Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Mister Owen!!

Dear Owen.

Today you turned three. These have been three incredible years and I have you to thank. You changed me. You made me look at life in a whole new way. Every cuddle. Every smile. Every moment. I don't want to miss a single thing.

You came into this world on January 28th, 2008 at 10:58 pm. It wasn't the plan, but you were in charge. I knew I was in for a brutal labor and delivery as you had no intention of coming out.

We arrived at the hospital before noon with Daddy and sister. We were all anticipating your arrival. We knew you had a broken heart long before you were born, so we had a plan in place. The beginning of the plan was to get you to come out. After several hours of the doctors inducing labor, you were not happy. Your heart rate dropped with each mini contraction and I was far from the hard part. It broke my heart when the doctor suggested a csection, but I knew it was best for you.

You came out with the best personality. Calm, cool and collected. You didn't even cry until the nurses made you mad. They brought you to me and you were the most beautiful boy ever!
Daddy quickly scooped you away with the doctors and you went to the NICU. Daddy stayed by your side and captured your first moments on camera. I love these first photos as you were tube free for the only time in your life.
Kamryn couldn't come to see you because she was too young and we were in the middle of RSV and FLU season. She was heartbroken. Daddy showed her lots of pictures of you and she called you her "hip hop dude!" Little did we know that three years later.. that genre would be your music of choice.
After Mommy had feeling in her lower extremities again, I wanted nothing more than to come up and see you. You took my breath away baby boy. The doctors and nurses had already placed your lines and you were given lots of medications. I could have stood by your bed all day.
The first time they let me hold you was hours after you were born. The moment was bittersweet as I only had a few precious minutes before they were to take you via ambulance to the Children's Hospital NICU. I was going to have to say goodbye. I was devastated.
The next few days and weeks are a blur. I held you when I could and fell in love even more. You were such a champ through your first open heart surgery and I have never been prouder of you. You were so brave!

One month after you were born, we brought you home for the first time. Your big sister was finally able to meet and hold you. She had waited for so long. I never could have imagined the bond you two would have now.. three years later. You are so lucky to have each other.
The past three years have been nothing short of a miracle. You have a will to live. You love with all your heart and have changed the hearts of so many around you. Thank you Owen.

I hope your third birthday is one you will never forget. I love you more than words can explain. You say it's "BIG MUCH!" and it's that and so much more. Happy Birthday to our amazing boy!! We love you.


cici said...

Happy Birthday to you Mr. Owen.
It seems like yesterday that I came across your blog and you were just a wee little guy.
That picture with Kamryn is priceless as you can see the love at first sight look :)
I will be cheering you from the sidelines on your next surgery and Praying for a great outcome.
The best it yet to come sweet boy!

Kaidence's Mommy said...

Happy Birthday Owen!!!! Hope that your day is fantastic! Many heart hugs to you!

Kaidence and her Mommy

The B Family said...

HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY, OWEN!!!! We are celebrating with you today! You are such a special boy to our family and I just love that you and our heart baby girl share this special day!!! Big, big hugs and lots of kisses to you on your 3rd birthday! We love you!!!!

Unknown said...

I love this! Brought tears to my eyes. Happy Birthday, Super Hero Owen! You are a miracle and have brought joy to complete strangers and friends alike. Bless you all!!

Andrea Gunnell said...

Happy Birthday Owen!!! Hope this year is a wonderful year for you. Heart hugs!!!

Jessi said...

Happy Birthday Owen!

I always read but hardly comment. Just had to comment and say that it's such a joy to watch him grow. He's such a fighter!

Jeanette said...

I have been following Mister Owen for a year and a half, but never posted. I know I don't have to tell you, but you are one lucky momma. I love reading about Owen, esp. his relationship with Kamryn...such a great bond they have!
Anyways, happy Birthday Owen!!!

Avery said...

Happy Birthday OWEN!!!

Victoria Nelson said...

This is so beautiful!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY OWEN!!!
We are all so in awe of you, and how far you have come.
We are lifting you up...
Lots of love,
Justin, Victoria, and Moriah Nelson

Claire said...

Oh, what a beautiful post. You have me in tears. Happy birthday to Mr Owen!


Evie's Story said...

Happy Happy Birthday precious boy!! These days are as monumental for us mommas as they are for our babies. LOVE hearing the precious story of his birth Andrea! Know you made it a sweet celebration!
Heart hugs from Evie.
So many who love you!

Catie said...

Happy Birthday, Mister Owen!

GoofyJ said...

Happy Birthday to Owen! What a fabulous little fighter our heart guys are - he is such a sweet handsome fellow. :-)