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Predloga:Infopolje Planinska koča

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Ta predloga je namenjena uporabi v člankih o alpski, gorski koči ali o koči kateregakoli drugega tipa. Čeprav se predlogo lahko uporabi za katerikoli tip koče, so nekateri parametri prilagojeni gorski koči, še posebno tistim v Evropskih Alpah.


[uredi kodo]
{{{name}}} se nahaja v Zemlja
Koordinati0°N 0°E / 0°N 0°E / 0; 0
Nadm. višina1000{{{elevation_footnotes}}}{{{elevation_ref_point}}}
Tip koče{{{AC_hut}}} {{{type}}} kategorija {{{AC_category}}}
Skupna ležišča{{{mattresses}}}
Zasilna ležišča{{{shakedowns}}}
Ležišča skupno
(vklj. zimska soba)
Delovni čas{{{when_open}}}
Zimska soba{{{winter_room}}}
Izvajalec del{{{built_by}}}
Zgrajeno za{{{built_for}}}
Ime{{{ime 1}}}
Upravljalec{{{upravljalec 1}}}
Arhitekt{{{arhitekt 1}}}
Začetek gradnje{{{začetek gradnje 1}}}
Izvajalec del{{{izvajalec del 1}}}
Zgrajeno{{{zgrajeno 1}}}
Uradna otvoritev{{{uradna otvoritev 1}}}
Obnovljeno{{{obnovljeno 1}}}
Porušeno{{{porušeno 1}}}
Ime{{{ime 2}}}
Upravljalec{{{upravljalec 2}}}
Arhitekt{{{arhitekt 2}}}
Začetek gradnje{{{začetek gradnje 2}}}
Izvajalec del{{{izvajalec del 2}}}
Zgrajeno{{{zgrajeno 2}}}
Uradna otvoritev{{{uradna otvoritev 2}}}
Obnovljeno{{{obnovljeno 2}}}
Porušeno{{{porušeno 2}}}
Spletna stran
Uradno spletno mesto
Referenca kočeÖTK TVN OeAV DAV CAI (ital.) SAC ({{{ID-SAC}}}) CAF (fr.) PZS (slov.)
  • Parametri, oštevilčeni z 1, so namenjeni podatkom o morebitni prvi koči predhodnici, v kolikor je bila porušena, podobno parametri, označeni z 2.
  • Podatke o višini, pogorju in uradni spletni strani predloga črpa iz Wikipodatkovne strani.
{{Infopolje Planinska koča
| image = 
| caption = 
| locmapin = <!-- ime lokacijske karte, npr. Slovenija -->
| type     = <!-- [[gostišče]] / [[planinska koča|koča]] / [[zavetišče]] / [[bivak]] / gornja postaja / vmesna postaja / dolinska postaja -->
| AC_category  = <!-- 1 2 3 -->

| naslov = 
| kraj = 
| višina = 
| pogorje = 

| dostop = 
| vzponi = 
| bližnje koče = 

| lastnik = 
| upravljalec = 
| trenutni najemnik = 
| čas odprtja = 
| način oskrbovanja = 

| drugo ime = 
| prejšnje ime = 
| kategorija = 
| nadstropija = 
| ležišča = 
| drugo = 
| zimska soba = 

| arhitekt = 
| začetek gradnje = 
| izvajalec del = 
| zgrajeno = 
| uradna otvoritev = 
| obnovljeno = 
| porušeno = 

| ime 1 = 
| upravljalec 1 = 
| arhitekt 1 = 
| začetek gradnje 1 = 
| izvajalec del 1 = 
| zgrajeno 1 = 
| uradna otvoritev 1 = 
| obnovljeno 1 = 
| porušeno 1 = 

| ime 2 = 
| upravljalec 2 = 
| arhitekt 2 = 
| začetek gradnje 2 = 
| izvajalec del 2 = 
| zgrajeno 2 = 
| uradna otvoritev 2 = 
| obnovljeno 2 = 
| porušeno 2 = 

| ID-OeAV                  = 
| ID-DAV                   = 
| ID-SAC                   = 
| ID-PZS                   = 
| ID-ÖTK                   = 
| ID-TVN                   = 
| ID-CAI                   = 
| ID-CAF                   = 

Parametri za angleško verzijo predloge

[uredi kodo]
Ime parametra Tip Opis Vrednosti
name Required Name of the hut plain text
image Optional, desirable An image of the hut in the format "filename.ext". Do not include "[[File:" and do not wikilink. filename
image_size Width of the image. If not specified, the image width will default to 270px. raw number. Do not include "px"
image_alt Desirable Alt text for the image, as per MOS:ALT plain text
caption Optional A caption for the image wikitext, may contain links.
country Required Name of the country in which the hut is located. Country name is automatically wikilinked. plain text, do not wikilink.
state Required (Australia)
Optional (all others)
For all countries except Australia: Use the full name for the state.
For Australia only: Use the three letter abbreviation for the state in either upper or lower case.
The state is automatically wikilinked.
plain text, do not wikilink.
For Australia use:
  • "qld" or "QLD"
  • "nsw" or "NSW"
  • "act" or "ACT"
  • "vic" or "VIC"
  • "tas" or "TAS"
  • "sa" or "SA"
  • "wa" or "WA"
  • "nt" or "NT"
  • For the Australian Antarctic Territory use "aat" or "AAT"
region Optional Region in which the hut is located wikitext, may contain links
admin_district Name of the local administrative district
national_park Name of the national park where the hut is located. Automatically wikilinked. plain text
mountain_range Name of the mountain range where the hut is located, if applicable. For Alpine club huts the range named should be that of the Alpine Club classification of the Eastern Alps.

The link to the mountain range is automatically created only if the name of the range is not wikilinked (i.e. Zillertal Alps and not [[Zillertal Alps]]). The mountain category will also be automatically created (only if the corresponding article or category actually exists).

wikitext, may contain links.
location Optional, desirable The immediate location of the hut, i.e. the name of the valley, mountain, pass or hamlet where it is located. It may also include other information such as the county or district. e.g. "Kals am Großglockner; Styria, Austria; Glockner Group, Eastern Alps" or even "Tyrol, Austrian / Italian border" All locations should be wikilinked if there is a valid article for the location.

Where the short option is used, the remaining details are entered against the more specific parameters below. This is to facilitate subsequent data handling.

place Name of the nearest settlement to the hut
iso_region Highly desirable ISO 3166-1 or ISO 3166-2 code for the hut's location. If a code is not specified, the contents of the "|country=" field will be used to generate the region code in the coordinates display. See ISO 3166-1 and/or ISO 3166-2
The following fields are used to generate the coordinates display and enable the locator map.
If "|state=" is not a valid state of "|country=", an error will occur.
alternative_location_map Optional An optional location map. plain text. See kat:Lokacijske karte po državi
relief Optional Display a relief map image, where available. See Predloga:Lokacijska karta#Parameter relief. any non-blank value: yes, 1, etc.
pushpin_map_caption Optional Text to display below the map image. plain text.
pushpin_label_position Optional Alternative text for the pushpin label left, right, top, bottom
default: right
coordinates Required for location map Geographic coordinates of location - use {{coord}}
End of fields associated with locator map
elevation Optional Elevation of the hut in metres. Do not use commas. Automatic conversion to feet is provided number in the format "nnnn".
elevation_ref_point Optional Entry for the elevation reference point on which the elevation is based:
  • AT: Austria
  • CH: Switzerland
  • DE-NN, DE-NHN, DE-HN: Germany
  • FR/FX: France – European area
  • IT: Italy
  • LI: Liechtenstein
  • SI: Slovenia
  • AMSL: Generic location - Above mean sea level

If the reference point is not known, do not enter any value.

plain text, do not wikilink. Use only the specified parameters or leave empty
elevation_footnotes Optional, desirable A reference for elevation of the hut See WP:CITE
built Year the hut was built year; using {{Start date}}
built_by Optional Name of the hut's builder wikitext, may contain links.
built_for Purpose of hut
material Information on the construction material used for the hut: examples are natural stone, ashlar (dressed stone), wood, concrete. This is often a feature (houses of stone or wood are not common today). Even the building of brick or concrete buildings in extreme cases may be relevant.
The construction material should be wikilinked to the relevant architectural article (not just to stone or wood)
design Design information e.g. log cabin or timber-framed house, wikilinked where possible.
owner Name of the person, group or organisation that owns the hut
maintained_by Name of the person, group or organisation that maintains the hut
website If the hut has a website, or if there is a website that deals with administration of the hut, include it here. Use a bare url, e.g. www.example.com bare url
bunks Number of bunks in the hut wikitext, may contain links.
camping Is camping permitted, camping facilities etc.
water Availability and form of water supplies (if any)
accom_notes General notes about accommodation and facilities that are not covered elsewhere in the infobox.
when_open Usual opening periods of the hut: keep this general, mid May to beginning of October or end of September rather than exact dates that change annually. unmanaged
catering Remarks about the catering available, if any.
accessed_by Desirable Information about mechanical access to the hut: motor vehicle/car/taxi/jeep, material ropeway, cableway (cable car, chair lift) access, or similar. Cable cars should be wikilinked where there is a separate article. Even the road may be entered if it has a named entry. Please add names in brackets and italics after the type of conveyance. e.g.:
footnotes Any footnotes See WP:CITE
The following fields are specific to European Alpine huts.
AC_hut Desirable A flag for Alpine Club huts; Valid values: the abbreviation of the Alpine Club, e. g. AVS, CAI, DAV, OeAV, SAC, SPD (see List of Alpine club abbreviations); private (if otherwise given in AC leaders). If huts have more than one owner, separate them by a slash (/), e. g. DAV/OeAV. The first mentioned is the one preferred in the box. wikitext, do not link
type * For mountain huts owned by Alpine clubs: inn, hut, bothy, chalet, as well as top station, middle station and valley station of cableways (see also the parameter accessed_by for the building)
  • For other huts a description as desired in key words; see examples
wikitext, may contain links.
AC_category Optional, desirable The hut category used by many Alpine clubs number - 1, 2 or 3
ID-OeAV,[P 1] ID-DAV,[P 2] ID-SAC,[P 3] ID-PZS, ID-ÖTK, ID-TVN,[P 4] ID-CAI,[P 5] ID-CAF[P 6] Desirable (for AC huts) Number in the hut designation by the OeAV, DAV, SAC, PZS etc. All digits should be entered if known. At least OeAV and DAV hut numbers are duplicated. wikitext, No. or ID, system depends on the Alpine club concerned.
mattresses Optional, desirable Number of mattresses in the hut. number
shakedowns Number of emergency beds in the hut.
bedspaces Optional Total number of bedspaces - Not necessary if bunks, mattresses, shakedowns and winter_room fields have been populated.
winter_room Optional No. of mattresses in the winter room, plus any appropriate remarks wikitext, may contain links
Note: Do not link to an article more than once in the infobox.

Pojasnilo parametrov

[uredi kodo]
  1. OeAV hut search, Selection of alphabetical searches (above right), the number in the URL behind huetteNr= is the desired number. Leading zeroes must be given.
  2. DAV hut search, the number in the URL behind huetten_id= is the desired number
  3. currently does not work
  4. TVN hut search, the number in the URL behind item= is the desired number
  5. CAI hut search, the number in the found URL behind cod_rifugi= is the searched number
  6. Last 4 or 5 digits of the URL (following "%") after searching the pick list "Refuge/Chalet" at www.ffcam.fr/rechercher_refuge_chalet.html


[uredi kodo]

Slovenske planinske koče

[uredi kodo]
Dom Planika pod Triglavom
Dom Planika pod Triglavom se nahaja v Slovenija
Dom Planika pod Triglavom
Dom Planika pod Triglavom
Koordinati46°21′33″N 14°36′06″E / 46.35917°N 14.60167°E / 46.35917; 14.60167
NaslovStara Fužina 243
4265 Bohinjsko jezero
Legaplanota Ledine
Bližnje koče
UpravljalecPlaninsko društvo Gorje
Čas odprtjajunij–avgust
Način oskrbovanjahelikopter
Tip kočePZS planinska koča kategorija I.
Zimska sobane
Drugoumivalnica z mrzlo vodo
Uradna otvoritev19. avgust 1992
Prva koča
ImeTriglavski tempelj
UpravljalecTriglavski prijatelji (društvo iz Bohinja)
Uradna otvoritev18. september 1871
Druga koča
ImeKoča Marije Terezije (od 1880),
Aleksandrov dom (po 1. svetovni vojni),
Dom Planika pod Triglavom (po 2. svetovni vojni)
UpravljalecNemško-avstrijsko planinsko društvo,
Turistovski klub (Avstrija; od 1880),
Slovensko planinsko društvo (po 1. svetovni vojni),
Planinsko društvo Gorje (po 2. svetovni vojni)
Uradna otvoritev3. avgust 1880
{{Infopolje Planinska koča
|name = Dom Planika pod Triglavom
| image = Triglav-2030599.jpg
| caption = 

| AC_hut = PZS
| locmapin = Slovenija
 coordinates = {{koord novi|46|21|33|N|14|36|06|E|type:mountain_scale:100000|format=dms|display=inline}}

| naslov = [[Stara Fužina]] 243<br>4265 Bohinjsko jezero
| kraj = planota Ledine
| višina = 
| pogorje = 

| dostop = 
| vzponi = 
* [[Triglav]] (2864 m), 1.30 h

| bližnje koče = 
* [[Triglavski dom na Kredarici]], 1 h
* [[Tržaška koča na Doliču]], 2 h
* [[Vodnikov dom na Velem polju]], 2 h

| lastnik = 
| upravljalec = [[Planinsko društvo Gorje]]
| trenutni najemnik = 
| čas odprtja = junij–avgust
| način oskrbovanja = helikopter

| drugo ime = 
| prejšnje ime = 
| vrsta = [[planinska koča]]
| kategorija = 1.
| nadstropja = 2
| ležišča = 94
| drugo = umivalnica z mrzlo vodo
| zimska soba = ne

| arhitekt = 
| začetek gradnje = 
| izvajalec del = 
| zgrajeno = 
| uradna otvoritev = 19. avgust 1992
| obnovljeno = 
| porušeno = 

| ime 1 = Triglavski tempelj
| upravljalec 1 = Triglavski prijatelji (društvo iz Bohinja)
| arhitekt 1 = 
| začetek gradnje 1 = 
| izvajalec del 1 = 
| zgrajeno 1 = 
| uradna otvoritev 1 = 18. september 1871
| obnovljeno 1 = 
| porušeno 1 = 1875

| ime 2 = Koča Marije Terezije (od 1880),<br>Aleksandrov dom (po 1. svetovni vojni),<br>Dom Planika pod Triglavom (po 2. svetovni vojni)
| upravljalec 2 = [[Nemško-avstrijsko planinsko društvo]],<br>Turistovski klub (Avstrija; od 1880),<br>[[Slovensko planinsko društvo]] (po 1. svetovni vojni),<br>[[Planinsko društvo Gorje]] (po 2. svetovni vojni)
| arhitekt 2 = 
| začetek gradnje 2 = 
| izvajalec del 2 = 
| zgrajeno 2 = 1877
| uradna otvoritev 2 = 3. avgust 1880
| obnovljeno 2 = 
| porušeno 2 = 1987

| splet = 

Peters Hut, Kilimanjaro

[uredi kodo]
Horombo Hut (Peters Hut)
The shanty town of Horombo in front of the Kibo crater
Horombo Hut (Peters Hut) se nahaja v Tanzanija
Horombo Hut (Peters Hut)
Horombo Hut (Peters Hut)
Koordinati3°4′0″S 37°21′33″E / 3.06667°S 37.35917°E / -3.06667; 37.35917
LegaMount Kilimanjaro
Nadm. višina3720
LastnikTanzania National Park
Ležišča skupno
(vklj. zimska soba)
Vodarunning water
Delovni časUnmanaged
Zimska sobanone
Zgrajenofirst hut c.1900
Spletna stran
Uradno spletno mesto
{{Infobox hut
| name                     = Horombo Hut (Peters Hut)
| image                    = Horombo Hut in Kilimanjaro Park 001.JPG
| image_alt                = 
| caption                  = The shanty town of Horombo in front of the Kibo crater
| country                  = Tanzania
| national_park            = Kilimanjaro National Park
| mountain_range           = 
| location                 = [[Mount Kilimanjaro]]
| iso_region               = TZ
| coordinates              = {{coord|3|4|0|S|37|21|33|E|display=inline}}
| elevation                = 3720
| built                    = first hut c.1900
| owner                    = Tanzania National Park
| url                      = www.tanzaniaparks.com/de/home.htm
| water                    = running water
| when_open                = Unmanaged
| type                     = [[Shanty town]], lodges
| bedspaces                = 150
| winter_room              = none