We went to Bruncrana the other day and had a chance to walk around and see what is there. The bus left us off down the road and we started to walk toward the water once we saw it. Crossing the street, the cinema was the first interesting building we saw and of course it was listed on the Buncrana Heritage Trail. There was a map and a picture of the cinema with a little info. After photographing this building, we headed down Castle Avenue and toward the water. The info on the cinema and Castle Avenue which was right behind me when I took this photo.
The town's west end, where the present Castle Avenue joins Upper Main Street, marks the beginning of Col. George Vaughan’s urban development of the “new” Buncrana, away from the “old Town” on the western bank of the Crana River (c.1718). The cinema (St. Mary’s Hall) with its distinctive, pastiche Baroque facade, dominates the junction.
An old postal box
Castle Avenue
You arrive here when you reach the bottom of Castle Avenue. There are some interesting things down there and I'll share them tomorrow.