Showing posts with label Alligators. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alligators. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

That's Rather Unusual

Right on the heels of my last post, it turns out there is yet another reason to have a gun in a park:

CBS News: Officials warn of possible alligator sighting in lake at Kensington Metropark

"Alligators are not native to Michigan, so if this sighting is real, it is most likely the result of someone releasing a pet Alligator into the lake," a Huron-Clinton Metroparks spokesperson said in a statement.

Visitors are advised not to approach the alligator

Yeah, we're normally comfortably outside a gator's native range here in Michigan. 

Kensington Metropark, while normally alligator-free, may start getting a little more sporty than usual as a result.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Ok, Who Had Alligators In Michigan For June?


 Yes, seriously, and the headline is just not comforting:

ClickonDetroit: Alligators are being shipped to sanctuary in Michigan when they grow too big, become dangerous

Alligators that have grown too big and become too dangerous for others to handle are being shipped to an alligator sanctuary in Michigan.

Some of the alligators being released at the Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary in Athens, Michigan, are as big as 10 feet long and weigh 600 pounds.

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Critics believe there should be more regulation on a state level because alligators get loose and when pets get too big they’re being dumped in waterways.

One would think Michigan isn't exactly a garden spot for an alligator sanctuary, but here we are.

Michigan doesn't exactly have known natural predators of Alligators, nor are we in the alligators' normal natural range.

Alligators have been spotted living their best lives in the Kalamazoo River and Long Lake, most likely due to idiots dumping their animals when they get too big or they get bored of them.

What could possibly go wrong?

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Ok, Who had Alligators In Michigan For 2020?

Covid, Murder Hornets,  EEE infected mosquitos, Cicada invasion, and now an Alligator has allegedly been spotted in Macomb County.

The Detroit News: Macomb Co. Animal Control investigates gator sightings in Clinton River

Macomb County Animal Control is investigating reports a critter that may be an alligator or a crocodile has been spotted in the Clinton River in Harrison Township, officials said Tuesday.

Most likely this is the result of some idiot who had an exotic pet that got too big, who then had the brilliant idea of releasing it into the wild. 

But, with 2020 being what it is, a full-on Alligator invasion of our fair peninsula cannot be ruled out.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

New Orleans - Sunday Swamp Day

No trip to New Orleans is complete without a journey to its surrounding swamps and bayous.

So we headed off to the Barataria Preserve Sunday, after recovering somewhat from Saturday's rather epic day.

In the preserve, there were gators to see:

One moving through the swamp:

One close to the trail:

The gator stayed there sunning itself without a care or concern for the people walking by along the boardwalk close enough to reach out and pet it, which wisely none did.

Then on the way back along the trail, there was a danger noodle that was danger close:

The water moccasin was right on the trail and would have easily been stepped upon, and did not seem bothered by people walking by and refused to leave.

So Murph, of course, grabbed a stick and chivvied him off

The snake could tell when he wasn't wanted and headed off the trail for the water, flicking its tongue in annoyance.

A very nice walk through the swamp with an opportunity for some good up-close pictures of the native wildlife.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Detroit Lions, Detroit Tigers and now Jackson Alligators?

The Detroit Free Press: 6-foot alligator turns up outside Michigan church

Authorities say a 6-foot-long alligator was caught after being spotted roaming the property of a southern Michigan church.

The Jackson Citizen Patriot reports officers from the Blackman-Leoni Township public safety department near Jackson caught the alligator on Monday. A passing motorist called police to Pathway Community Church after spotting it outside.

...Police say the alligator was in good health and likely was recently released. With colder weather approaching it might not have survived outdoors.

Look, you idiots that keep dangerous creatures and then release them into the wild when they get to big to handle, one of the redeeming qualities Michigan has to offer is a dearth of deadly critters.

With the exception of the rare Massasauga rattler, all of our snakes are non-venemous, our Great Lakes have no sharks and scorpions are conspicuous by their absence. We like it this way.

Typically, the greatest animal threat a Michigander ever has to face is a deer attempting to turn itself into a hood ornament.

If you can't care for your exotic pet, don't release it into the wild but turn it in at the zoo or animal control. Better yet, don't even get one until you understand all the consequences that accompanying owning such an animal.