Southern Methodist University
Electrical Engineering
In this paper, a neural network (NN) based approach for classification of images represented by translation-, scale-, and rotation-invariant features is presented. The utilized network is a multilayer perceptron (MLP) classifier with one... more
This paper presents a new model-based approach for texture classification which is rotation invariant, i.e., the recognition accuracy is not affected if the orientation of the test texture is different from the orientation of the training... more
In this paper a new set of rotation invariant features for image recognition is introduced . The features are the magnitudes of a set of orthogonal complex moments of the image called Zernike moments . These features could easily be... more
This paper presents a new feature extraction method for classifying a texture image into one of the I possible classes C ;, i= I, . . ., l. It is assumed that the given Mx M image characterized by a set of intensity levels, {y(si, s2), 0... more
This paper describes a totally automatic non-parametric clustering algorithm and its application to unsupervised image segmentation. The clusters are found by mode analysis of the multidimensional histogram of the considered vectors... more
trolled at different operating conditions using a direct torque control (DTC) technique combined with a new switching pattem producing low harmonics. The operating flux of the motor is chosen optimally for both loss minimization and good... more
One of the problems in increasing reliability in the manufacture of integrated circuit devices is inspection of the bond pads and the bonds connecting the bond pads to the lead fingers of the device. The continuing increase in packing... more
A new method for design of a fuzzy-rule-based classifier using genetic algorithms (GAs) is discussed. The optimal parameters of the fuzzy classifier including fuzzy membership functions and the size and structure of fuzzy rules are... more
This work considers the problem of estimating parameters of multispectral random field (RF) image models using maximum likelihood (ML) methods. For images with an assumed Gaussian distribution, analytical results are developed for... more
This paper presents a novel neural network (NN) approach to the problem of stereopsis. The correspondence problem (finding the correct matches between pixels of the epipolar lines of the stereo pair from amongst all the possible matches)... more
Measurements of high-speed network traffic have shown that traffic data exhibits a high degree of self-similarity. Traditional traffic models such as AR and ARMA are not able to capture this long-range-dependence making them ineffective... more
The paper describes a fuzzy logic controller which sets parameters for the wire bonding process, specifically controlling bonded ball size and shear strength density. The design of the fuzzy engine and the development of rules based on... more
This paper describes a color texture-based image segmentation system. The color texture information is obtained via modeling with the Multispectral Simultaneous Auto Regressive (MSAR) random field model. The general color content... more
Conventional load forecasting involves the prediction of the mean value of the demand of an electric power system. The mean value of
A maritime automatic target recognition system is developed that performs ship classification using one-dimensional high resolution range profiles. Five physically based features are defined and are extracted from both VV and HH... more
This paper describes a novel color texture-based image retrieval system for the query of an image database to find similar images to a target image. The retrieval process involves segmenting the image into regions of uniform color texture... more
A novel approach utilized in video database objectbased queries is proposed. This new method segments an example video sequence into real world objects using a combination of color image segmentation techniques along with MPEG-1/2 motion... more