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Questions tagged [application-design]

Application design covers the entire pre-implementation phase of a project and consists in conceptualizing the architecture, its components, the interactions between each component, the data flows, and the processes to implement.

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1 vote
1 answer

Where should an application's admin tools be located? [closed]

I am trying to make some admin and management tools to help staff/moderators manage users and content in an online application. But how will staff access the management tools? There are two options: ...
volume one's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Architecture to show real time Google Calendar data (without polling) on a client

I have a Flutter app with a Firebase Firestore database. I want to integrate my app with Google Calendar, and I need the app to have real-time access to the calendar data. Moreover, my app needs to ...
Anakhand's user avatar
  • 149
0 votes
2 answers

Repository concerns

We have a layered application with (basically): WebAPI, App Services, Domain and Repository layers. This fits for most situations, but now we face a slightly different challenge on where we need to ...
zameb's user avatar
  • 121
12 votes
4 answers

Using three different database engines in the same application

Currently, I'm working on a graduation project about designing a Document Management System (DMS) that incorporates some functionalities as follows: It won't use folders to organize documents; ...
siunhanbumpbump's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Table referential integrity varying according to application logic

I've come across a scenario where data in one table is related to another table but referential integrity doesn't seem to apply as I would usually expect. This is because table x uses data from ...
durinsbane's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between detailed design and design for construction?

I am currently reading Code Complete. And I was confused when the author in one case uses the term "detailed design", and in the other "design for construction". What is their ...
user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Storing a large number of user permissions [closed]

I am refactoring an old application which has about 200 user permissions. Based on access permissions for the user, menu items for webpages will be Enabled or not. Permissions are also checked on the ...
Daniel Gee's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Separating model and applicative user in app

I am working on a mobile application, and I want to plan a separation between the model layer that represents a user (that comes from the server) and the "applicative" user that has the same ...
Maor's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Design a model for a user

There has been a change in the project I am working on. Until today, there was only one type of user in the system. From the moment you logged in, you had all the information about the user. The new ...
Maor's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How can I enable user data sovereignty in a B2B SaaS application?

We develop a SaaS solution that processes customer ERP data and provides analyses from it in a front-end. The software is a standard solution and should require as little customization as possible for ...
Dennis's user avatar
  • 13
2 votes
4 answers

When Is it worth writing your own CRUD generator for project?

I need to make an app for employees & employers. When is it worth writing your own CRUD generator for a project with the aim of process automation? With such a generator I wouldn’t need to create ...
Bekzod's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Recommended way of caching weather information

I'm developing an application that will show some weather information based on the user's location. Since the weather forecast is just a very small feature of the app that complements the main ones, I ...
Cornwell's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Automatic creation/upgrade of database in devops cycle

DevOps of our customer require that our application creates database objects and Kafka topics automatically on application start, if they are missing. Moreover, they want the application to ...
xarx's user avatar
  • 159
0 votes
1 answer

App-Website Communication for Ionic/vue.js App

Currently I am designing a cross-platform mobile app using Ionic and vue.js. That app enables users to create a game, add players and play rounds. When the game is played, a score for each player will ...
aru_bdd's user avatar
  • 11
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0 answers

What's the best strategy for using dialogflow in a framework for building bots in which each user can build their own bots?

I'm considering building a feature in a customer service application that allows users to build their own chatbots and use them to respond to customer input. I've worked with Dialogflow in the past, ...
Boris's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Excel/VBA to Application

In an engineering company, there are many engineers that edit in Excel/VBA Spreadsheets to perform some engineering calculations.They all do more or less similar things: calculate, manage engineering ...
serge's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Android app development (daily journal type)

I want to get help from you all about building an android app that is capable of logging daily journal type data. I want to have these feature primarily in the app: Capable of logging the daily logs. ...
Sans's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Building a Microservices App -- Can you give feedback on architecture?

I did some googling, and I was directed to Software Engineering to ask architecture questions. If you know of a different forum that could help me, please direct me to it I recently started learning ...
Asool's user avatar
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38 votes
10 answers

How do app developers protect their app when a user decompiles it?

I've been trying my hand at building apps with Flutter and Dart. I noticed in my apps that if someone decompiled my app they could access a whole lot of things I didn't want them to access. For ...
123432198765's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it a standard practice to have a single application/controller writing to database

I've been interviewed by some experienced engineer, when he strongly disagreed with some statements I said: Assuming full control over your applications, It's a standard practice to make writes-to-...
Samha''s user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

One Super App or Many Single-Purpose Apps

While Players like Rappi/Alibaba / Wechat have gone the super app way, i.e on single app to host many unrelated services, Ecosystems like Google, Amazon etc still have multiple single purpose ...
Rajan Rawat's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How do you implement an app autoupdate feature from scratch?

I am trying to imagine how Google Chrome automatically updates but have some questions: Is this against Apple's terms of service? I feel like I've seen somewhere that Chrome for MacOS isn't in the ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Need advice on reporting with big amounts of data

I have a monolith application in .net core 3.0 with entity framework core 3.0. using: a table with ~3 million records. Its structure is BusinessUnitId | ProfileId | Amount(it has more fields, but ...
Jamil's user avatar
  • 131
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0 answers

How to minimize errors between teams working on a shared code base

Imagine there are two solutions that each have their model, and data layer separately, and are developed separately on different git repositories, but they both are using the same database. Now, team ...
Ali Bordbar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I accurately estimate the minimum resources my application needs?

For an application that is starting out I do not want to over pay for servers and resources that will not be used since the budget is very limited at this point. This will be a for an iOS and Android ...
Luis Liz's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Best practice for multi-application communication and events?

Essentially, I have a web application and a console application. The web application allows users to configure what will be processed, which is just a big information processor. From the web UI, a ...
Dortimer's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How do you decide if data should be stored persistently or calculated at runtime?

I'm designing a service that contains different plans and features. I want to freely assign and remove features from plans. The service needs to tell the client both an ID's plan and the features it ...
traveling-coder's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Implementing A "Draft" Mode For Posts

My team is debating how to transition a portion of our Rails application to allow "drafts". For simplicities sake, we can imagine a Post object where we want to allow a kind of draft mode. Our real ...
rooney's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Application/Database design where two tables have both 1-to-many and 1-to-1 relationships

I have an application where the requirements are to show a list of (just for example) car manufacturers. When you click on one of the manufacturers, a list of car models show up. You can then click on ...
Cave Johnson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

JDBC Connection Url Logging - Security Risk

In one of the existing batch process codebase, I can see a practice of JDBC Connection String is getting logged and also persisted. Logging or Persisting a JDBC Connection String alone may not be a ...
Divs's user avatar
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49 votes
10 answers

Does splitting a potentially monolithic application into several smaller ones help prevent bugs? [closed]

Another way of asking this is; why do programs tend to be monolithic? I am thinking of something like an animation package like Maya, which people use for various different workflows. If the ...
dnv's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Dynamic Object Abilities When Saving State

I have n classes that extends from a State class, the purpose of the State class is to manage the state of the extended classes. For each class we need to save it in the database, remove it and select ...
bnsd55's user avatar
  • 141
0 votes
2 answers

How to design a wrapper for a large, multi-response API?

Lets say there exist some service at some organization that exposes information on a company's assets, from employees, company-issued devices (laptops and issues) to the the large xerox printers on ...
an_aspiring_engineer's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

How do I efficiently search for all the landmarks within a range of a certain landmark?

I am trying to start with a geo search project that will find all landmarks in the 10 km/miles (not important for this story) of a particular landmark. So for example, lets say I have a database of a ...
Dario Granich's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Static data input file type for console application

I have a requirement to create a console application that will read in data from a file. This data will be used to create new users in a database and assign them roles. The input file will specify ...
Sperick's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

What methods exist to decompose documents in order to move keys/values to a database application?

I am working for a company which has an abundance of Word and Excel files festering away in the depths of their file server, probably like most other companies. The problem is that each of these files ...
boatingcow's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Batch Syncing between two system and one system reverted its state to older DB state. Syncing Problem

We have a system which generates db records and a ever increasing id named archive_id ( bigint in postgres). sample table: record_table ------ archive_id bigint,info varchar Another system ...
techagrammer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using Entity Framework with third party applications

In my current situation I am one of two developers at a manufacturer. We have been extending the functionality of existing applications (ERP and some others). These third party applications do not ...
Matt's user avatar
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31 votes
1 answer

When developing a system by myself, should I use microservices?

I'm beginning a new project at work, and will likely be nearly the sole developer on the project, though one or two other developers will need to integrate existing applications or simple scripts into ...
scnerd's user avatar
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1 answer

Architecture layout for SPA application

I have an existing SPA application where api calls from user browser are forwarded to application server hosted separately. My application server have all business logic and repository to connect to ...
rahulaga-msft's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

One Database for Multiple Applications?

Has anyone worked in an environment where multiple in-house applications are all under one database with each application given its own schema within that single database? I don't just mean a few ...
Kevin's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to keep track of all functionality in a large application

As the title says - how to keep track of functionality as the application grows large? My company use Word-documents where the application has been broken down into chunks called "use cases" - which ...
nitech's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Database design for online applications

I am developing an Online Application portal. But I am stuck in designing my database tables, and am unsure about the best approach to take. Background: how the portal is supposed to work Let me tell ...
Dan Angelo Alcanar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What are some design ideas for a data mapping and transformation application?

Here is a high level outline of the project: We frequently need to convert data from a new incoming system to our in house system (sort of a basic ETL process) We would prefer to do this dynamically, ...
dpberry178's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to organize users data in NoSQL database for a user invite feature (even before a user sign up)?

I am doing a collaborative note editing app which uses a NoSQL database (Firebase) in server side. Each user can sign up using their phone number or email. Currently, the user object has only four ...
Tom Saju's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Why terminals only allow character-cell displays

In wondering about math fonts in the terminal, I started to realize that you can't really have pixel-perfect graphics in the terminal: How to draw a single pixel in a terminal? Terminal with image ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Difference between interaction log and "debug" or "application" log

Let's say I need two logs coming out of my application. One is for debugging issues and making sure the application runs correctly and the other is used for user statistics and general analysis of the ...
Bharel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Imposing conditional entity relations

While working on an application, I am facing an issue. And I am not sure how to solve this. For explanation I have managed to come up with a simple example below: Consider a Grocery Store ...
Kishor Prakash's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Spring application context - dependency chaos

I am new in a team working on a grown and complex Spring MVC application. The application context is widely wired using @Autowire annotated constructors. This seems to be the main reason for the issue ...
rainer198's user avatar
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1 answer

How should i license my application?

I developed c# winform application which monitors database and I want to license it. License will be concurrent based. Standart license 2 concurrent users, Premium users 5 concurrent users. I want ...
S. Doe's user avatar
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