Warsaw School of Economics
Institute of Econometrics
Anything we cant control or change either becomes unimportant or its very ambiguity provokes profound introspection. The gender pay gap has been studied for decades and one peculiar aspect that has unveiled itself in sixty years of... more
Informacje o naborze artykułów i zasadach recenzowania znajdują się na stronach internetowych www.pracenaukowe.ue.wroc.pl www.wydawnictwo.ue.wroc.pl Publikacja udostępniona na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie... more
A homogeneous Poisson process (N (t), t ≥ 0) with the intensity function m(t) = θ is observed on the interval [0, T ]. The problem consists in estimating θ with balancing the LINEX loss due to an error of estimation and the cost of... more
Polityka wsparcia finansowego dla rodzin z dziećmi znana pod nazwą „Rodzina 500+” ma wielu zwolenników, jak i przeciwników. Celem artykułu nie jest ocena słuszności tej polityki, a analiza jej skutków dla gospodarki za pomocą... more
The article analyzes the impact of the EU–Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) on Poland’s economy. The authors investigate the effects of a bilateral elimination of customs duties on the economy using the Computable General... more
This paper examines whether the auditee’s financial situation affects the auditor’s non-audit fee and independ- ence. Three sets of tests were used to address the issue. The first examines whether there are cross-border and intertemporal... more
This paper assesses the economic impact of the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (JEEPA) on all EU member states as well as Japan. The novelty of this study is that it refers to all EU countries and provides an overview of the... more
Sovereign CDS (Credit Default Swap) is a derivative that provides insurance of repayment of the government's loans and may be considered as a market indicator of the insolvency risk of a country. The aim of the study is to identify... more
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cover different human and planet well-being areas, and their achievement is interdependent. Which of the goals are crucial and leading in this process is a question that often arises. Quality... more
PurposeCoopetition is ubiquitous in the economy, but managing effectively this type of relationship between firms remains a challenge for many organizations. This paper investigates the coopetition within corporate groups and focus on... more
Paper presents decomposition of the realized rate of return on investment in fixed-income securities in order to identify the income/risk sources. The decomposition is accomplished applying the concept of factorization and factor analysis... more
Indicator and its underlying components for household saving rate in the broad crosscountry settlement. Two questions are addressed in particular. First, do Consumer Confidence Indicator and its components indeed forecast future household... more
The objective of the paper is to present the results of a comparative analysis of the balance sheets of the central banks of USA and China in order to investigate how they reflect the changes in the international positions of these... more