the holiday's are coming and every year i make gifts for my family and quilting friends. since i have been doing zentangle, i have decided to do some zentangle on fabric, bags and cards. i have been working on a lady that i have been drawing on fabric. this will be made into a quilt. it will be call Ms. Zen, i really like how it looks. i might make this a red and white quilt. i am also zentangling on bags and i am still trying to decide if i am going to keep making them for my family. i am also doing a little knitting. so with all these projects going on somebody will at least get something from me. i am zentangle on cards and drawing names on the cards. the grand kids and a couple of nieces will get gift cards from me. and a couple of x-box games for the boys. my back and knees are still giving me problems so no shopping in the malls.
here are some pictures of what i have been doing. still working on the lady, here are a few cards that i have been making for my quilting friends. most of the time i usually make quilt related item for my quilting friends. the bags are for some of my cousins and one for a friends birthday present. i know thanksgiving is not here yet and i am talking about gift making. i like to start early, don't want to feel rush.

stitches until next time.