Anyone seeking for a research-oriented retargetable rendering system
About Mitsuba
Mitsuba 2 is a research-oriented retargetable rendering system, written in portable C++17 on top of the Enoki library. It is developed by the Realistic Graphics Lab at EPFL. It can be compiled into many variants which include color handling (RGB, spectral, monochrome), vectorization (scalar, SIMD, CUDA) and differentiable rendering. Mitsuba 2 consists of a small set of core libraries and a wide variety of plugins that implement functionality ranging from materials and light sources to complete rendering algorithms. It strives to retain scene compatibility with its predecessor Mitsuba 0.6. The renderer includes a large automated test suite written in Python, and its development relies on several continuous integration servers that compile and test new commits on different operating systems using various compilation settings (e.g. debug/release builds, single/double precision, etc).