Papers by Yanina Ledovaya
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology, 2016
В статье впервые на русском языке описывается введенное А. Бандурой понятие «отчуждение моральной... more В статье впервые на русском языке описывается введенное А. Бандурой понятие «отчуждение моральной ответственности» (moral disengagement) и восемь механизмов, обеспечивающих его проявление. Даются примеры исследований данного конструкта, проводившихся в разных странах на различных выборках и для разных задач. Описана процедура адаптации англоязычного опросника С. Мур-короткой и длинной шкал отчуждения моральной ответственности (MD-8 и MD-24). Показано, что коэффициент внутренней согласованности шкал альфа Кронбаха и тест-ретестовая надежность находятся на приемлемом уровне. Обе версии шкалы на русском языке могут быть использованы для оценки конструкта отчуждения моральной ответственности в различных задачах. В тексте статьи приведены утверждения из обеих шкал. Библиогр. 25 назв. Ил. 1. Табл. 4. Ключевые слова: отчуждение моральной ответственности, адаптация шкалы, моральное поведение, Альберт Бандура.
The goal of this paper was to assess the connection between dark personality traits and engagemen... more The goal of this paper was to assess the connection between dark personality traits and engagement in harmful online behaviors in a sample of Russian Facebook users, and to describe the language they use in online communication. A total of 6724 individuals participated in the study (mean age ¼ 44.96 years, age range: 18e85 years, 77.9% d female). Data was collected via a purpose-built application, which served
two purposes: administer the survey and download consenting user's public wall posts, gender and age from the Facebook profile. The survey included questions on engagement in harmful online behaviors and the Short Dark Triad scale; 15,281 wall posts from 1972 users were included in the dataset. These posts were subjected to morphological, lexical and semantic analyses. More than 25% of the sample reported engaging in harmful online behaviors. Males were more likely to send insulting or threatening messages and post aggressive comments; no gender differences were found for disseminating other people's private information. Psychopathy and male gender were the unique predictors of engagement in harmful online behaviors. A number of significant correlations were found between the dark traits and numeric, lexical, morphological and semantic characteristics of the participants' posts.
Exposure to violence has been shown to negatively affect mental health and well-being. The goal o... more Exposure to violence has been shown to negatively affect mental health and well-being. The goal of this Facebook-based study was to describe the rates of exposure to violence in a sample of Russian adults and to assess the impact of these experiences on subjective well-being and victimization related psychological distress. Three types of victimization were assessed: physical assault by a stranger, physical assault by someone known to victim and nonconsensual sexual experiences. World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5) was used to assess subjective well-being and Primary Care PTSD Screen (PC-PTSD) was employed as an indicator of victimization related psychological distress. Data were obtained from 6,724 Russian-speaking Facebook users. Significant levels of lifetime victimization were reported by the study participants. Lifetime physical assault by a stranger, physical assault by someone known to victim, and sexual assault were reported by 56.9%, 64.2%, and 54.1% of respondents, respectively. Respondents exposed to violence were more likely to report posttraumatic stress symptoms and lower levels of subjective well-being. Participants who were exposed to at least one type of violence were more likely to experience symptoms of traumatic stress (U = 1794250.50, p < .001, d = 0.35). Exposure to multiple forms of violence was associated with more severe traumatic stress symptoms (rs = .257, p < .001). Well-being scores were significantly lower among participants exposed to violence (t = 8.37, p < .001, d = 0.31). The study demonstrated that violence exposure is associated with reduced well-being among Russian adults. Our findings highlight the negative impact of violence exposure on subjective well-being and underscore the necessity to develop programs addressing violence exposure in Russian populations.
The paper describes the power spectra of EEG and coherence during the process of metaphorical and... more The paper describes the power spectra of EEG and coherence during the process of metaphorical and non-metaphorical expressions’ comprehension. Two independent variables with two levels each (“metaphoricity” and “complexity”) were manipulated (“primary” and “complex” metaphors were presented, as well as metaphors and non-metaphors. The stimuli design was borrowed from C. Lachaud (Lachaud, 2013).
Participants were the 34 students of the Department of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University (29 women), mean age 21 years. We used 19 monopolar leads EEG (10–20).
Main hypotheses were: 1) functional brain state during metaphors’ comprehension differs from the functional brain state during non-metaphors’ comprehension, 2) functional brain state during complex metaphors’ comprehension differs from the functional brain state during primary metaphors’ comprehension.
Overall, the hypotheses were confirmed. It can be argued that complex metaphors’ comprehension is mostly accompanied by an increase of coherence in the left hemisphere, and non-metaphors’ comprehension is mostly accompanied by a slight increase of coherence in the right hemisphere. We also observed the alteration of slow and high frequency bands activity in the process of comprehension of the verbal expressions. The functional brain state during the process of primary and complex metaphors’ comprehension does differ: the latter involves less brain resources taking into consideration the task of the current study. This could be revealed via the increase in the power spectra. At the same time the complex metaphors comprehension is accompanied with the larger amount of coherence in general, and in particular — in the increase of interhemispheric connections. Primary metaphors comprehension involves frontal lobes coherence increase.
В работе рассматриваются характеристики спектральной мощности и когерентности ЭЭГ в процессе понимания выражений, содержащих и не содержащих метафоры. Была задействована факторная модель дизайна с четырьмя условиями: варьировалась степень сложности метафор (предъявлялись «простые» и «сложные» метафоры) и метафоричность (предъявлялись «метафоры» и «неметафоры»).
В основном исследовании приняли участие 34 студента факультета психологии СПбГУ (5 мужчин и 29 женщин), средний возраст испытуемых — 21 год. В ЭЭГ применяли 19 монополярных отведений, расположенных по международной схеме 10–20 % симметрично.
Основные гипотезы: 1) функциональное состояние мозга в процессе понимания метафор отличается от функционального состояния в процессе понимания неметафор, 2) функциональное состояние мозга в процессе понимания сложных метафор отличается от функционального состояния в процессе понимания простых метафор.
В целом гипотезы исследования подтвердились. Понимание метафор преимущественно сопровождается незначительным увеличением когерентности в левом полушарии, а понимание неметафор — в правом. Также можно говорить о попеременном включении медленноволновой и быстроволновой активности в процессе понимания вербальных выражений. Функциональное состояние мозга в процессе понимания «простых» метафор отличается от функционального состояния мозга в процессе понимания «сложных» метафор: в условиях нашей экспериментальной процедуры последние задействуют меньше ресурсов мозга. Это проявляется в увеличенной спектральной мощности. При этом процесс понимания «сложных» метафор сопровождается большим количеством когерентных связей в целом, а в частности — большим количеством межполушарных связей. Понимание «простых» метафор сопровождается увеличением когерентных связей в лобных отделах мозга
The paper is the first presentation of A. Bandura’s concept of moral disengagement and its eight ... more The paper is the first presentation of A. Bandura’s concept of moral disengagement and its eight mechanisms made in the Russian language. Various examples of empirical research of this construct conducted in different countries for various purposes are described. Three empirical studies of the adaptation procedure for the original English version (authored by C. Moore) are provided in Russian translation: two studies describe the short scale (MD-8) adaptation procedures and the third one describes the longer scale (MD-24) adaptation procedure. It is shown that Cronbach’s alpha reliability index as well as the test-retest reliability coeffcient are acceptable. Both scales for moral disengagement assessment (MD-8 and MD-24 in Russian) may be used for various purposes. Both scales’ questions/statements are provided
—The presented project is intended to make use of growing amounts of textual data in social netwo... more —The presented project is intended to make use of growing amounts of textual data in social networks in the Russian language, in order to find linguistic correlates of the Dark Triad personality traits, comprising non-clinical Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy. The background for the investigation includes, on the one hand, psychological research on these phenomena and their measurement instruments, and on the other hand, recent advances in computational stylometry and text-based author profiling. The measures for these psychological phenomena are provided by recognized self-report psychological surveys adapted to Russian. Morphological and semantic analysis are applied to investigate the relationship between the Dark traits and their linguistic manifestation in social network texts. Significant morphological and semantic correlates of Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy are identified and compared to respective advances in English author profiling. In order to deepen our understanding of the relation between these psychological characteristics and natural language use, the identified linguistic features are interpreted in terms of the fine-grained factor structure of the Dark traits. Identifying correlated features is a step towards automatic Dark trait prediction and early detection of the potentially harmful mental states.
PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2000
The increasing body of data on language embodiment research raises the question of integration be... more The increasing body of data on language embodiment research raises the question of integration between biology, linguistics, neurology, psychology and other natural sciences from the one hand, and social sciences and humanities, from the other hand. The only problem is that even psychologists tend to ignore the subjective reality of qualia underlying both linguistic phenomena and brain processes. This article describes two separate studies which were run in the qualitative paradigm. Both of them were aimed to reveal the kinaesthetical components of mental representations underlying either comical texts' understanding or abstract and concrete words' conceptualization. We tried to demonstrate the general heuristicity of the qualitative approach to the embodied cognition studies and to describe the structure and functions of subjective mental imagery in verbal tasks performing in particular.
The study of psychosocial factors that increase individuals’ vulnerability to the negative conseq... more The study of psychosocial factors that increase individuals’ vulnerability to the negative consequences of exposure to stress, particularly to the development of maladaptive, antisocial responses, is one of the priority areas for psychology and social sciences. The goal of our research was to explore the connections between exposure to stressful events, dark triad personality traits, moral disengagement and subjective well-being in a sample of university students. Our results demonstrated positive correlations between narcissism and subjective well-being as well as between moral disengagement and psychopathy. As part of our research the following questionnaires were translated for use in Russian samples: List of Threatening Events [Brugha et al., 1985], Moral Disengagement (8-item version)[Moore et al., 2012], Satisfaction with Life Scale [Diener, 2009b], Primary Care PTSD Screen [Prins et al., 2003].
Keywords: stress, well-being, dark triad, moral disengagement
Сегодня особое значение имеет изучение психологических и социальных факторов, делающих человека б... more Сегодня особое значение имеет изучение психологических и социальных факторов, делающих человека более уязвимым для негативных последствий стресса, а также способствующих развитию дезадаптивных, антисоциальных реакций на стресс. В исследовании рассматривалась взаимосвязь между Темной триадой, отчуждением моральной ответственности, стрессом и уровнем психологического благополучия на выборке студентов. Была обнаружена положительная взаимосвязь нарциссизма с уровнем субъективного благополучия, а также взаимосвязь отчуждения моральной ответственности со шкалой психопатии. Впервые были переведены на русский язык и апробированы методики «Перечень угрожающих событий», «Отчуждение моральной ответственности», «Шкала удовлетворенности жизнью» Э.Динера и «Шкала для скрининга посттравматических симптомов».
The relationship between bilingualism and its effects on cognitive development has been the cente... more The relationship between bilingualism and its effects on cognitive development has been the center of a long running debate. We studied the differences in verbal and nonverbal creative thinking between a group of Armenian-Russian bilinguals who started to learn the two languages a group of Armenian-Russian bilinguals who started to learn one of the two languages 2-4 years later ( successive S to propose a variety of unrelated ideas. Nonverbal creativity one of successive
The relationship between bilingualism and its effects on cognitive development has been the cente... more The relationship between bilingualism and its effects on cognitive development has been the center of a long running debate. We studied the differences in verbal and nonverbal creative thinking between a group of Armenian-Russian bilinguals who started to learn the two languages a group of Armenian-Russian bilinguals who started to learn one of the two languages 2-4 years later ( successive S to propose a variety of unrelated ideas. Nonverbal creativity one of successive
Conference Presentations by Yanina Ledovaya
Using social networks as a tool for various social science studies has become a new trend (Kosins... more Using social networks as a tool for various social science studies has become a new trend (Kosinski et al., 2015). Here we present the preliminary data from a study aimed to discover psychological and linguistical features of Facebook users with various types of positive and negative network communication experience, including possible online aggression and trolling exposure. We collected data with the help of a Facebook API which included a list of questionnaires (among others, WHO-5 well-being index) and a module that collected wall posts of the participants after getting their consent. The Russian sample included 6724 Facebook users (77,9% females), aged 18-85 (Mean=44,96, SD=11,58). 86,8% use Facebook at least once a day, 79.9% are employed, 78,6% have a university degree. The mean level of well-being among men (WHO-5 index) was 62,76 out of 100 points (SD=18,536), women attained 60,12 (SD=19,195). Among the four age groups (18-24, 25-44, 45-64, 65 and older) the maximum level of well-being was at 45-64 group (M = 63,23; SD = 19,08; n = 2995), whereas the 18-24 group scored the least (M= 54,82; SD = 19,55; n = 251). The differences are significant (t = 5,90; p < 0,001; d = 0,38). Employment also matters: self-employed scored more (M = 64,78; SD= 18,01; n = 1442), than those working for a company (M = 60,41; SD = 18,56; n = 3931) (t = 7,81; p < 0,001; d =0,24). The authors acknowledge Saint-Petersburg State University for a research grant 8.38.351.2015
Papers by Yanina Ledovaya
two purposes: administer the survey and download consenting user's public wall posts, gender and age from the Facebook profile. The survey included questions on engagement in harmful online behaviors and the Short Dark Triad scale; 15,281 wall posts from 1972 users were included in the dataset. These posts were subjected to morphological, lexical and semantic analyses. More than 25% of the sample reported engaging in harmful online behaviors. Males were more likely to send insulting or threatening messages and post aggressive comments; no gender differences were found for disseminating other people's private information. Psychopathy and male gender were the unique predictors of engagement in harmful online behaviors. A number of significant correlations were found between the dark traits and numeric, lexical, morphological and semantic characteristics of the participants' posts.
Participants were the 34 students of the Department of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University (29 women), mean age 21 years. We used 19 monopolar leads EEG (10–20).
Main hypotheses were: 1) functional brain state during metaphors’ comprehension differs from the functional brain state during non-metaphors’ comprehension, 2) functional brain state during complex metaphors’ comprehension differs from the functional brain state during primary metaphors’ comprehension.
Overall, the hypotheses were confirmed. It can be argued that complex metaphors’ comprehension is mostly accompanied by an increase of coherence in the left hemisphere, and non-metaphors’ comprehension is mostly accompanied by a slight increase of coherence in the right hemisphere. We also observed the alteration of slow and high frequency bands activity in the process of comprehension of the verbal expressions. The functional brain state during the process of primary and complex metaphors’ comprehension does differ: the latter involves less brain resources taking into consideration the task of the current study. This could be revealed via the increase in the power spectra. At the same time the complex metaphors comprehension is accompanied with the larger amount of coherence in general, and in particular — in the increase of interhemispheric connections. Primary metaphors comprehension involves frontal lobes coherence increase.
В работе рассматриваются характеристики спектральной мощности и когерентности ЭЭГ в процессе понимания выражений, содержащих и не содержащих метафоры. Была задействована факторная модель дизайна с четырьмя условиями: варьировалась степень сложности метафор (предъявлялись «простые» и «сложные» метафоры) и метафоричность (предъявлялись «метафоры» и «неметафоры»).
В основном исследовании приняли участие 34 студента факультета психологии СПбГУ (5 мужчин и 29 женщин), средний возраст испытуемых — 21 год. В ЭЭГ применяли 19 монополярных отведений, расположенных по международной схеме 10–20 % симметрично.
Основные гипотезы: 1) функциональное состояние мозга в процессе понимания метафор отличается от функционального состояния в процессе понимания неметафор, 2) функциональное состояние мозга в процессе понимания сложных метафор отличается от функционального состояния в процессе понимания простых метафор.
В целом гипотезы исследования подтвердились. Понимание метафор преимущественно сопровождается незначительным увеличением когерентности в левом полушарии, а понимание неметафор — в правом. Также можно говорить о попеременном включении медленноволновой и быстроволновой активности в процессе понимания вербальных выражений. Функциональное состояние мозга в процессе понимания «простых» метафор отличается от функционального состояния мозга в процессе понимания «сложных» метафор: в условиях нашей экспериментальной процедуры последние задействуют меньше ресурсов мозга. Это проявляется в увеличенной спектральной мощности. При этом процесс понимания «сложных» метафор сопровождается большим количеством когерентных связей в целом, а в частности — большим количеством межполушарных связей. Понимание «простых» метафор сопровождается увеличением когерентных связей в лобных отделах мозга
Keywords: stress, well-being, dark triad, moral disengagement
Conference Presentations by Yanina Ledovaya
two purposes: administer the survey and download consenting user's public wall posts, gender and age from the Facebook profile. The survey included questions on engagement in harmful online behaviors and the Short Dark Triad scale; 15,281 wall posts from 1972 users were included in the dataset. These posts were subjected to morphological, lexical and semantic analyses. More than 25% of the sample reported engaging in harmful online behaviors. Males were more likely to send insulting or threatening messages and post aggressive comments; no gender differences were found for disseminating other people's private information. Psychopathy and male gender were the unique predictors of engagement in harmful online behaviors. A number of significant correlations were found between the dark traits and numeric, lexical, morphological and semantic characteristics of the participants' posts.
Participants were the 34 students of the Department of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University (29 women), mean age 21 years. We used 19 monopolar leads EEG (10–20).
Main hypotheses were: 1) functional brain state during metaphors’ comprehension differs from the functional brain state during non-metaphors’ comprehension, 2) functional brain state during complex metaphors’ comprehension differs from the functional brain state during primary metaphors’ comprehension.
Overall, the hypotheses were confirmed. It can be argued that complex metaphors’ comprehension is mostly accompanied by an increase of coherence in the left hemisphere, and non-metaphors’ comprehension is mostly accompanied by a slight increase of coherence in the right hemisphere. We also observed the alteration of slow and high frequency bands activity in the process of comprehension of the verbal expressions. The functional brain state during the process of primary and complex metaphors’ comprehension does differ: the latter involves less brain resources taking into consideration the task of the current study. This could be revealed via the increase in the power spectra. At the same time the complex metaphors comprehension is accompanied with the larger amount of coherence in general, and in particular — in the increase of interhemispheric connections. Primary metaphors comprehension involves frontal lobes coherence increase.
В работе рассматриваются характеристики спектральной мощности и когерентности ЭЭГ в процессе понимания выражений, содержащих и не содержащих метафоры. Была задействована факторная модель дизайна с четырьмя условиями: варьировалась степень сложности метафор (предъявлялись «простые» и «сложные» метафоры) и метафоричность (предъявлялись «метафоры» и «неметафоры»).
В основном исследовании приняли участие 34 студента факультета психологии СПбГУ (5 мужчин и 29 женщин), средний возраст испытуемых — 21 год. В ЭЭГ применяли 19 монополярных отведений, расположенных по международной схеме 10–20 % симметрично.
Основные гипотезы: 1) функциональное состояние мозга в процессе понимания метафор отличается от функционального состояния в процессе понимания неметафор, 2) функциональное состояние мозга в процессе понимания сложных метафор отличается от функционального состояния в процессе понимания простых метафор.
В целом гипотезы исследования подтвердились. Понимание метафор преимущественно сопровождается незначительным увеличением когерентности в левом полушарии, а понимание неметафор — в правом. Также можно говорить о попеременном включении медленноволновой и быстроволновой активности в процессе понимания вербальных выражений. Функциональное состояние мозга в процессе понимания «простых» метафор отличается от функционального состояния мозга в процессе понимания «сложных» метафор: в условиях нашей экспериментальной процедуры последние задействуют меньше ресурсов мозга. Это проявляется в увеличенной спектральной мощности. При этом процесс понимания «сложных» метафор сопровождается большим количеством когерентных связей в целом, а в частности — большим количеством межполушарных связей. Понимание «простых» метафор сопровождается увеличением когерентных связей в лобных отделах мозга
Keywords: stress, well-being, dark triad, moral disengagement