This post is dedicated to my lovely friend Wendy who lives in the country...! Every Monday during my lunch break, we call each other for the 'weekend wrap up' to discuss the treasures we've found....Alas, I'm often distracted by my environment & I end up forgetting half my discoveries....!
So....from now on, I'll post Sunday evenings & this way Wendy will be able to see ALL my stuff & we can look at my blog together on Monday while we chat & giggle over my 'loot'....!!
My friend Trevor called me Friday evening & asked me if I'd like to go to a swap meet out at Berwick....hmmmmm....I agreed of course, though as a junk/treasure finding prospect I wasn't holding out much hope as I'd been to a Sunday market AGES ago at the same locale & wished I HADN'T wasted the fuel....!!!
Trev picked me up at 4.30am & away we went...The pic below was taken at 5.15am & it was pitch black....I used the ISO setting on my dig & it's shown a lot more than I thought it would.
**** CLICK ON PICS to enlarge.....!!! ****

This annual junk fest started off as a Swap Meet for 'rev heads' but has blossomed into a HUGE vintage/collectable venue...Check out the WAY COOL Holden below....ahhhhh....They DON"T make them like this any more....!

I wasn't able to get the entire weekends haul into the one pic so be sure & scroll down to the bottom....! The dress dummy you see below was a GREAT buy & I'm smiling as I type as to how it actually came about....!!!
You see....After Fryers Town, Mr SVJ & I stayed in Castlemaine for a couple of days & I engaged in a little retail therapy of the vintage kind (of course) while we were there....I found the dress form along with the stick however, there was no base....hmmm....It was $100- but I was feeling good & snapped it up as I'd ALWAYS wanted one of these & have seen them for $250+....Then lo & behold, yesterday at the Swap Meet I found a base for $25-....I took a punt that it would match my stick bit & wallah....It was a MATCH made in heaven....!!!

The dolls pram, heavily detailed gesso frame, blue enamel fridge crisper, Princess carpet sweeper & Brockhoff biscuit tin were all gathered from the Hard Rubbish after I returned from the Swap Meet....Not bad hey for a couple of hours.... :o) !!

The red leather suitcase, West German jug/vase Royal Blue lizard skin hand bag, tin globe, tall tin storage bin with lid & the majority of the jewellery were sourced at Camberwell market....The Skippy bank ( a child hood FAVE) & the rest of the jewellery were nabbed at the Swap Meet.

I LOVE the sweet little Bostock tin....I'm going to use it to store jump rings etc for my jewellery in.

This mantle piece was found just on 5am at the Swap Meet for a tiny $25-....The detail is TO DIE FOR & after a few repairs such as regluing & chiselling at the back of one of the legs to remove some burned WAS a fire mantle for heavens sake....I'm going to mount it as a head board in our bedroom....Stay tuned for those pics....!

This vintage wooden sign is P-E-R-F-E-C-T in VERY way....It was originally quoted as being $65- however, the vendor let me have it for $35- which is a BARGAIN....You don't see MANY vintage signs like this 'Down Under' so I feel VERY fortunate & it's a KEEPER....It's been cleaned & I've given it a coat of poly to ensure there's no further deterioration....!! It has a three digit phone number (obscured in pic so I'm dating it bewteen the late 50's early 70's)....I'll do some investigation at work during my lunch break this week if I'm able....!

The little toy high chair was resting inside the dolls pram & the two grates...Gee aren't they....hahahaha....Well they were found at the Swap Meet for $5-....I have a very simple project in mind for them....Stay tuned....!!

Last but by no means list on this weeks Treasure list is this WONDERFUL industrial paper dispenser found at Camberwell this morning at 5.30am for $50-.....It's ALSO a keeper & will live in my office....!

On the Tamarah rating scale I put this weekends Treasure hunting at 13/10....It was fun, I enjoyed myself SO MUCH & was totally relaxed & in my element....I'm THRILLED with the pieces I found though I must admit I am ABSOLUTELY KNACKERED & will be asleep within moments of logging off....!
I look forward to sharing some projects this week....I have HEAPS to do to get ready for Maldon in a couple of weeks PLUS I'll be at Camberwell next week clearing some 'clutter'....!
Cheers for now,
Tamarah :o)