Papers by Stina Bengtsson
The cultural logic of youth : media use and cultural preferences among students in Estonia and Sw... more The cultural logic of youth : media use and cultural preferences among students in Estonia and Sweden

Abstract The extended reliance on media can be seen as one indicator of mediatization. But even t... more Abstract The extended reliance on media can be seen as one indicator of mediatization. But even though we can assume that the pervasive character of digital media essentially changes the way people experience everyday life, we cannot take these experiences for granted. There has recently been a formulation of three tasks for mediatization research; historicity, specificity and measurability, needed to empirically verify mediatization processes across time and space. In this article, we present a tool designed to handle these tasks, by measuring the extent to which people experience that media reach into the deeper layers of daily human life. The tool was tested in an empirical study conducted in Sweden in 2017. The results show that perceived media reliance is played out in relation to three types of basic desires: (1) (re)productive desires, (2) recognition desires, and (3) civic desires, and is socially structured and structuring. We argue this tool, in diachronic analyses, can measure one important aspect of mediatization.
Anais de Resumos Expandidos do Seminário Internacional de Pesquisas em Midiatização e Processos Sociais, Oct 27, 2020

Media, Culture & Society, 2014
This article argues for a revised importance of distance, besides the much emphasized closeness, ... more This article argues for a revised importance of distance, besides the much emphasized closeness, in the debate on and use of ethnographic methods in online environments. When returning to the founding fathers of ethnographic methods, distance is often put forward as a core aspect of ethnographic methods, something widely forgotten, or even rejected, in the current debate in the field. Space has been restructured by digital media technologies, and the spatial and temporal proximity of digital media cultures present new challenges for research methodologies. Based on the author’s own experiences of ethnographic fieldwork in digital cultures, and with Henri Lefebvre’s theory of everyday life as a rhythm as vantage point, it is here argued that distance, dialectically interlinked with closeness and proximity, should be given further attention in current research and debate on ethnographic methods used online.

Social Media + Society
Since their emergence in the early 2000s, social media have continued to increase in popularity, ... more Since their emergence in the early 2000s, social media have continued to increase in popularity, particularly among adolescents and young adults. Even though they have been studied in relation to a wide range of topics, including their role in politics, social relationships, activism, identity construction, and youth cultures, the rise of social media is also connected to a number of less dramatic, yet pervasive, shifts relating to their integration into the mundane practices of day-to-day life. In this article, we explore the uses of social media as part of everyday life, a perspective that has gained less attention in research about social media. We take an interest in how young adults create meaning around their daily practices, involving many different social media platforms. Doing so, we draw on in-depth individual and small group interviews with 67 young adults, aged 18–26, conducted in Sweden during 2019–2021. We approach social media as a joint environment, consisting of a w...
London School of Economics and Political Science, 2018
The growing governance and authority of algorithms and the rapid emergence of the ‘Internet of Th... more The growing governance and authority of algorithms and the rapid emergence of the ‘Internet of Things’, has intensified attention to the relationship between humans and machines, and to the ethics ...
The extended indispensability of media can be seen as a key indicator of mediatization, whereby o... more The extended indispensability of media can be seen as a key indicator of mediatization, whereby our lives become adapted to media. But even though we can assume that the pervasive character of digi ...

Media and Communication
This article outlines an analysis of the ethical organization of digital media and social and ind... more This article outlines an analysis of the ethical organization of digital media and social and individual space in everyday life. This is made from a perspective of an ‘ethics of the ordinary’, highlighting the mundane negotiations and practices conducted to maintain a ‘good life’ with the media. The analysis shows a sensorial organization of space is conducted in relation to social space, as well as individually. The interviewees use facilities provided by media technologies in order to organize space, as well as organize their media devices spatially in order to construct space for specific purposes, and maintain a good life. These results call for a deepened analysis of the sensorial dimensions of everyday space, in order to understand the ethical struggles of a life with digital media. It is important to include the full spectrum of sensorial experiences in our approach to everyday life and to take the sensorial experiences of ordinary media users into account in our analysis of ...
Youth Culture- a matter of taste Media consumption and style in Estonia and Sweden
Three dimensions of mediatization : Measuring media indispensability in relation to basic human d... more Three dimensions of mediatization : Measuring media indispensability in relation to basic human desires
Mediatization as a state of mind? : Toward an emic perspective of the mediatization of everyday l... more Mediatization as a state of mind? : Toward an emic perspective of the mediatization of everyday life.
Papers by Stina Bengtsson
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Conference presentation at MEG 2016 in Gothenburg April 7th: