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3 answers

using git, bringing old tagged releases up to date

I have a git repository with a long history. Releases were tagged along the master branch over time. If a user wants to go back and check out an old tagged release, they do not have the advantage of ...
Benjamin Johnson's user avatar
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3 answers

RESTful APIs: Terminology for Update Modes/Types

When designing a RESTful API, providing a spec for updating an entity will force the designer to make some decisions on how the update will behave (an update mode or type). Here are some of the modes ...
James Dunn's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

node server structure and technologies - support continuous and high volume (amount, not size) data transfare

I'm having trouble planning the structure of my server side workflow and the technologies I should use. The basic structure and tasks are: Now, things to consider: 1.the server listens to multiple "...
mizenetofa1989's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the proper way of editing/updating many-to-many items in DB?

I have film's storage (3 tables in database): films{id:int, film:string} genres{id:int, genre:string}, films_genres{film_id:int, genre_id:int, probability:int(%)} (film_id, genre_id) is UNIQUE KEY(...
user238467's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

MVC Set or Read View Components

I often see the follwing example when reading about MVC (example is in Java, but question adapts to all OOP languages): class View{ JTextField tfName; public String getTfNameText(){ ...
danielr1996's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Big-O for Immutable Trees

How would you calculate the time and space complexity for a tree algorithm that creates a copy of a tree, but reuses as much of the original tree as possible? For example, A /|\ B C G /|\ D ...
Dan Prince's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Recurring database migration

I'm importing data from older website to new one using database migrations. I have created first as one of first steps of development phase of new site. Then I planned to create another one, that will ...
trejder's user avatar
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2 answers

How to update a row in database without ID?

I've got a table with the following structure : Col1 | Col2 | Col3 A | B | C A | C | B E | D | C The primary key is (Col1,Col2,Col3). I get the data in another project and ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 answer

pre aggregating documents mongodb

In our current setup, most of our database calls are updates where we increment a key by 1. If all one is doing is incrementing certain keys on a document (a lot) in mongodb, and there are several ...
tonyl7126's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How do you schedule software updates, major releases, milestones (what is this?)

What are the common terminology used to schedule software update and support. For example, I really have no clue how releases and updates differ, how often are updates released (not everyday I hope)? ...
Kim Jong Woo's user avatar