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Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) encompass a wide spectrum of symptoms and levels of impairment in the social, communicative and behavioural domains. [1] There has been limited research with a focus on interprofessional collaboration... more
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Background Age-Related Hearing Loss (ARHL) is the most widespread sensory disorder in the elderly. Poor audiological support within retirement homes is one of the fundamental issues impacting the Quality of Life (QoL). Objectives The... more
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Prevalence figures on ADHD in South Africa (SA) are sparse, and even more so for Grade R learners. For school-aged learners, including Grade R learners, the prevalence has been reported to range Background: Preschool learners with... more
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    • Psychology
Background Age-Related Hearing Loss (ARHL) is the most widespread sensory disorder in the elderly. Poor audiological support within retirement homes is one of the fundamental issues impacting the Quality of Life (QoL). Objectives The... more
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Prevalence figures on ADHD in South Africa (SA) are sparse, and even more so for Grade R learners. For school-aged learners, including Grade R learners, the prevalence has been reported to range Background: Preschool learners with... more
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    • Psychology
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) encompass a wide spectrum of symptoms and levels of impairment in the social, communicative and behavioural domains. [1] There has been limited research with a focus on interprofessional collaboration... more
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Background: Research on aspects of neurodevelopment such as feeding and swallowing difficulties in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is limited in low and middle income countries such as South Africa. Method: A descriptive... more
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      PsychologyLiteracyAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Autism was previously regarded as a disorder that mostly occurred in well-resourced countries that are technologically advanced (Bakare et al. 2015). One in every 54 individuals globally presents with autism (Kuo 2022). However, in... more
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      PsychologyAutismCurriculumGuidance and Counseling Intervention Programs