As you can tell, I'm still a novice at this blogging thing........how to post pictures and where to put my writing. Hopefully it will all come sometime, and I hope you will bear with me.
I attempted two new finishes this holiday season. The bell design is by Stacy Nash from last year's C-mas book, A Simply Early Christmas. I stitched this for a dear friend and I'm quite pleased with the result. She stitched the framed piece for me, isn't it lovely?
The JBW tree was for my stitch group exchange. I hadn't tried making a flat ornament before, but found it wasn't too difficult. I'm going to use it on a couple more ornament finishings this week, but I won't show them until after Christmas as they are gifts. The last picture is the stitch group ornament I received. It's very sweet and I love the braided hanger!