Saturday, September 2, 2017

~New Beginnings~

New Chapter and new beginnings....out with the old and in with the new. 

Hi and welcome to my new blog*
Join me as hubby and I  prepare our old home for sale while getting ready to build our last home.

The Laundry

Its funny how you want things done in your home but never get around to doing them until your getting ready to sell.  Thats the case with my laundry.  Every since we bought this old cottage the laundry has always been a love hate situation.  I love that is a decent size but I hate that the tiles are mismatched.  I love that it has the cutest window but hate that it had no built in storage.  Well that all changed a few weeks ago when we pulled it apart and added a couple of cupboards and a fab new benchtop, new vinyl flooring and taps and gave it a fresh paint job.  The window still needs painting but for the most part it is finished.

I totally forgot the before photo

By this point everywhere in the rest of my house is covered in two inches of dust.

 New bench top and small trough (wish this was bigger but we were keeping with a budget)

 These were the first tiles we put up and I did not like them one bit so an hour later I pulled them off, much to hubbys disgust

The tiles look so much better

Finished.....just have to repaint the window frame.  Ignore the poor old cupboard my dear Lucky is on.  For now that has to stay, as he is the messiest eater in that he eats with his paws and spreads the food around everywhere.

Michelle ღ

*My old blog can be found here:  Shabby Delights

~New Beginnings~

New Chapter and new beginnings....out with the old and in with the new.  Hi and welcome to my new blog* Join me as hubby and I  p...