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Questions tagged [windows-registry]

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Is there a reason to use the Windows registry to store license info, if we aren't concerned with hiding anything?

I've read answers to the following: Why is Windows registry needed? However I am curious about how this might apply to the practice of storing software license keys. I've seen developers store ...
Snoop's user avatar
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Best approach to persist settings in files

I am in the process of migrating the way an app makes persistence of its settings. It wrote and read data from registry; now it is desired it load/save XML files on the C:\AppData\MyApp\Version ...
sergiol's user avatar
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Secure delete a registry key

On a regular Hard Drive a secure delete of a file is possible by overwriting it, does simply overwriting the registry key is enough to secure delete the key ? If not how I can proceed to secure ...
software's user avatar
3 votes
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Implementing unit-of-work for multiple storage types

I'm trying to implement the unit-of-work pattern for mutliple storage types like the windows registry, a database or the app.config but I cannot figure out how to do it. All examples I find use Entity ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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How should I deal with Time Zones in a .NET WCF application?

Our company runs a SaaS application where users log in from across the world (although mostly in the US). We store all our time relevant information as UTC, but we need to display times using local ...
JackAce's user avatar
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XML and Registry

Which method is considered to be best practice for setting storage for applications: XML or Registry? What are the benefits/downsides of using either of these?
Kenneth's user avatar
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13 answers

Why is Windows registry needed?

As I have debugged problems in com, side by side, dealt with dll hell, all while hating the windows registry with passion, I was wondering why is it needed. I never felt compelled to read an entire ...
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