Raylectron took many years of research and testing. Creating such software is not an easy task. While Raytracing exist already for many years prior to Raylectron, they are not photorealistic. To achieve photorealism, tracing the light path to illuminate the objects in a scene requires the understanding of the law of physics, such as photons and how they interact with the surface of the object they hit. In real life, photons travel at the speed of light, hence everything is illuminated almost instantly (to our perception). But as a computer program, this can not be done so easily. First, speed is a big issue. Computers do not calculate anywhere near the speed of light. Furthermore, the mathematics involved is extremely complex. All of the features combined into one single software. Select from a wide range of illumination and a combination of them. Texturing your model has never been so easy, in real-time!
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Enscape™ is a real-time rendering and virtual reality plugin for Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, Archicad, and Vectorworks. It plugs directly into your modeling software, giving you an integrated visualization and design workflow.
As an intuitive design tool, it requires no prior specialized knowledge to use. You can design, document, and visualize simultaneously from one model. It is the easiest and fastest way to turn your building models into immersive 3D experiences.
Bring your designs to life and give your clients a design experience like never before. Used by 85 of the top 100 architecture firms worldwide, Enscape empowers your design workflow.
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All the tweaking of materials, lights or any other scene properties are immediately visible as real-time feedback in the viewport, making your workflow faster and much more pleasurable. FluidRay is the only interactive renderer that doesn’t suffer from GPU limitations. GPU based renderers work well only on specific tasks while FluidRay does it all easily and quickly. Working with FluidRay is effortless. The interactive workflow is extremely intuitive and anyone can get up to speed in just a few minutes. FluidRay allows you to quickly make visually stunning previews of your architectural projects, interior designs, jewelry projects, and more. Interactive rendering makes designing products and environments an easy and fun process. FluidRay makes it easy to quickly prototype your designs and generate super high quality preview images. FluidRay’s compatibility with Rhino enables designers to create 3D models in Rhino and easily import into FluidRay.
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Kray is a state of the art global illumination renderer that allows very fast and accurate rendering of scenes where indirect light plays important role. It includes the most advanced modern algorithms and optimizations to allow it to render full global illumination, reflections, refractions and caustics quickly on standard computers. Fast global illumination: light/photon mapping – biased, but very fast and not much dependent on number of ray recursions, path tracing – unbiased with serval sampling optimizations, irradiance caching – for fast, view independent, reusable GI solution storage, caustics. Light models: point/directional, line lights, area lights, background light, HDR image based lighting, lights pre sampling. Instancing: allows repeated re-use of the same geometry in multiply locations in the rendered scene with very low memory consumption, instanced geometry can be also instances, even self cloning is possible with user defined number of recursions.
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