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Semantic Grid is becoming a key enabler for next generation Grid and the need of supporting process description and enactment, by means of composition of multiple resources, emerged as one of the fundamental requirements. Within NextGRID... more
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      Computer ArchitectureGrid ComputingWeb ServicesConvergence
Society and business are demanding systems that can securely and cost-effectively exploit opportunities presented by an Internet of Services. To achieve this goal a system must dynamically adapt to its environment and consider multiple... more
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      Future InternetInternet of servicesDynamic Software AdaptationCost effectiveness
We describe the business-oriented architectural principles of the EC FP7 project "BREIN" for service-based computing. The architecture is founded on principles of how real businesses interact to mutual benefit, and we show how these can... more
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      Grid ComputingService Oriented ArchitectureWorkflowSupply Chain
Recent work by the 'CombeChem' project together with the UK National Crystallography Service (NCS) has integrated the NCS into an e-Science environment. The existing high-throughput crystallography facility is enhanced by on-line feedback... more
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      Decision MakingData CollectionVery high throughputUser Interaction
This paper outlines the conceptual model of the NextGRID architecture. This conceptual model consists of a set of architectural principles and a simple decomposition of the architecture in order to facilitate common understanding of the... more
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    • Conceptual Model
We describe a number of strategies for a future service oriented market place. We describe the SLA's role within the service framework, and how it enables customers to make value judgements regarding the quality of a service. We also... more
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      Grid ComputingService Oriented ArchitectureServices MarketingService Level Agreement
Recent developments at the UK National Crystallography Service (NCS), in collaboration with the CombeChem eScience testbed and the eBank-UK projects, have been aimed at developing an eScience infrastructure to facilitate the... more
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    • eScience
Executive Summary This document describes the result of WP5. 3 activity in the first 12 months concerning modelling and management of adaptive workflows and dynamic service orchestration. Activity was mainly focused on defining a Semantic... more
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As the technical infrastructure to support Grid environments matures, attention must be focused on integrating such technical infrastructure with technologies to support more dynamic access to services, and ensuring that such access is... more
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      SEMANTIC SECURITYService Orientation
The EU IST SIMDAT project is developing generic Grid technology targeted at business users from several representative industry sectors. We have developed an SLA (Service Level Agreement) Management service for GRIA middleware that allows... more
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      MiddlewareService Level AgreementData ProcessingService Provider
The ARTEMIS project is developing a semantic web service based P2P interoperability infrastructure for healthcare information systems that will allow healthcare providers to securely share patient records within virtual healthcare... more
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      Access ControlLegislationSemantic Web Service CompositionBusiness Process
Performance engineering can be described as a collection of techniques and methodologies whose aim is to provide reliable prediction, measurement and validation of the performance of applications on a variety of computing platforms. This... more
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      Distributed ComputingSchedulingBenchmarkingComputer Software
A candidate model for Grand Unification, arising from a Coset Space Dimensional Reduction scheme based on an E(7) gauge theory, is found to have a promising set of fermionic quantum numbers. Unfortunately, these fermions all develop large... more
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      Quantum PhysicsGauge theoryDirac operatorLarge classes
This paper defines meta-applications as large, related collections of computational tasks, designed to achieve a specific overall result, running on a (possibly geographically) distributed, non-dedicated meta-computing platform. To carry... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingPerformance ModelJob Scheduling
An application of e-science methodology and grid networking technology is presented that opens up new possibilities to enhance the operation of large high-throughput service-crystallography facilities, exemplified by the UK National... more
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      EngineeringDistributed ComputingGrid ComputingTechnology
The GEMSS project has developed a service-oriented Grid that supports the provision of medical simulation services by service providers to clients such as hospitals. We outline the GEMSS architecture, legal framework and the security... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingMedical SimulationQuality of Service
We consider bosonic extensions of the Virasoro algebra that can be obtained from Kac-Moody algebras ~ by generalizing the Sugawara construction to the higher order Casimirs of g. In this paper we explicitly construct the algebra of a... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsHigher Order ThinkingVirasoro algebra
We discuss extensions of the Virasoro algebra obtained by generalizing the Sugawara construction to the higher order Casimir invariants of a Lie algebra g. We generalize the GKO coset construction to the dimension-3 operator for g =A N 1... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsVirasoro algebra
A new model for calculating electron beam dose has been developed. The algorithm is based on a two-or three-dimensional geometry, given by computerized tomography (CT) images. The Monte Carlo technique was used to solve the electron... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationRadiotherapyTreatment planning
As the technical infrastructure to support Grid environments matures, attention must be focused on integrating such technical infrastructure with technologies to support more dynamic access to services, and ensuring that such access is... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePragmaticsSemanticsComputer Security