I could be surprised that a plant by the name of Giant Apostle's Iris would become huge. I mean, even in the Bible names indicated character. Names
mean something! And yet here am I, one who gardens in a very small garden, adding plants to it that someone thought reasonable to name
Giant. I can only attribute such ditziness to... Oh, wait! I didn't know its true name when I bought them (one giant is never enough). They were labeled "Purple Iris". Oh, saved by the bell! I am not the nitwit that I thought I was.
Alas, that still leaves me with three of these plants (I divided one in two before planting) that are rapidly growing into their name. By rapidly I mean in
five months. Here they are when I planted them.
Here's half of one on February 24th. It is only two or three fans, and that's all. The other half is in the background behind the daylilies in the other bed. |
Here is the same plant two days ago. (Gee, I wonder how big it is
today!) Now this bed is five feet long from the corner of the patio on the right to the brick edging on the left.
I didn't measure it, but this baby's got to be three feet tall - easy. Are you sensing my terror yet?
Here's the other one. The turquoise pot is 24" in diameter! And perhaps you've noticed how lovely they are. They are even more gorgeous in person. Believe me, the camera does not do them justice. They are very beautiful shades of green.
Again, this bed is five feet wide also. Aren't they gargantuan?? But the pressing question is how much
more gargantuan will they become? Am I going to have to be dividing these every six months? How big is giant?
These two plants have not bloomed yet. The other one in the driveway bed had a flower bud when I bought it, and that stem has bloomed several times, the only one that has. I believe this plant is also called walking iris because of its habit of bending down and rooting where its stems touch ground. Well, there will be none of that!! On the other hand I may have a gold mine here. At $12.98 a pop I could make some real cash by selling the divisions out at the curb, but probably digging them up delays their blooming so I best wait to cash in.
Perhaps someone who grows these beauties could break it to me gently. How massive do they get? Maybe I should cut back on the alfalfa and no more composted horse manure!!!