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This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of Village Fund Allocation Management (ADD) in improving Village Development in Fafai Village Demba District Waropen District. Methods The data collection used in this research is literature... more
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    • Jurnal Akuntansi Sektor Publik
A Company will be interested in investors if its financial report is relevant and reliable. The relevance and reliable financial report can be reflected in the Asset Number and Liability Report on a Financial Position Statement (Balance... more
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This research aims to measure the elasticity of local taxes and charges in the framework of Own-Source Revenue (PAD) forecasting of Provincial Government in Indonesia. By using Fully Modified Least Square (FMOLS) method, the result shows... more
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This Study aim to analyze inspection contribution quality of and fishery certification to Original Earnings of Area Town Maluku. Result of calculation, shown that regression coefessien inspection retribution quality of and certification... more
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The study identified that with the model used, it can be used to view the local tax contribution and regional retribution against the original Revenue areas. Based on the results of statistical tests, then it can be inferred that the... more
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Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Determinan Persepsi Kemudahan, Persepsi Kebermanfaatan, Persepsi Risiko dan kepuasan Wajib Pajak Terhadap Pengunaan Sistem E-Filling. Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Teknik... more
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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas auditor, ukuran perusahaan, jumlah komite audit, kompleksitas operasi perusahaan terhadap audit delay dan opini audit yang di intervening oleh audit lag pada perusahaan... more
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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis secara intensif, efek desentralisasi dan sistem pengendalian intern pemerintahterhadap kinerja pegawai di sekretariat daerah Kabupaten Jayapura. Populasi dari penelitian ini... more
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A Company will be interested in investors if its financial report is relevant and reliable. The relevance and reliable financial report can be reflected in the Asset Number and Liability Report on a Financial Position Statement (Balance... more
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This study aims to determine the effect of independent variables of the application of government accounting standards, apparatus competence, the role of internal audit of the dependent variable is the quality of financial statements of... more
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    • Jurnal Akuntansi Sektor Publik
A Company will be interested in investors if its financial report is relevant and reliable. The relevance and reliable financial report can be reflected in the Asset Number and Liability Report on a Financial Position Statement (Balance... more
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    • Financial Accounting
This study aims to find out the market orientation and the distinctive competence toward the service mix in study programs of higher education in Maluku Province, Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive method and explanatory... more
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This study aims to find out the market orientation and the distinctive competence toward the service mix in study programs of higher education in Maluku Province, Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive method and explanatory... more
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This study aims to find out the market orientation and the distinctive competence toward the service mix in study programs of higher education in Maluku Province, Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive method and explanatory... more
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    • Public Relations
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MOTTO "Maka sesungguhnya beserta kesulitan itu ada kemudahan" (Q.S Al-Insyirah : 5) "Jika kita memiliki keinginan yang kuat dari dalam hati, maka seluruh alam semesta akan bahu membahu mewujudkannya" (Soekarno) "Jika yang kau bicarakan... more
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Studi pada Kantor Gubernur Provinsi Papua) HALAMAN JUDUL TUFLIHUN MASMUL 17-121-066 PROGRAM STUDI AKUNTANSI FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS YAPIS PAPUA 2020 ii KATA PENGANTAR Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan yang... more
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      Tugas kuliahAkuntansi Sektor PublikSEMINAR AKUNTANSI
This study aims to examine the effect of the ability and independence of auditors on audit quality by using risk-based auditing as a moderating variable at the Inspectorate of South Sulawesi Province. The population in this study were all... more
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      BusinessAccountingAuditAudit Quality
The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of the cash turnover, receivable turnover, inventory turnover, current ratio, debt to equity ratio, and total assets turn over to profitability. This Research was conducted on basic... more
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    • OWNER