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1 Behrens GM, Meyer D, Stoll M, Schmidt RE. Immune reconstitution syndromes in human immuno-deficiency virus infection following effective antiretroviral therapy. Immunobiology 2000; 201 : 186 -193. 2 Collazos J, Mayo J, Martinez E,... more
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      ChildClinical Sciences
1Competition for light is a central issue in ecological questions concerning forest tree differentiation and diversity. Here, using 213 106 individual stem records derived from a national survey in Ghana, West Africa, we examine the... more
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      BotanyConservation BiologyWest AfricaEcology
Sixteen percent of tree stems 10 cm diameter or greater recorded in seven 1 ha plots in Rabongo Forest, Uganda had stem damage attributable to elephants (Loxodonta africana). We propose four strategies that may help tree species persist... more
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      BotanyForestryConservation BiologyAfrica
Pengenalan dan penyerahan siswa murid SMK N 1 PKL.kuras kepada pihak PT,LIH Senin 04-maret-2013  Memberikan materi tentang tanaman kelapa sawit.  Membahas tanaman dikotil dan tanaman monokotil.  Membahas pendemen (tinkat perbandingan... more
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SMK Mata Pelajaran : PEMROGRAMAN DASAR Kelas / Semester : X /1 Kompetensi Inti* KI 1: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya KI 2: Menghayati dan Mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong,... more
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