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6 votes
3 answers

Why is the "period of a (pseudo)random number generator" important?

I've been trying to understand (pseudo)random number generator code from various sources and the concept of the period continues to elude me. To satisfy the minimum level of understanding, I've tried ...
Rich Wermske's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I make sense of the word "Functor" from a semantic standpoint? [closed]

When facing new programming jargon words, I first try to reason about them from an semantic and etymological standpoint when possible (that is, when they aren't obscure acronyms). For instance, you ...
guillaume31's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Japanese Multiplication simulation - is a program actually capable of improving calculation speed?

I'd like to write a simulation of Japanese Multiplication to get benchmarks on large calculations utilizing the shortcut vs traditional CPU multiplication. I'm curious as to whether it makes sense to ...
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14 votes
5 answers

Are there any formalized/mathematical theories of software testing?

Googling "software testing theory" only seems to give theories in the soft sense of the word; I have not been able to find anything that would classify as a theory in the mathematical, information ...
Erik Kaplun's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Array Multiplication and Division

I came across a question that (eventually) landed me wondering about array arithmetic. I'm thinking specifically in Ruby, but I think the concepts are language independent. So, addition and ...
Narfanator's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pairwise testing, not possible to say which combinations is faulty?

Let's say I have 4 (A,B,C,D) parameters with 3 possible values, also 81 unique combinations. With e.g. orthogonal array, I will end up with 9 test cases, each combining 3 pairs. But that means that if ...
John V's user avatar
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