Ann-Sofie Lönngren
I am a full professor working as a senior lecturer in literature at Södertörn university, Stockholm. Between 2005–2018, I have taught, tutored and supervised on all levels in literature, rhetorics and gender studies, and I have also been involved in the didactic program for school-teachers at Uppsala university. I am affiliated with the transdisciplinary "Humanimal research group" at the Center for Gender Research at Uppsala University since 2010, and in 2014, I became an associate member of "New Zealand center for human-animal studies". Since 2018, I work as a lecturer in literature at Södertörn University in Stockholm, where I participated in the establishment of the "Ratatǫskr Research Group for Literary Animal Studies".
My research interests include northern-European literature after 1880, animal studies, interdisciplinarity, queer theory, transgender studies, education and intersectionality. Some of these perspectives are employed in my most recent book, Following the Animal. Power, Agency, and Human-Animal Transformations in Modern, Northern-European Literature (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015).
I have largely focused my studies on Swedish-turn-of-the-twentieth-century author August Strindberg, but I have also written about a range of other northern-European writers such as Danish Karen Blixen, Charlotte Weitze and Charlotte Inuk; Finnish-Estonian Aino Kallas; Finnish-Swedish Monica Fagerholm; Icelandic author Sjón and Swedish authors Selma Lagerlöf, P.O. Enqvist, Birgitta Trotzig and John Ajvide Lindqvist.
Post Ph.D. my research has been funded by Historisk-filosofiska fakulteten (The Disciplinary Domain of the Humanities and Social Sciences) and Hugo Valentin Center at Uppsala university; The Pufendorf Collegium for Advanced Studies, Lund University; Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish National Research Council); Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation (Marcus och Amalia Wallenbergs minnesfond); Kungliga humanistiska vetenskapssamfundet (The Royal Society for the Humanities) and Södermalms arbetareinstitut (Södermalm’s workers institute).
Apart from two monographies I have also published numerous articles, essays and reviews, in Swedish and English, in research journals such as NORA: Nordic journal for feminist and gender research; Contagion: Journal of Culture, Mimesis, and Violence; Literature and medicine; and lambda nordica: nordic journal of lgbtq-studies. Moreover, I have edited several peer-reviewed anthologies and journal issues, in both English and Swedish. In 2011-2018, I was the book editor for lambda nordica.
Recently published peer-reviewed texts include:
2017: “Following the Animal. Place, Space, and Literature,” Animal Places. Lively Cartographies of Human-Animal Relations, eds. Bull, J., Holmberg, T., Åsberg, C. (London: Routledge), 231–247
2016: “Oppression and Liberation. Traditional Nordic Literary Themes of Female Human-Animal Transformations in Monika Fagerholm’s Early Work,” Novel Districts. Critical Readings of the Works of Monika Fagerholm, eds. Kristina Malmio and Mia Österberg (Helsinki: Finnish literature society, SKS, Studia Fennica Litteraria 9), 119–132
2015: Following the Animal. Power, Agency, and Human-Animal Transformations in Modern, Northern European Literature (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015), 213 p.
2015: “Trolls – Folklore, Literature and ‘Othering’ in the Nordic Countries,” Rethinking National Literatures and the Literary Canon in Scandinavia, eds. Ann-Sofie Lönngren, Dag Heede, Anne Heith and Heidi Grönstrand (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing), 205–230
2015: “The Pre-modern Strindberg. Sex, Gender, Sexuality,” TijdSchrift voor Skandinavistiek 1, 7–18
2015: “Autism and the Question of the Human,” Literature and Medicine, with Jenny Bergenmar and Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, 1, 202–221
2014: “Swelling, Leaking, Merging – a material feminist reading of Strindberg’s A Madman’s Manifesto,” NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 1, 4–19
For more information about me, please download the combined CV and List of Publications. Most of my publications are available for download here on
My research interests include northern-European literature after 1880, animal studies, interdisciplinarity, queer theory, transgender studies, education and intersectionality. Some of these perspectives are employed in my most recent book, Following the Animal. Power, Agency, and Human-Animal Transformations in Modern, Northern-European Literature (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015).
I have largely focused my studies on Swedish-turn-of-the-twentieth-century author August Strindberg, but I have also written about a range of other northern-European writers such as Danish Karen Blixen, Charlotte Weitze and Charlotte Inuk; Finnish-Estonian Aino Kallas; Finnish-Swedish Monica Fagerholm; Icelandic author Sjón and Swedish authors Selma Lagerlöf, P.O. Enqvist, Birgitta Trotzig and John Ajvide Lindqvist.
Post Ph.D. my research has been funded by Historisk-filosofiska fakulteten (The Disciplinary Domain of the Humanities and Social Sciences) and Hugo Valentin Center at Uppsala university; The Pufendorf Collegium for Advanced Studies, Lund University; Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish National Research Council); Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation (Marcus och Amalia Wallenbergs minnesfond); Kungliga humanistiska vetenskapssamfundet (The Royal Society for the Humanities) and Södermalms arbetareinstitut (Södermalm’s workers institute).
Apart from two monographies I have also published numerous articles, essays and reviews, in Swedish and English, in research journals such as NORA: Nordic journal for feminist and gender research; Contagion: Journal of Culture, Mimesis, and Violence; Literature and medicine; and lambda nordica: nordic journal of lgbtq-studies. Moreover, I have edited several peer-reviewed anthologies and journal issues, in both English and Swedish. In 2011-2018, I was the book editor for lambda nordica.
Recently published peer-reviewed texts include:
2017: “Following the Animal. Place, Space, and Literature,” Animal Places. Lively Cartographies of Human-Animal Relations, eds. Bull, J., Holmberg, T., Åsberg, C. (London: Routledge), 231–247
2016: “Oppression and Liberation. Traditional Nordic Literary Themes of Female Human-Animal Transformations in Monika Fagerholm’s Early Work,” Novel Districts. Critical Readings of the Works of Monika Fagerholm, eds. Kristina Malmio and Mia Österberg (Helsinki: Finnish literature society, SKS, Studia Fennica Litteraria 9), 119–132
2015: Following the Animal. Power, Agency, and Human-Animal Transformations in Modern, Northern European Literature (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015), 213 p.
2015: “Trolls – Folklore, Literature and ‘Othering’ in the Nordic Countries,” Rethinking National Literatures and the Literary Canon in Scandinavia, eds. Ann-Sofie Lönngren, Dag Heede, Anne Heith and Heidi Grönstrand (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing), 205–230
2015: “The Pre-modern Strindberg. Sex, Gender, Sexuality,” TijdSchrift voor Skandinavistiek 1, 7–18
2015: “Autism and the Question of the Human,” Literature and Medicine, with Jenny Bergenmar and Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, 1, 202–221
2014: “Swelling, Leaking, Merging – a material feminist reading of Strindberg’s A Madman’s Manifesto,” NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 1, 4–19
For more information about me, please download the combined CV and List of Publications. Most of my publications are available for download here on
InterestsView All (15)
Papers by Ann-Sofie Lönngren
Co-authored with Linn Areskoug, Madeleine Eriksson, Christian Gullette, Rebecka Göransdotter, Jules Kielmann, Doris Leibetseder, Cecilia Luzon, Henrietta Olsson, Nicole Ovesen, Linda Haverty Rugg, Jennie Sjödin, Camilla Wallin Bergström
att göra? Och vad har dessa kategorier i sin tur för samröre
med tvåsamhetsnormen och det moderna, västerländska tvåkönssystemet?
Allt, om en följer narrativet i Charlotte Inuks bok Store dyr (2008).
Här skildras en dynamisk och gränsöverskridande kärlekstriangel bestående
av berättaren, Enya och Robyn, vilka är involverade i en livsbejakande
och passionerad affär vars drivkraft är en vild och vacker
sexualitet som inte låter sig begränsas av något så futtigt som samhälleliga
normer eller tabun. Snarare är det just de karaktärer och möten
i boken som går bortom heterosexualiteten och det dikotoma tvåkönssystemet
som alstrar lust, och romanen kan därmed förvisso ses som ett
queert projekt. Sin egenart får dock Store dyr genom omständigheten
att Inuk analogt med dessa problematiseringar av kulturellt skapade
kategorier avseende kön och sexualitet även ifrågasätter gränsdragningar
mellan olika arter. Hon har nämligen valt att ge romanens förste
persons-berättare en intressant förmåga (eller oförmåga, beroende på
vem en frågar): hen ser ingen skillnad på människa och djur.
In a renewed reading of A Madman's Manifesto, I employed Karen Barad's concept of “intra-activity”, according to which “meaning” is jointly produced by matter and discourse. Thus, it became apparent that literary discourse alone did not have the power to alter the bodies in the novel, but had to intra-act with literary matter in the shape of alcohol. Furthermore, the literary matter in the novel turned out to be able to intra-act with different discourses at the same time and in different ways, e.g. by “kicking back”. Thus, focusing on processes of literary materialization in the novel enabled a story of female bodily resistance to be told in spite of the fact that it was silenced by the heteronormative discourse of the narrator.
Co-authored with Linn Areskoug, Madeleine Eriksson, Christian Gullette, Rebecka Göransdotter, Jules Kielmann, Doris Leibetseder, Cecilia Luzon, Henrietta Olsson, Nicole Ovesen, Linda Haverty Rugg, Jennie Sjödin, Camilla Wallin Bergström
att göra? Och vad har dessa kategorier i sin tur för samröre
med tvåsamhetsnormen och det moderna, västerländska tvåkönssystemet?
Allt, om en följer narrativet i Charlotte Inuks bok Store dyr (2008).
Här skildras en dynamisk och gränsöverskridande kärlekstriangel bestående
av berättaren, Enya och Robyn, vilka är involverade i en livsbejakande
och passionerad affär vars drivkraft är en vild och vacker
sexualitet som inte låter sig begränsas av något så futtigt som samhälleliga
normer eller tabun. Snarare är det just de karaktärer och möten
i boken som går bortom heterosexualiteten och det dikotoma tvåkönssystemet
som alstrar lust, och romanen kan därmed förvisso ses som ett
queert projekt. Sin egenart får dock Store dyr genom omständigheten
att Inuk analogt med dessa problematiseringar av kulturellt skapade
kategorier avseende kön och sexualitet även ifrågasätter gränsdragningar
mellan olika arter. Hon har nämligen valt att ge romanens förste
persons-berättare en intressant förmåga (eller oförmåga, beroende på
vem en frågar): hen ser ingen skillnad på människa och djur.
In a renewed reading of A Madman's Manifesto, I employed Karen Barad's concept of “intra-activity”, according to which “meaning” is jointly produced by matter and discourse. Thus, it became apparent that literary discourse alone did not have the power to alter the bodies in the novel, but had to intra-act with literary matter in the shape of alcohol. Furthermore, the literary matter in the novel turned out to be able to intra-act with different discourses at the same time and in different ways, e.g. by “kicking back”. Thus, focusing on processes of literary materialization in the novel enabled a story of female bodily resistance to be told in spite of the fact that it was silenced by the heteronormative discourse of the narrator.
The book is composed of nine articles authored by literary scholars in Finland, Sápmi, Sweden, and Denmark. It addresses issues such as methodological nationalism in literary scholarship, the uses of concepts such as “transnational” and “immigrant” literature, the ways in which traditional Sámi features are employed in contemporary Sámi poetry, postcolonial representations in Nordic literature, and the ways that political processes of “Othering” are made visible in contemporary literature’s uses of traditional Scandinavian folklore. Read together, these articles provide an overview of some of the challenges and changes in Nordic literature today.
nästan saknar motstycke i nutida svenskspråkig litteraturvetenskap.
Under de senaste 40 åren har han rört sig obehindrat mellan litteratur
på en rad olika språk och från flertalet epoker. Till den vetenskapliga gärningen ska också läggas Torstens skönlitterära författarskap som omfattar dikter, noveller och kriminalromaner.
Med denna festskrift, som utgår i samband med att Torsten fyller 60 år, vill vi hylla honom och hans insats inom litteraturvetenskapen. Bidragen tar fasta på Torstens förmåga att överskrida gränser mellan discipliner, teman och metoder. Texterna behandlar ämnen som tolkningsteori och empirisk
läsforskning, svensk, finlandssvensk, engelskspråkig och tysk litteratur, teologi och livsåskådning samt Torstens egen insats både som forskare och som skönlitterär författare.
I Queera läsningar diskuteras politiska och känslomässiga sätt att läsa, samt läsningar utifrån olika genrer, sammanhang och historiska kontexter. Hur läser man queert? Vad är en queer text, och vad är queert i texten? Queera läsningar är en nordisk antologi med litteraturvetenskapliga queerläsningar, den första i sitt slag på svenska.