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Questions tagged [information-theory]

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-3 votes
2 answers

Optimal variable-time logging of a real-time data stream

Cross-posted from stats stackexchange Say I have a logging utility in my application that I use for recording timestamped diagnostic log messages. I want to add tracking of some performance metrics to ...
user3716267's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

What is the size of the number 65535 in bytes? [closed]

As I got to know there are 256 possible combinations to get for 1 byte. If I understand it correctly, it should mean that you can display any number out of numbers 0-255 and this very number would use ...
treesarecool's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

Is a memory of all possible permutations of a kilobyte block and pointers possible?

This is a hard enough idea to wrap my head around and I would greatly appreciate any edits/help to get it more readable for those in-the-know. Is it theoretically possible to have a hard drive that ...
Amagii Discordus Penndragon's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Pros and cons for choosing between different return types

This is in context of a client-server architecture, although I don't think the architectural setting is needed to put up the problem. I have a function whose output can be classified into different ...
Bharat Khatri's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

What defines the dimensionality of an array?

I know that when we speak about an array having 1, 2, or 4 dimensions, we mean arrays like this: 1: [0] 2: [0,0] 3: [0,0,0] 4: [0,0,0,0] ... Is the first 'axis' of an array the only thing that ...
New Alexandria's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Are there any formalized/mathematical theories of software testing?

Googling "software testing theory" only seems to give theories in the soft sense of the word; I have not been able to find anything that would classify as a theory in the mathematical, information ...
Erik Kaplun's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Minimizing data sent over a webservice call on expensive connection

I am working on a system that has many remote laptops all connected to the internet through cellular data connections. The application will synchronize periodically to a central database. The ...
aceinthehole's user avatar
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