, throwing bombs are the most effective way to destroy the wall, but be careful of the Bloblobber's attacks. It's usually best to go around a Bloblobber's Splash Wall, if possible.
  • When facing an opposing Ink Storm, assess where a safe place is to either reroute an attack or reposition on defense:
    • If you see a Bloblobber user pull out an Ink Storm, but not throw it, take full advantage of this and splat them as they are fully vulnerable until they throw the Ink Storm.
    • In general, avoid getting caught under an opponent's Ink Storm for an extended time, but also be wary of opponents waiting to pick off anyone fleeing the Storm.
    • Pay extra attention to where the opposing Bloblobber user – or any other opponents whose main weapons' damage is increased with Main Power Up – is at whenever they launch their Ink Storm.
    • If you must travel under an opponent's Ink Storm, avoid moving in the same direction that the Storm is traveling to minimize damage.
    • Even while avoiding an opponent's Ink Storm, it is still possible to turf or otherwise influence the area underneath. Long-ranged weapons, thrown sub weapons, and other special weapons (such as a counter-Ink Storm or Bomb Launcher) can splat opponents or dissuade them from occupying the turf underneath.

Gear abilities

Gear abilities provide different effects in battle that benefit the player with their equipped weapon. This is a guide to gear abilities in relation to the weapon. Strategy, synergy, viability, and purpose may be written here.

Ink Saver (Main)

The Bloblobber consumes 8% of ink, which uses up all ink quickly. Ink Saver (Main) can be used to maintain ink levels

  • 3 ability points, or one sub can increase the amount the Bloblobber can slosh from 12 to 13.[4]
Last-Ditch Effort

Last-Ditch Effort is a headgear-exclusive ability that, under specific conditions, grants its user 1 to 24 ability points each of the following abilities:

These abilities only begin to take effect under either of the following conditions:

  • There are at most 30 seconds remaining on the game clock, or Overtime has begun in a Ranked Battle, at which the maximum 24 ability points will be granted for each of the above abilities.
  • In a Ranked Battle, the opposing team's countdown has at most 50 points remaining. The effects of Last-Ditch Effort increase as the opposing team's countdown decreases from 50 to 30 points remaining, starting with 1 ability point for each ability and maxing out to 24 ability points.

The Bloblobber consumes ink rapidly and Splash Walls take 60% of the ink tank. A Bloblobber user will benefit most from Last-Ditch Effort to allow the user to turf safely more often and to reduce the chance of being caught without ink.

Main Power Up

This ability will increase the weapon's ink coverage, which is helpful because it makes the paint of the Bloblobber's projectiles more consistent and therefore more efficient, and thus helps contribute to the charging of your special.[5]

Special Charge Up

Special Charge Up accelerates building up the special gauge for Ink Storm. In order for a Bloblobber to help support teammates, Special Charge Up can be used to have the Ink Storm ready more often.

Thermal Ink

The blobs from the Bloblobber go far and stray blobs or missed volleys will usually hit opponents without splatting them. Thermal Ink can use this and locate opponents who get hit randomly by the blobs or survive a direct attack.
