Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience, 2014
Dairy cow mortality is an important animal welfare issue that also causes financial losses. The o... more Dairy cow mortality is an important animal welfare issue that also causes financial losses. The objective of this study was to identify farm characteristics and herd management practices associated with high on-farm cow mortality in Swedish dairy herds. A postal questionnaire was sent to farmers that had either high or low mortality rates for 3 consecutive years. The questionnaire consisted of five sections: 'About the farm', 'Milking and housing', 'Feeding', 'Routines' and 'Lame and sick cows'. A total of 145 questionnaires were returned (response rate=33%). Ten of the 77 characteristics investigated met the inclusion criteria for multivariable analysis. The final logistic regression model included: herd size, breed, use of natural service bull, bedding improvement frequency and pasture system. Herds with Swedish Holstein as the predominant breed (odds ratio (OR) 22.9, 95% confidence interval (CI) 5.2 to 101.8) or with mixed breeds (OR 5.5, 9...
Dairy cow mortality (unassisted death and euthanasia) has increased, worldwide and in Sweden. On-... more Dairy cow mortality (unassisted death and euthanasia) has increased, worldwide and in Sweden. On-farm mortality indicates suboptimal herd health or welfare and causes financial loss for the dairy producer. The objective of this study was to identify cow-level risk factors associated with on-farm cow mortality. Cows with at least one calving between 1 July 2008 and 30 June 2009 from herds enrolled in the Swedish official milk recording scheme with >40 cow-years were included. Each cow was followed from the day of calving until she calved again or left the herd (died, slaughtered or sold). The effects of potential risk factors on on-farm cow mortality were analysed using a Weibull proportional hazard model with a gamma distributed frailty effect common to cows within herd. The event of interest (failure) was euthanasia or unassisted death. An observation was right censored if the cow was slaughtered, sold, calved again or had an on-going lactation at 500 days after calving. The lac...
A long-term study was carried out in 11 dairy herds in the Khon Kaen province of northeast Thaila... more A long-term study was carried out in 11 dairy herds in the Khon Kaen province of northeast Thailand between August 2001 and November 2004. The objective was to investigate seroprevalence dynamics of Neospora caninum infection in the herds and to demonstrate patterns of seroconversion in individual cattle. Each herd was visited once a year, in total four times, and sera from cattle >3 months of age and farm dogs as well as a sample from the bulk milk were collected. All samples were analysed for presence of specific antibodies by an N. caninum iscom ELISA. The overall percentage of antibody-positive cattle was constant and varied only between 10 and 13% over the 4 years, but the variation in within-herd seroprevalence between herds was substantial. Two herds had !20% seropositive animals at all samplings and consistently high bulk milk OD, whereas two herds had no seropositive animal at the last two samplings and low bulk milk OD. Five herds had a decreasing trend of within-herd seroprevalence, whereas the remaining six herds had a higher portion of test-positive individuals at the end of the study. A total of 424 individuals were sampled more than once; 344 (81%) and 32 (8%) were consistently antibody-negative and antibodypositive, respectively. The proportions of animals that changed from being seronegative to seropositive and from being seropositive to seronegative between the years were 3.9-4.6% and 19-39%, respectively. Apparent vertical and horizontal transmission rates were 58% (95% CI; 44-71%) and 5% (95% CI; 3-7%), respectively. In conclusion, the overall percentage of N. caninum antibodypositive cattle was constant over the years, but the within-herd seroprevalence varied substantially between the herds. Seroconversions were likely to occur in individual cattle although most animals had consistent serological status throughout the study. #
Clinical mastitis (CM) is the most common veterinary treated disease in Swedish dairy cattle. To ... more Clinical mastitis (CM) is the most common veterinary treated disease in Swedish dairy cattle. To investigate if the distribution of veterinary registered cases of CM in Sweden follows that of the spatial distribution of cows with high somatic cell counts (SCCs), the spatial distribution of CM odds was estimated from available records and compared with udder health measures based on measurements of SCC derived from official milk recording. The study revealed areas with significantly lower odds for CM but with a high proportion of cows with a poor udder health score, suggesting an under-reporting of CM. We also found areas of significantly higher odds for CM despite a low proportion of cows with a poor udder health score, suggestive of over-treatment of mastitis. The results should enable targeted studies of reasons for discrepancies, e.g. farmers' and veterinarians' attitudes to mastitis treatment and disease recording in areas with a deficit or excess of registered CM cases. High quality disease records for dairy cattle are of interest not only for the dairy management but also for disease surveillance, monitoring of use of antibiotics and food safety purposes.
In this prospective study, repeated bulk milk tests were evaluated to establish the Neospora cani... more In this prospective study, repeated bulk milk tests were evaluated to establish the Neospora caninum antibody status and to describe infection dynamics and changes in prevalence of N. caninum in Thai dairy herds. Bulk milk from 418 herds in northeast Thailand were collected at three consecutive samplings, in December 2002 (sampling 1), April (sampling 2) and December 2003 (sampling 3). All samples were analysed for presence of N. caninum antibodies by iscom ELISA, and the optical density values were dichotomized at three different cut-offs. Herd status at either sampling 1 or sampling 2 was used to predict herd status at sampling 3. Changes in both sensitivity and specificity at the first samplings at all cut-offs were consistent with commonly seen patterns when evaluating performance of diagnostic tests. In addition, the predictive positive values (PPV) of herd status at each of the two samplings were more affected by time of sampling than choice of cut-off, whereas the predictive negative values (PNV) increased with increasing cut-off. Herd status at the first samplings was also interpreted in combination, i.e. herds that were negative at both samplings were considered negative and positive otherwise in Combination A, while herds positive at both samplings were considered positive in Combination B. When using these combinations, Combination A gave higher PNV but lower PPV than Combination B at all cut-offs. Using the optical density value 0.20 as cut-off to establish the herd N. caninum antibody status, 270 herds (65%) kept their status throughout the study period, but 148 herds converted their status at least once. Interestingly, 136 (86%) of the 158 herds that were considered negative at sampling 1 and sampling 2 remained negative at sampling 3. In addition of the 159 herds considered positive at the first two samplings, 134 (84%) were still positive at sampling 3. We concluded that repeated bulk milk testing at regular intervals provided better information about herd N. caninum status Veterinary Parasitology 136 (2006) 243-250 than a single test. Further, our results showed that the infection is prevalent in northeast Thailand, but that a herd can keep a negative infection status despite the frequent presence of dogs. #
A cross-sectional study of insured Swedish dogs with a recorded diagnosis of canine atopic dermat... more A cross-sectional study of insured Swedish dogs with a recorded diagnosis of canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) was performed. In order to validate the correctness of this specific diagnosis in the insurance database, medical records were requested by mail from the attending veterinarians. All dogs with a reimbursed claim for the disease during 2002 were included in the original study sample (n = 373). Medical records were available for 335 individuals (response rate: 89.8%). By scrutinizing the submitted records it was determined that all dogs had been treated for dermatologic disease, and that 327 (97.6%) could be considered to have some allergic skin disease. However, as information regarding dietary trial testing was missing in many dogs the number that were truly atopic could not be determined. The clinical presentation and nature of test diet for dogs with or without response to dietary trial testing was compared for a subset of 109 individuals that had undergone such testing. The only significant difference between these two groups was that the proportion of dogs with reported gastrointestinal signs was higher in the group that subsequently responded to a diet trial. In conclusion, the agreement between the recorded diagnosis in the insurance database and the clinical manifestations recorded in the submitted medical records was considered acceptable. The concern was raised that many attending veterinarians did not exclude cutaneous adverse food reactions before making the diagnosis of CAD.
The dynamics of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (PIV-3), ... more The dynamics of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (PIV-3), bovine corona virus (BCoV) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infections were studied in 118 dairy herds in south western Sweden. By using serology on paired samples from three 7 vs. 15-month-old calves per herd, the propagation of infections was investigated over about a 1-year period. The results implied that at least 74% of calves had experienced one or more of the monitored infections at the age of 7 months (Sample 1, Spring); 30%, 48%, 34% and 8% were seropositive to BRSV, PIV-3, BCoV and BVDV, respectively. Seroconversions to BRSV, PIV-3, BCoV and BVDV occurred in 26%, 38%, 50% and 3% of seronegative animals and 63% had antibodies against two or more infections at 15 months (Sample 2). In total, 90-97% of animals that were seropositive in Sample 1 remained positive in Sample 2. A significant association was found between BVDV and BCoV (P = 0.01). Moreover, a significantly higher proportion of herds in which no calves had a recorded history of respiratory disease (n = 15) were classified as negative to all four infections monitored when compared to herds in which disease was observed (P = 0.0002). This study showed a high infection burden in young animals and effective spread of BRSV, PIV-3 and BCoV in one area of Sweden. BVDV infections were restricted to a few herds, reflecting the effect of a voluntary control program against BVDV in Sweden.
The effects of the first lactational incidence of clinical mastitis (CM) on milk, fat, and protei... more The effects of the first lactational incidence of clinical mastitis (CM) on milk, fat, and protein production were studied in the Swedish Red and Swedish Holstein breeds. The data consisted of 38,535 weekly production records from 1,192 lactations (506 cows), sampled from 1987 to 2004 in one of the university's research herds. Daily yields were analyzed using a repeated-measures mixed model with an interaction between mastitis index and lactational stage, breed, parity, reproductive status, year-season of calving, and various indices for other disorders as independent variables. The indices were used to distinguish between cows with and without the studied diagnoses, as well as to indicate time (test day) in relation to day of diagnosis. Inclusion of the interaction made it possible to study the effects of CM occurring in different weeks of lactation. Primiparous and multiparous cows were analyzed separately, and the yields of nonmastitic cows were used as a reference for the production level in healthy cows. Lactational (305-d) yield losses were extrapolated from the daily estimates. High milk yield was predisposing to CM. Daily milk yield started to decline 2 to 4 wk before diagnosis. On the day of clinical onset, the milk yield of mastitic cows was reduced by 1 to 8 kg. After a case of CM, milk yield was suppressed throughout lactation. The magnitude of the yield losses was determined by the week of lactation at clinical onset. The greatest losses occurred when primiparous cows developed CM in wk 6, whereas multiparous cows experienced the greatest losses when diseased in wk 3. The 305-d milk, fat, and protein production in mastitic primiparous cows were reduced by 0 to 9, 0 to 8, and 0 to 7%, respectively. The corresponding reductions in mastitic multiparous cows were 0 to 11, 0 to 12, and 0 to 11%, respectively.
The association between somatic cell count (SCC) and daily milk yield in different stages of lact... more The association between somatic cell count (SCC) and daily milk yield in different stages of lactation was investigated in cows free of clinical mastitis (CM). Data were recorded between 1989 and 2004 in a research herd, and consisted of weekly test-day (TD) records from 1,155 lactations of Swedish Holstein and Swedish Red cows. The main data set (data set A) containing 36,117 records excluded TD affected by CM. In this data set, the geometric mean SCC was 55,000 and 95,000 cells/mL in primiparous and multiparous cows, respectively. A subset of data set A (data set B), containing 27,753 records excluding all TD sampled in lactations affected by CM, was created to investigate the effect of subclinical mastitis (SCM) in lactations free of CM. Daily milk yields were analyzed using a mixed linear model with lactation stage; linear, quadratic and cubic regressions of log(2)-transformed and centered SCC nested within lactation stage; weeks in lactation; TD season; parity; breed; pregnancy status; year-season of calving; calving, reproductive, metabolic and claw disorders; and housing system as fixed effects. A random regression was included to further improve the modeling of the lactation curve. Primiparous and multiparous cows were analyzed separately. The magnitude of daily milk loss associated with increased SCC depended on stage of lactation and parity, and was most extensive in late lactation irrespective of parity. In data set A, daily milk loss at an SCC of 500,000 cells/mL ranged from 0.7 to 2.0 kg (3 to 9%) in primiparous cows, depending on stage of lactation. In multiparous cows, corresponding loss was 1.1 to 3.7 kg (4 to 18%). Regression coefficients of primiparous cows estimated from data set B were consistent with those obtained from data set A, whereas data set B generated more negative regression coefficients of multiparous cows suggesting a higher milk loss associated with increased SCC in lactations in which the cow did not develop CM. The 305-d milk loss in the average lactation affected with SCM was 155 kg of milk (2%) in primiparous cows and 445 kg of milk (5%) in multiparous cows. It was concluded that multiparous cows in late lactation can be expected to be responsible for the majority of the herd-level production loss caused by SCM, and that preventive measures need to focus on reducing the incidence of SCM in such cows.
An increase in on-farm mortality (euthanasia and death) in dairy herds has been reported in sever... more An increase in on-farm mortality (euthanasia and death) in dairy herds has been reported in several countries in the last decade. This does not only imply possible problems with animal welfare, but it also causes economic losses to the farmer. The objective of this study was to evaluate time trends in on-farm dairy cow mortality in Sweden and identify potential herd-level risk factors. Data were retrieved on all Swedish dairy herds enrolled in the milk recording scheme between 2002 and 2010. Herds with a herd size of <20 cows or a mortality rate (MR) of >40 dead or euthanized cows per 100 cow-years were excluded. Two different models were used: 1 multiple-year analysis, which included 6,898 herds during the period 2002 to 2010 and 1 single-year analysis including 4,252 herds for the year 2010, where other variables that were not present during the entire multiple year study were analyzed. The outcome variable was the number of euthanized and dead cows per year and season. A negative binomial regression model, adjusted for clustering within herd, was applied to both models. Fixed effects in the multiple-year analysis were breed, calving interval, herd size, milk yield, region, season, pasture period, and year. The fixed effects in the single-year analysis were breed, calving interval, conventional versus organic farming, herd size, housing system, milk yield, region, and season. The results demonstrated that MR gradually increased from 5.1 to 6.6 events per 100 cow-years during the study period. Swedish MR are consequently on par with, or even greater than, MR among dairy herds in other comparable countries. Higher mortality was associated with larger herd size, longer calving intervals, and herds that had Swedish Holstein as the predominant breed. Lower mortality was observed in herds with a higher herd average milk yield, during the fall and winter, and in organically managed herds. There were regional differences in mortality. An interaction between herd size and season was found in both models. Also, an interaction between housing system and milk yield was found in the single-year analysis. This first assessment of on-farm mortality in Swedish dairy herds confirmed that the MR has increased over the last few years. The study also identified some herd-level risk factors.
The epidemiology of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was... more The epidemiology of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was studied in a population of small dairy herds that had not been vaccinated. Bulk tank milk samples of 186 herds in Thailand were collected four times between 2002 and 2004. Serum samples from individual animals in 11 herds were also taken on three occasions. The prevalence of BHV-1 in the 186 herds was 61% in 2002, decreasing to 48% in 2004 and for BVDV was 91% in 2002, decreasing to 72% in 2004. A BVDV antigen-positive calf was found in one of the 11 herds, and animals in this herd and three other herds seroconverted to a recently described atypical BVDV strain (HoBi). This study showed a significantly decreasing prevalence for both BHV-1 and BVDV due to a self-clearance process. Further studies are needed to find out how the atypical BVDV strain entered the cattle population.
The short-and long-term treatment efficacy of administrating penicillin for bovine subclinical ma... more The short-and long-term treatment efficacy of administrating penicillin for bovine subclinical mastitis during lactation when using intramuscular (IM; 9.5 mg [15,000 IU]/kg bodyweight of benzyl penicillin potassium) injections twice daily for 5 days, or intramammary (IMM; 0.3 g [300,000 IU] penethamate hydroiodide) administration once daily for 5 days was compared with a control group receiving no treatment. One hundred and twenty-six cows met the inclusion criteria, which were lack of clinical symptoms, no recent treatment with antimicrobials, and findings of penicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, or Streptococcus uberis in combination with an inflammatory reaction.
We used a prospective seroepidemiological approach to investigate endemic abortion in a dairy her... more We used a prospective seroepidemiological approach to investigate endemic abortion in a dairy herd in Arequipa, Peru, and its association with Neospora caninum and bovine viral-diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infections. Between January 2002 and March 2004, 1094 pregnancies were confirmed in 538 cows. Of these, 137 pregnancies (13%) in 121 cows ended in abortion. The serological status to N. caninum was assessed using a single serological screening, whereas BVDV status was assessed at the herd level through consecutive samplings of young stock.
Bulk tank milk samples, collected twice with a 1 year interval, from 213 Swedish dairy herds with... more Bulk tank milk samples, collected twice with a 1 year interval, from 213 Swedish dairy herds with no vaccination programme against bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV), were tested for antibodies to BVDV using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The herds were classified into four different BVDV groupings based on changes in the estimated prevalence of BVDV antibody-positive cows in the herds. The estimated mean prevalences of BVDV antibody-positive cows were maintained as > 80% in 58 (27.2%) and as < 10% in 84 (39.4%) of the herds. A recent introduction of the infection was deemed to have occurred in seven (3.3%) of the herds studied. The BVDV groups were compared with regard to parameters related to disease and fertility at herd level. Relationships were assessed using logistic and ordinary linear regression analyses. The risks for clinical mastitis, retained placenta and oestrus-stimulating treatments were higher and the calving intervals were longer in BVDV infected herds, i.e. those herds with an increasing or maintained high prevalence of BVDV antibody-positive cows.
The within-herd transmission of tuberculosis, after introduction of infection, was evaluated in s... more The within-herd transmission of tuberculosis, after introduction of infection, was evaluated in seven Swedish herds of farmed fallow deer. The evaluation was based on a subset of data obtained from a previous epidemiological investigation, comprising 13 tuberculosis-infected deer herds, with the purpose of tracing the source of infection. A computer spreadsheet model based on the Reed-Frost method was developed to estimate the number of new infections. For each herd, a k-value (the number of effective contacts made by an individual during a time period) was estimated through fitting the model to the observed incidence in each herd. We concluded that, despite the relatively short observation periods and uncertain tuberculosis incidence estimates for the observed herds, the k's obtained could be used to quantify the estimated spread of tuberculosis in extensive deer herds in Sweden. # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
The basis for all observational studies is the availability of appropriate data of high quality. ... more The basis for all observational studies is the availability of appropriate data of high quality. Data may be collected specifically for the research purpose in question (so-called &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;primary data&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;), but data collected for other purposes (so-called &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;secondary data&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;) are also sometimes used and useful in research. High accuracy and precision are required (irrespective of the source of the data) to arrive at correct and unbiased results efficiently. Both careful planning prior to the start of the data acquisition and thorough procedures for data entry are obvious prerequisites to achieve high-quality data. However, data should also be subjected to a thorough validation after the collection. Primary data are mainly validated through proper screening, by using various descriptive statistical methods. Validation of secondary data is associated with specific conditions - the first of which is to be aware of the limitations in its usefulness imposed by procedures during collection. Approaches for validation of secondary data will be briefly discussed in the paper, and include patient chart review, combining with data from other sources, two-stage sampling, and aggregated methods.
Background: One of the most common diseases in intact bitches is pyometra-a potentially life-thre... more Background: One of the most common diseases in intact bitches is pyometra-a potentially life-threatening disease associated with a variety of clinical and laboratory findings. The aims of the present study were to describe complications of the disease and to investigate clinically useful indicators associated with peritonitis and/or prolonged postoperative hospitalization. Results: A retrospective study was performed using records from 356 bitches diagnosed with pyometra during the years 2006-2007 at the University Animal Hospital, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Of the 356 bitches, 315 were surgically treated by ovariohysterectomy, 9 were medically treated and 32 were euthanized without treatment. In the surgically treated bitches, univariable associations between clinical and laboratory data, risk for prolonged hospitalization (≥ 3 days) and/or signs of peritonitis, were analyzed by Chi-square and Fisher's exact test. Logistic regression models were used to assess multivariable associations. The most common complication observed in surgically treated bitches was peritonitis (40 bitches), followed by urinary tract infection (19 bitches), wound infection (8 bitches), uveitis (6 bitches), and cardiac arrhythmia (5 bitches). Leucopenia and fever/hypothermia were associated with increased risk for peritonitis (18-fold and three-fold, respectively). Moderate to severe depression of the general condition, pale mucous membranes and leucopenia were associated with increased risk (seven-fold, three-fold, and over three-point-five-fold, respectively) for prolonged postoperative hospitalization. Conclusions: Several clinically useful indicators were identified. Leucopenia was the most important marker, associated with 18-fold increased risk for peritonitis and an over three-point-five increased risk for prolonged hospitalization. Fever/hypothermia, depression and pale mucous membranes were associated with increased risk for peritonitis and/or prolonged hospitalization. The results of the present study may be valuable for identifying peritonitis and predicting increased morbidity in surgically treated bitches with pyometra.
The main aim was to assess the impact of mastitis on technical and economic results of a dairy he... more The main aim was to assess the impact of mastitis on technical and economic results of a dairy herd under current Swedish farming conditions. The second aim was to investigate the effects obtained by withdrawing milk with high somatic cell count (SCC). A dynamic and stochastic simulation model, SimHerd, was used to study the effects of mastitis in a herd with 150 cows. Results given the initial incidence of mastitis (32 and 33 clinical and subclinical cases per 100 cow-years, respectively) were studied, together with the consequences of reducing or increasing the incidence of mastitis by 50%, modelling no clinical mastitis (CM) while keeping the incidence of subclinical mastitis (SCM) constant and vice versa. Six different strategies to withdraw milk with high SCC were compared. The decision to withdraw milk was based on herd-level information in three scenarios: withdrawal was initiated when the predicted bulk tank SCC exceeded 220 000, 200 000 or 180 000 cells/ml, and on cow-level information in three scenarios: withdrawal was initiated when the predicted SCC in an individual cow&#39;s milk exceeded 1 000 000, 750 000 or 500 000 cells/ml. The accuracy with which SCC was measured and predicted was assumed to affect the profitability of withdrawing milk with high SCC and this was investigated by applying high, low or no uncertainty to true SCC. The yearly avoidable cost of mastitis was estimated at €8235, assuming that the initial incidence of mastitis could be reduced by 50%. This cost corresponded to 5% of the herd net return given the initial incidence of mastitis. Expressed per cow-year, the avoidable cost of mastitis was €55. The costs per case of CM and SCM were estimated at €278 and €60, respectively. Withdrawing milk with high SCC was never profitable because this generated a substantial amount of milk withdrawal that was not offset by a sufficient increase in the average price per delivered kg milk. It had the most negative impact on net return when high incidence of mastitis was simulated. Withdrawing milk with high SCC based on low-uncertainty information reduced the amount of withdrawn milk and thus resulted in less negative effect on net return. It was concluded that the current milk-pricing system makes it more profitable for farmers to sell a larger amount of milk with higher SCC than to withdraw milk with high SCC to obtain payment premiums, at least in herds with mastitis incidences within the simulated ranges.
Increased on-farm cow mortality (ie unassisted death and euthanasia) has been demonstrated in Swe... more Increased on-farm cow mortality (ie unassisted death and euthanasia) has been demonstrated in Swedish dairy herds during the last decade. Identifying risk factors associated with type of death is needed for future work in reducing cow mortality rates. The objectives of this case-control study were to quantify the relative proportion of unassisted dead cows among cows that die on-farm, and to identify risk factors associated with unassisted death (as opposed to euthanasia). In Sweden, cadavers and animal waste products are being processed into biofuel at destruction plants. Two destruction plants were visited three times in 2011-2012. All dairy cows (n = 556) entering the plants were examined. Farmers that had sent the cows were contacted by telephone to verify type of death. Of the 433 dairy cows included in the analysis, 30% had died unassisted. A stillbirth rate above or equal to the median in the study material (7%) increased the risk for unassisted death. The proportion of unassisted dead cows was lower than that found in other countries. The results indicate that it might be possible to study euthanasia and unassisted death as one group in Swedish dairy cows, because only one factor differentiating between the two types of death was identified. However, unidentified risk factors may still differ and, possibly more importantly, welfare implications may also differ between the two types of death which implies the need to separate them in future studies.
Background: Treatment and protection of wounds in horses can be challenging; protecting bandages ... more Background: Treatment and protection of wounds in horses can be challenging; protecting bandages may be difficult to apply on the proximal extremities and the body. Unprotected wounds carry an increased risk of bacterial contamination and subsequent infection which can lead to delayed wound healing. Topical treatment with antimicrobials is one possibility to prevent bacterial colonization or infection, but the frequent use of antimicrobials ultimately leads to development of bacterial resistance which is an increasing concern in both human and veterinary medicine. Methods: Standardized wounds were created in 10 Standardbred mares. Three wounds were made in each horse. Two wounds were randomly treated with LHP ® or petrolatum and the third wound served as untreated control. All wounds were assessed daily until complete epithelization. Protocol data were recorded on day 2, 6, 11, 16, 21 and 28. Data included clinical scores for inflammation and healing, photoplanimetry for calculating wound areas and swab cytology to assess bacterial colonization and inflammation. Bacterial cultures were obtained on day 2, 6 and 16. Results: Mean time to complete healing for LHP ® treated wounds was 32 days (95%CI = 26.9-37.7). Mean time to complete healing for petrolatum and untreated control wounds were 41.6 days (95%CI = 36.2-47.0) and 44.0 days (95% CI = 38.6-49.4) respectively. Wound healing occurred significantly faster in LHP ® wounds compared to both petrolatum (p = 0.0004) and untreated controls (p < 0.0001). There was no significant difference in time for healing between petrolatum and untreated controls. Total scores for bacteria and neutrophils were significantly (p < 0.0001) lower for LHP ® treated wounds compared to petrolatum from day 16 and onwards. Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus zooepidemicus were only found in cultures from petrolatum treated wounds and untreated controls.
Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience, 2014
Dairy cow mortality is an important animal welfare issue that also causes financial losses. The o... more Dairy cow mortality is an important animal welfare issue that also causes financial losses. The objective of this study was to identify farm characteristics and herd management practices associated with high on-farm cow mortality in Swedish dairy herds. A postal questionnaire was sent to farmers that had either high or low mortality rates for 3 consecutive years. The questionnaire consisted of five sections: 'About the farm', 'Milking and housing', 'Feeding', 'Routines' and 'Lame and sick cows'. A total of 145 questionnaires were returned (response rate=33%). Ten of the 77 characteristics investigated met the inclusion criteria for multivariable analysis. The final logistic regression model included: herd size, breed, use of natural service bull, bedding improvement frequency and pasture system. Herds with Swedish Holstein as the predominant breed (odds ratio (OR) 22.9, 95% confidence interval (CI) 5.2 to 101.8) or with mixed breeds (OR 5.5, 9...
Dairy cow mortality (unassisted death and euthanasia) has increased, worldwide and in Sweden. On-... more Dairy cow mortality (unassisted death and euthanasia) has increased, worldwide and in Sweden. On-farm mortality indicates suboptimal herd health or welfare and causes financial loss for the dairy producer. The objective of this study was to identify cow-level risk factors associated with on-farm cow mortality. Cows with at least one calving between 1 July 2008 and 30 June 2009 from herds enrolled in the Swedish official milk recording scheme with >40 cow-years were included. Each cow was followed from the day of calving until she calved again or left the herd (died, slaughtered or sold). The effects of potential risk factors on on-farm cow mortality were analysed using a Weibull proportional hazard model with a gamma distributed frailty effect common to cows within herd. The event of interest (failure) was euthanasia or unassisted death. An observation was right censored if the cow was slaughtered, sold, calved again or had an on-going lactation at 500 days after calving. The lac...
A long-term study was carried out in 11 dairy herds in the Khon Kaen province of northeast Thaila... more A long-term study was carried out in 11 dairy herds in the Khon Kaen province of northeast Thailand between August 2001 and November 2004. The objective was to investigate seroprevalence dynamics of Neospora caninum infection in the herds and to demonstrate patterns of seroconversion in individual cattle. Each herd was visited once a year, in total four times, and sera from cattle >3 months of age and farm dogs as well as a sample from the bulk milk were collected. All samples were analysed for presence of specific antibodies by an N. caninum iscom ELISA. The overall percentage of antibody-positive cattle was constant and varied only between 10 and 13% over the 4 years, but the variation in within-herd seroprevalence between herds was substantial. Two herds had !20% seropositive animals at all samplings and consistently high bulk milk OD, whereas two herds had no seropositive animal at the last two samplings and low bulk milk OD. Five herds had a decreasing trend of within-herd seroprevalence, whereas the remaining six herds had a higher portion of test-positive individuals at the end of the study. A total of 424 individuals were sampled more than once; 344 (81%) and 32 (8%) were consistently antibody-negative and antibodypositive, respectively. The proportions of animals that changed from being seronegative to seropositive and from being seropositive to seronegative between the years were 3.9-4.6% and 19-39%, respectively. Apparent vertical and horizontal transmission rates were 58% (95% CI; 44-71%) and 5% (95% CI; 3-7%), respectively. In conclusion, the overall percentage of N. caninum antibodypositive cattle was constant over the years, but the within-herd seroprevalence varied substantially between the herds. Seroconversions were likely to occur in individual cattle although most animals had consistent serological status throughout the study. #
Clinical mastitis (CM) is the most common veterinary treated disease in Swedish dairy cattle. To ... more Clinical mastitis (CM) is the most common veterinary treated disease in Swedish dairy cattle. To investigate if the distribution of veterinary registered cases of CM in Sweden follows that of the spatial distribution of cows with high somatic cell counts (SCCs), the spatial distribution of CM odds was estimated from available records and compared with udder health measures based on measurements of SCC derived from official milk recording. The study revealed areas with significantly lower odds for CM but with a high proportion of cows with a poor udder health score, suggesting an under-reporting of CM. We also found areas of significantly higher odds for CM despite a low proportion of cows with a poor udder health score, suggestive of over-treatment of mastitis. The results should enable targeted studies of reasons for discrepancies, e.g. farmers' and veterinarians' attitudes to mastitis treatment and disease recording in areas with a deficit or excess of registered CM cases. High quality disease records for dairy cattle are of interest not only for the dairy management but also for disease surveillance, monitoring of use of antibiotics and food safety purposes.
In this prospective study, repeated bulk milk tests were evaluated to establish the Neospora cani... more In this prospective study, repeated bulk milk tests were evaluated to establish the Neospora caninum antibody status and to describe infection dynamics and changes in prevalence of N. caninum in Thai dairy herds. Bulk milk from 418 herds in northeast Thailand were collected at three consecutive samplings, in December 2002 (sampling 1), April (sampling 2) and December 2003 (sampling 3). All samples were analysed for presence of N. caninum antibodies by iscom ELISA, and the optical density values were dichotomized at three different cut-offs. Herd status at either sampling 1 or sampling 2 was used to predict herd status at sampling 3. Changes in both sensitivity and specificity at the first samplings at all cut-offs were consistent with commonly seen patterns when evaluating performance of diagnostic tests. In addition, the predictive positive values (PPV) of herd status at each of the two samplings were more affected by time of sampling than choice of cut-off, whereas the predictive negative values (PNV) increased with increasing cut-off. Herd status at the first samplings was also interpreted in combination, i.e. herds that were negative at both samplings were considered negative and positive otherwise in Combination A, while herds positive at both samplings were considered positive in Combination B. When using these combinations, Combination A gave higher PNV but lower PPV than Combination B at all cut-offs. Using the optical density value 0.20 as cut-off to establish the herd N. caninum antibody status, 270 herds (65%) kept their status throughout the study period, but 148 herds converted their status at least once. Interestingly, 136 (86%) of the 158 herds that were considered negative at sampling 1 and sampling 2 remained negative at sampling 3. In addition of the 159 herds considered positive at the first two samplings, 134 (84%) were still positive at sampling 3. We concluded that repeated bulk milk testing at regular intervals provided better information about herd N. caninum status Veterinary Parasitology 136 (2006) 243-250 than a single test. Further, our results showed that the infection is prevalent in northeast Thailand, but that a herd can keep a negative infection status despite the frequent presence of dogs. #
A cross-sectional study of insured Swedish dogs with a recorded diagnosis of canine atopic dermat... more A cross-sectional study of insured Swedish dogs with a recorded diagnosis of canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) was performed. In order to validate the correctness of this specific diagnosis in the insurance database, medical records were requested by mail from the attending veterinarians. All dogs with a reimbursed claim for the disease during 2002 were included in the original study sample (n = 373). Medical records were available for 335 individuals (response rate: 89.8%). By scrutinizing the submitted records it was determined that all dogs had been treated for dermatologic disease, and that 327 (97.6%) could be considered to have some allergic skin disease. However, as information regarding dietary trial testing was missing in many dogs the number that were truly atopic could not be determined. The clinical presentation and nature of test diet for dogs with or without response to dietary trial testing was compared for a subset of 109 individuals that had undergone such testing. The only significant difference between these two groups was that the proportion of dogs with reported gastrointestinal signs was higher in the group that subsequently responded to a diet trial. In conclusion, the agreement between the recorded diagnosis in the insurance database and the clinical manifestations recorded in the submitted medical records was considered acceptable. The concern was raised that many attending veterinarians did not exclude cutaneous adverse food reactions before making the diagnosis of CAD.
The dynamics of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (PIV-3), ... more The dynamics of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (PIV-3), bovine corona virus (BCoV) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infections were studied in 118 dairy herds in south western Sweden. By using serology on paired samples from three 7 vs. 15-month-old calves per herd, the propagation of infections was investigated over about a 1-year period. The results implied that at least 74% of calves had experienced one or more of the monitored infections at the age of 7 months (Sample 1, Spring); 30%, 48%, 34% and 8% were seropositive to BRSV, PIV-3, BCoV and BVDV, respectively. Seroconversions to BRSV, PIV-3, BCoV and BVDV occurred in 26%, 38%, 50% and 3% of seronegative animals and 63% had antibodies against two or more infections at 15 months (Sample 2). In total, 90-97% of animals that were seropositive in Sample 1 remained positive in Sample 2. A significant association was found between BVDV and BCoV (P = 0.01). Moreover, a significantly higher proportion of herds in which no calves had a recorded history of respiratory disease (n = 15) were classified as negative to all four infections monitored when compared to herds in which disease was observed (P = 0.0002). This study showed a high infection burden in young animals and effective spread of BRSV, PIV-3 and BCoV in one area of Sweden. BVDV infections were restricted to a few herds, reflecting the effect of a voluntary control program against BVDV in Sweden.
The effects of the first lactational incidence of clinical mastitis (CM) on milk, fat, and protei... more The effects of the first lactational incidence of clinical mastitis (CM) on milk, fat, and protein production were studied in the Swedish Red and Swedish Holstein breeds. The data consisted of 38,535 weekly production records from 1,192 lactations (506 cows), sampled from 1987 to 2004 in one of the university's research herds. Daily yields were analyzed using a repeated-measures mixed model with an interaction between mastitis index and lactational stage, breed, parity, reproductive status, year-season of calving, and various indices for other disorders as independent variables. The indices were used to distinguish between cows with and without the studied diagnoses, as well as to indicate time (test day) in relation to day of diagnosis. Inclusion of the interaction made it possible to study the effects of CM occurring in different weeks of lactation. Primiparous and multiparous cows were analyzed separately, and the yields of nonmastitic cows were used as a reference for the production level in healthy cows. Lactational (305-d) yield losses were extrapolated from the daily estimates. High milk yield was predisposing to CM. Daily milk yield started to decline 2 to 4 wk before diagnosis. On the day of clinical onset, the milk yield of mastitic cows was reduced by 1 to 8 kg. After a case of CM, milk yield was suppressed throughout lactation. The magnitude of the yield losses was determined by the week of lactation at clinical onset. The greatest losses occurred when primiparous cows developed CM in wk 6, whereas multiparous cows experienced the greatest losses when diseased in wk 3. The 305-d milk, fat, and protein production in mastitic primiparous cows were reduced by 0 to 9, 0 to 8, and 0 to 7%, respectively. The corresponding reductions in mastitic multiparous cows were 0 to 11, 0 to 12, and 0 to 11%, respectively.
The association between somatic cell count (SCC) and daily milk yield in different stages of lact... more The association between somatic cell count (SCC) and daily milk yield in different stages of lactation was investigated in cows free of clinical mastitis (CM). Data were recorded between 1989 and 2004 in a research herd, and consisted of weekly test-day (TD) records from 1,155 lactations of Swedish Holstein and Swedish Red cows. The main data set (data set A) containing 36,117 records excluded TD affected by CM. In this data set, the geometric mean SCC was 55,000 and 95,000 cells/mL in primiparous and multiparous cows, respectively. A subset of data set A (data set B), containing 27,753 records excluding all TD sampled in lactations affected by CM, was created to investigate the effect of subclinical mastitis (SCM) in lactations free of CM. Daily milk yields were analyzed using a mixed linear model with lactation stage; linear, quadratic and cubic regressions of log(2)-transformed and centered SCC nested within lactation stage; weeks in lactation; TD season; parity; breed; pregnancy status; year-season of calving; calving, reproductive, metabolic and claw disorders; and housing system as fixed effects. A random regression was included to further improve the modeling of the lactation curve. Primiparous and multiparous cows were analyzed separately. The magnitude of daily milk loss associated with increased SCC depended on stage of lactation and parity, and was most extensive in late lactation irrespective of parity. In data set A, daily milk loss at an SCC of 500,000 cells/mL ranged from 0.7 to 2.0 kg (3 to 9%) in primiparous cows, depending on stage of lactation. In multiparous cows, corresponding loss was 1.1 to 3.7 kg (4 to 18%). Regression coefficients of primiparous cows estimated from data set B were consistent with those obtained from data set A, whereas data set B generated more negative regression coefficients of multiparous cows suggesting a higher milk loss associated with increased SCC in lactations in which the cow did not develop CM. The 305-d milk loss in the average lactation affected with SCM was 155 kg of milk (2%) in primiparous cows and 445 kg of milk (5%) in multiparous cows. It was concluded that multiparous cows in late lactation can be expected to be responsible for the majority of the herd-level production loss caused by SCM, and that preventive measures need to focus on reducing the incidence of SCM in such cows.
An increase in on-farm mortality (euthanasia and death) in dairy herds has been reported in sever... more An increase in on-farm mortality (euthanasia and death) in dairy herds has been reported in several countries in the last decade. This does not only imply possible problems with animal welfare, but it also causes economic losses to the farmer. The objective of this study was to evaluate time trends in on-farm dairy cow mortality in Sweden and identify potential herd-level risk factors. Data were retrieved on all Swedish dairy herds enrolled in the milk recording scheme between 2002 and 2010. Herds with a herd size of <20 cows or a mortality rate (MR) of >40 dead or euthanized cows per 100 cow-years were excluded. Two different models were used: 1 multiple-year analysis, which included 6,898 herds during the period 2002 to 2010 and 1 single-year analysis including 4,252 herds for the year 2010, where other variables that were not present during the entire multiple year study were analyzed. The outcome variable was the number of euthanized and dead cows per year and season. A negative binomial regression model, adjusted for clustering within herd, was applied to both models. Fixed effects in the multiple-year analysis were breed, calving interval, herd size, milk yield, region, season, pasture period, and year. The fixed effects in the single-year analysis were breed, calving interval, conventional versus organic farming, herd size, housing system, milk yield, region, and season. The results demonstrated that MR gradually increased from 5.1 to 6.6 events per 100 cow-years during the study period. Swedish MR are consequently on par with, or even greater than, MR among dairy herds in other comparable countries. Higher mortality was associated with larger herd size, longer calving intervals, and herds that had Swedish Holstein as the predominant breed. Lower mortality was observed in herds with a higher herd average milk yield, during the fall and winter, and in organically managed herds. There were regional differences in mortality. An interaction between herd size and season was found in both models. Also, an interaction between housing system and milk yield was found in the single-year analysis. This first assessment of on-farm mortality in Swedish dairy herds confirmed that the MR has increased over the last few years. The study also identified some herd-level risk factors.
The epidemiology of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was... more The epidemiology of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was studied in a population of small dairy herds that had not been vaccinated. Bulk tank milk samples of 186 herds in Thailand were collected four times between 2002 and 2004. Serum samples from individual animals in 11 herds were also taken on three occasions. The prevalence of BHV-1 in the 186 herds was 61% in 2002, decreasing to 48% in 2004 and for BVDV was 91% in 2002, decreasing to 72% in 2004. A BVDV antigen-positive calf was found in one of the 11 herds, and animals in this herd and three other herds seroconverted to a recently described atypical BVDV strain (HoBi). This study showed a significantly decreasing prevalence for both BHV-1 and BVDV due to a self-clearance process. Further studies are needed to find out how the atypical BVDV strain entered the cattle population.
The short-and long-term treatment efficacy of administrating penicillin for bovine subclinical ma... more The short-and long-term treatment efficacy of administrating penicillin for bovine subclinical mastitis during lactation when using intramuscular (IM; 9.5 mg [15,000 IU]/kg bodyweight of benzyl penicillin potassium) injections twice daily for 5 days, or intramammary (IMM; 0.3 g [300,000 IU] penethamate hydroiodide) administration once daily for 5 days was compared with a control group receiving no treatment. One hundred and twenty-six cows met the inclusion criteria, which were lack of clinical symptoms, no recent treatment with antimicrobials, and findings of penicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, or Streptococcus uberis in combination with an inflammatory reaction.
We used a prospective seroepidemiological approach to investigate endemic abortion in a dairy her... more We used a prospective seroepidemiological approach to investigate endemic abortion in a dairy herd in Arequipa, Peru, and its association with Neospora caninum and bovine viral-diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infections. Between January 2002 and March 2004, 1094 pregnancies were confirmed in 538 cows. Of these, 137 pregnancies (13%) in 121 cows ended in abortion. The serological status to N. caninum was assessed using a single serological screening, whereas BVDV status was assessed at the herd level through consecutive samplings of young stock.
Bulk tank milk samples, collected twice with a 1 year interval, from 213 Swedish dairy herds with... more Bulk tank milk samples, collected twice with a 1 year interval, from 213 Swedish dairy herds with no vaccination programme against bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV), were tested for antibodies to BVDV using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The herds were classified into four different BVDV groupings based on changes in the estimated prevalence of BVDV antibody-positive cows in the herds. The estimated mean prevalences of BVDV antibody-positive cows were maintained as > 80% in 58 (27.2%) and as < 10% in 84 (39.4%) of the herds. A recent introduction of the infection was deemed to have occurred in seven (3.3%) of the herds studied. The BVDV groups were compared with regard to parameters related to disease and fertility at herd level. Relationships were assessed using logistic and ordinary linear regression analyses. The risks for clinical mastitis, retained placenta and oestrus-stimulating treatments were higher and the calving intervals were longer in BVDV infected herds, i.e. those herds with an increasing or maintained high prevalence of BVDV antibody-positive cows.
The within-herd transmission of tuberculosis, after introduction of infection, was evaluated in s... more The within-herd transmission of tuberculosis, after introduction of infection, was evaluated in seven Swedish herds of farmed fallow deer. The evaluation was based on a subset of data obtained from a previous epidemiological investigation, comprising 13 tuberculosis-infected deer herds, with the purpose of tracing the source of infection. A computer spreadsheet model based on the Reed-Frost method was developed to estimate the number of new infections. For each herd, a k-value (the number of effective contacts made by an individual during a time period) was estimated through fitting the model to the observed incidence in each herd. We concluded that, despite the relatively short observation periods and uncertain tuberculosis incidence estimates for the observed herds, the k's obtained could be used to quantify the estimated spread of tuberculosis in extensive deer herds in Sweden. # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
The basis for all observational studies is the availability of appropriate data of high quality. ... more The basis for all observational studies is the availability of appropriate data of high quality. Data may be collected specifically for the research purpose in question (so-called &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;primary data&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;), but data collected for other purposes (so-called &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;secondary data&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;) are also sometimes used and useful in research. High accuracy and precision are required (irrespective of the source of the data) to arrive at correct and unbiased results efficiently. Both careful planning prior to the start of the data acquisition and thorough procedures for data entry are obvious prerequisites to achieve high-quality data. However, data should also be subjected to a thorough validation after the collection. Primary data are mainly validated through proper screening, by using various descriptive statistical methods. Validation of secondary data is associated with specific conditions - the first of which is to be aware of the limitations in its usefulness imposed by procedures during collection. Approaches for validation of secondary data will be briefly discussed in the paper, and include patient chart review, combining with data from other sources, two-stage sampling, and aggregated methods.
Background: One of the most common diseases in intact bitches is pyometra-a potentially life-thre... more Background: One of the most common diseases in intact bitches is pyometra-a potentially life-threatening disease associated with a variety of clinical and laboratory findings. The aims of the present study were to describe complications of the disease and to investigate clinically useful indicators associated with peritonitis and/or prolonged postoperative hospitalization. Results: A retrospective study was performed using records from 356 bitches diagnosed with pyometra during the years 2006-2007 at the University Animal Hospital, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Of the 356 bitches, 315 were surgically treated by ovariohysterectomy, 9 were medically treated and 32 were euthanized without treatment. In the surgically treated bitches, univariable associations between clinical and laboratory data, risk for prolonged hospitalization (≥ 3 days) and/or signs of peritonitis, were analyzed by Chi-square and Fisher's exact test. Logistic regression models were used to assess multivariable associations. The most common complication observed in surgically treated bitches was peritonitis (40 bitches), followed by urinary tract infection (19 bitches), wound infection (8 bitches), uveitis (6 bitches), and cardiac arrhythmia (5 bitches). Leucopenia and fever/hypothermia were associated with increased risk for peritonitis (18-fold and three-fold, respectively). Moderate to severe depression of the general condition, pale mucous membranes and leucopenia were associated with increased risk (seven-fold, three-fold, and over three-point-five-fold, respectively) for prolonged postoperative hospitalization. Conclusions: Several clinically useful indicators were identified. Leucopenia was the most important marker, associated with 18-fold increased risk for peritonitis and an over three-point-five increased risk for prolonged hospitalization. Fever/hypothermia, depression and pale mucous membranes were associated with increased risk for peritonitis and/or prolonged hospitalization. The results of the present study may be valuable for identifying peritonitis and predicting increased morbidity in surgically treated bitches with pyometra.
The main aim was to assess the impact of mastitis on technical and economic results of a dairy he... more The main aim was to assess the impact of mastitis on technical and economic results of a dairy herd under current Swedish farming conditions. The second aim was to investigate the effects obtained by withdrawing milk with high somatic cell count (SCC). A dynamic and stochastic simulation model, SimHerd, was used to study the effects of mastitis in a herd with 150 cows. Results given the initial incidence of mastitis (32 and 33 clinical and subclinical cases per 100 cow-years, respectively) were studied, together with the consequences of reducing or increasing the incidence of mastitis by 50%, modelling no clinical mastitis (CM) while keeping the incidence of subclinical mastitis (SCM) constant and vice versa. Six different strategies to withdraw milk with high SCC were compared. The decision to withdraw milk was based on herd-level information in three scenarios: withdrawal was initiated when the predicted bulk tank SCC exceeded 220 000, 200 000 or 180 000 cells/ml, and on cow-level information in three scenarios: withdrawal was initiated when the predicted SCC in an individual cow&#39;s milk exceeded 1 000 000, 750 000 or 500 000 cells/ml. The accuracy with which SCC was measured and predicted was assumed to affect the profitability of withdrawing milk with high SCC and this was investigated by applying high, low or no uncertainty to true SCC. The yearly avoidable cost of mastitis was estimated at €8235, assuming that the initial incidence of mastitis could be reduced by 50%. This cost corresponded to 5% of the herd net return given the initial incidence of mastitis. Expressed per cow-year, the avoidable cost of mastitis was €55. The costs per case of CM and SCM were estimated at €278 and €60, respectively. Withdrawing milk with high SCC was never profitable because this generated a substantial amount of milk withdrawal that was not offset by a sufficient increase in the average price per delivered kg milk. It had the most negative impact on net return when high incidence of mastitis was simulated. Withdrawing milk with high SCC based on low-uncertainty information reduced the amount of withdrawn milk and thus resulted in less negative effect on net return. It was concluded that the current milk-pricing system makes it more profitable for farmers to sell a larger amount of milk with higher SCC than to withdraw milk with high SCC to obtain payment premiums, at least in herds with mastitis incidences within the simulated ranges.
Increased on-farm cow mortality (ie unassisted death and euthanasia) has been demonstrated in Swe... more Increased on-farm cow mortality (ie unassisted death and euthanasia) has been demonstrated in Swedish dairy herds during the last decade. Identifying risk factors associated with type of death is needed for future work in reducing cow mortality rates. The objectives of this case-control study were to quantify the relative proportion of unassisted dead cows among cows that die on-farm, and to identify risk factors associated with unassisted death (as opposed to euthanasia). In Sweden, cadavers and animal waste products are being processed into biofuel at destruction plants. Two destruction plants were visited three times in 2011-2012. All dairy cows (n = 556) entering the plants were examined. Farmers that had sent the cows were contacted by telephone to verify type of death. Of the 433 dairy cows included in the analysis, 30% had died unassisted. A stillbirth rate above or equal to the median in the study material (7%) increased the risk for unassisted death. The proportion of unassisted dead cows was lower than that found in other countries. The results indicate that it might be possible to study euthanasia and unassisted death as one group in Swedish dairy cows, because only one factor differentiating between the two types of death was identified. However, unidentified risk factors may still differ and, possibly more importantly, welfare implications may also differ between the two types of death which implies the need to separate them in future studies.
Background: Treatment and protection of wounds in horses can be challenging; protecting bandages ... more Background: Treatment and protection of wounds in horses can be challenging; protecting bandages may be difficult to apply on the proximal extremities and the body. Unprotected wounds carry an increased risk of bacterial contamination and subsequent infection which can lead to delayed wound healing. Topical treatment with antimicrobials is one possibility to prevent bacterial colonization or infection, but the frequent use of antimicrobials ultimately leads to development of bacterial resistance which is an increasing concern in both human and veterinary medicine. Methods: Standardized wounds were created in 10 Standardbred mares. Three wounds were made in each horse. Two wounds were randomly treated with LHP ® or petrolatum and the third wound served as untreated control. All wounds were assessed daily until complete epithelization. Protocol data were recorded on day 2, 6, 11, 16, 21 and 28. Data included clinical scores for inflammation and healing, photoplanimetry for calculating wound areas and swab cytology to assess bacterial colonization and inflammation. Bacterial cultures were obtained on day 2, 6 and 16. Results: Mean time to complete healing for LHP ® treated wounds was 32 days (95%CI = 26.9-37.7). Mean time to complete healing for petrolatum and untreated control wounds were 41.6 days (95%CI = 36.2-47.0) and 44.0 days (95% CI = 38.6-49.4) respectively. Wound healing occurred significantly faster in LHP ® wounds compared to both petrolatum (p = 0.0004) and untreated controls (p < 0.0001). There was no significant difference in time for healing between petrolatum and untreated controls. Total scores for bacteria and neutrophils were significantly (p < 0.0001) lower for LHP ® treated wounds compared to petrolatum from day 16 and onwards. Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus zooepidemicus were only found in cultures from petrolatum treated wounds and untreated controls.
Papers by Ulf Emanuelson