Monday, April 27, 2009

Mucha La Pater from the INHA collection of art books

i guess anyone that loves art has some fabled books they would LOVE to get their hands on. and for me a big one of them is "La Pater" by Mucha! the book really is not old, i think it's published in 2001 and reprinted in 2005, but it has eluded my clawing hands at Art Center Library(Damnable thief with great taste!) and in Paris(added to my cart and paid and was told a week later it's no longer in stock). But the lame and determined always prevails, no? :) Found it in one of the, or maybe THE best art book library in the world!!

I suggest any nerd like me to put this on their itinerary~ Not only the interior jaw dropping, the books they hold inside... are only limited by your knowledge of painters~

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Kissing Acrobats

I saw these two among a cage of 15 or so at the Birds and Reptiles market down La Ramblas. Stood there for 10 mins. For every kiss i was able to capture there are at least five that i missed. They are constantly walking\jumping\flying around and checking for observers too, and exchange kisses like two secret service agents~ Just lighting quick pecks. :)

For R~

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Welcome to

Arrived in Barcelona last night~ the air smells of the ocean. Feels like a much older, funkier San Diego to me, if that makes any sense~
Can't wait to see the city! :D

Monday, April 13, 2009

Work in Progress~ Witches

'What d'ye lack? What d'ye lack?' she cried, as he came panting up
the steep, and bent down before her.

'Fish for thy net, when the
wind is foul? I have a little reed-pipe, and when I blow on it the
mullet come sailing into the bay. But it has a price, pretty boy,
it has a price.
What d'ye lack? What d'ye lack? A storm to wreck
the ships, and wash the chests of rich treasure ashore? I have
more storms than the wind has, for I serve one who is stronger than
the wind, and with a sieve and a pail of water I can send the great
galleys to the bottom of the sea. But I have a price, pretty boy,
I have a price.
What d'ye lack? What d'ye lack? I know a flower
that grows in the valley, none knows it but I. It has purple
leaves, and a star in its heart, and its juice is as white as milk.
Shouldst thou touch with this flower the hard lips of the Queen,
she would follow thee all over the world. Out of the bed of the
King she would rise, and over the whole world she would follow
thee. And it has a price, pretty boy, it has a price.
What d'ye lack? What d'ye lack? I can pound a toad in a mortar, and make
broth of it, and stir the broth with a dead man's hand. Sprinkle
it on thine enemy while he sleeps, and he will turn into a black
viper, and his own mother will slay him. With a wheel I can draw
the Moon from heaven, and in a crystal I can show thee Death.
What d'ye lack? What d'ye lack? Tell me thy desire, and I will give it
thee, and thou shalt pay me a price, pretty boy, thou shalt pay me
a price.'

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Rough updated~

Civilization rough updated~ it feels like pulling teeth again~ i might just start on the next piece, for "Fisherman and his soul". with less people~ :(
Like people that commented, it's definitely a tribute to my favorite artist, Mucha's work. less for the Slav epic, more for his wonderful work in "Le Pater". i am going to try to get my hands on it in a paris library this week or next, and take some photos so i can show you how wonderful it truly is. and if anyone's interested in the Oscar Wilde story this ptg is based on, they could read it here:
it's truly one of the most beautiful stories, and very important to me for reasons that i don't yet fully grasp. Maybe i am a little better of a person for having read it. How else could i recommand it? :)

See you soon,

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Young Empress

Hi everybody~

this is the first rough for a piece in the Oscar Wilde book i am working on. The spring outside post the greatest distraction~:D

Still a work in progress. Definitely too purple...!

Thanks for looking!!