Simon Fraser University
ABSTRACT First settlement of Polynesia, and population expansion throughout the ancestral Polynesian homeland are foundation events for global history. A precise chronology is paramount to informed archaeological interpretation of these... more
ABSTRACT First settlement of Polynesia, and population expansion throughout the ancestral Polynesian homeland are foundation events for global history. A precise chronology is paramount to informed archaeological interpretation of these events and their consequences. Recently applied chronometric hygiene protocols excluding radiocarbon dates on wood charcoal without species identification all but eliminates this chronology as it has been built for the Kingdom of Tonga, the initial islands to be settled in Polynesia. In this paper we re-examine and redevelop this chronology through application of Bayesian models to the questioned suite of radiocarbon dates, but also incorporating short-lived wood charcoal dates from archived samples and high precision U/Th dates on coral artifacts. These models provide generation level precision allowing us to track population migration from first Lapita occupation on the island of Tongatapu through Tonga’s central and northern island groups. They further illustrate an exceptionally short duration for the initial colonizing Lapita phase and a somewhat abrupt transition to ancestral Polynesian society as it is currently defined.
Lapita has been a focus for archaeologists for generations. Initially inspired by the scattered reporting in the early twentieth century of highly decorated sherds (Meyer 1909; McKern 1929; Piroutet 1917), its increasing significance in... more
Lapita has been a focus for archaeologists for generations. Initially inspired by the scattered reporting in the early twentieth century of highly decorated sherds (Meyer 1909; McKern 1929; Piroutet 1917), its increasing significance in terms of the human settlement of the Pacific began to build in the 1960s. The Lapita culture has been most clearly defined by its distinctive dentatestamped decorated pottery and the design system represented on it and on further incised pots. It is defined earliest in the Bismarck Archipelago to the east of the large island of New Guinea, at some time in the centuries preceding 3000 cal. BP. At around that date the Lapita culture spread out from its Bismarck Archipelago 'homeland' to beyond previously inhabited regions of Near Oceania to establish the first human colonies in the western part of Remote Oceania, the present-day southeast Solomons, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa and Wallis and Futuna. At about the same time there was a push to the southwest out from the Bismarcks along the south coast of New Guinea, perhaps even as far as the Torres Straits (McNiven et al. 2006). The broad overlapping themes of this volume, Lapita distribution and chronology, society and subsistence, relate to research questions that have long been debated in relation to Lapita. It is a substantial volume with 23 chapters, reflecting the increasing breadth and focus on different aspects of Lapita that have developed over several decades.
sotto l'alto patronato del presidente della repubblica a cura di a. sacconi, m. del freo , l. godart, m. negri I. «PASIPHAE» · I. PISA · ROMA FABRIZIO SERRA · EDITORE MMVIII PASIPHAE RIVISTA DI FILOLOGIA E ANTICHITÀ EGEE direttori: louis... more
sotto l'alto patronato del presidente della repubblica a cura di a. sacconi, m. del freo , l. godart, m. negri I. «PASIPHAE» · I. PISA · ROMA FABRIZIO SERRA · EDITORE MMVIII PASIPHAE RIVISTA DI FILOLOGIA E ANTICHITÀ EGEE direttori: louis godart · anna sacconi segretario di redazione: maurizio del freo I. (2007) PISA · ROMA FABRIZIO SERRA · EDITORE MMVIII PREMESSA Nel 2001 decidemmo di creare una rivista internazionale di filologia e antichità egee dal nome "Pasiphae" e di affiancare alla rivista stessa una collana intitolata Biblioteca di "Pasiphae" destinata ad accogliere monografie relative alle civiltà egee. La collana Biblioteca di "Pasiphae" si è arricchita rapidamente di vari volumi: ne sono già apparsi sette e vari altri sono in preparazione. Iniziamo ora la pubblicazione della rivista "Pasiphae", che uscirà con cadenza annuale: i numeri I (2007) e II (2008) escono contemporaneamente e contengono gli "Atti del XII Colloquio Internazionale di Micenologia", svoltosi a Roma dal 20 al 25 febbraio 2006. Roma, dicembre 2007.
- by Todd Whitelaw and +1
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The paper discusses the shell assemblage from the Early Bronze Age (Early Minoan: EM II-III, 2650-2200/2150 BCE) settlement at Trypiti, southern Crete. Macroscopic and microscopic study of the material, as well as detailed taphonomic and... more
The paper discusses the shell assemblage from the Early Bronze Age (Early Minoan: EM II-III, 2650-2200/2150 BCE) settlement at Trypiti, southern Crete. Macroscopic and microscopic study of the material, as well as detailed taphonomic and contextual analysis of the findings has provided significant information on the consumption of molluscs as food. Drawing upon the concepts of object biographies, the paper aims to shed light on the different stages of the life cycle of shells, from the act of procurement, to preparation, consumption and discard. The study examines the issue of mollusc food consumption at Trypiti at various spatial scales to elucidate the nature and context of consumption, and thus to allow insights into the associated processes of creation and reproduction of social identities. The comparison of Trypiti to contemporary coastal settlements in the Aegean reveals the variety of the organisation of mollusc food consumption during the Early Bronze Age.
Η ανασκαφή διεξήχθη σε 3 περιόδους τα χρόνια 2011, 2012 και 2013. ΠΡΩΤΗ ΑΝΑΣΚΑΦΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟΣ (2011) Στην πρώτη περίοδο ανακαλύφθηκαν και ανασκάφτηκαν μερικώς α) ένα μεγάλο αψιδωτό οικοδόμημα (που από φέτος ονομάζεται Μέγαρο Α), β) ένα... more
Η ανασκαφή διεξήχθη σε 3 περιόδους τα χρόνια 2011, 2012 και 2013. ΠΡΩΤΗ ΑΝΑΣΚΑΦΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟΣ (2011) Στην πρώτη περίοδο ανακαλύφθηκαν και ανασκάφτηκαν μερικώς α) ένα μεγάλο αψιδωτό οικοδόμημα (που από φέτος ονομάζεται Μέγαρο Α), β) ένα μεταγενέστερο μικρότερο αψιδωτό κτίριο (Μέγαρο Β), που χρονολογήθηκαν γενικά στην ΥΕ ΙΙ-ΙΙΙ περίοδο, γ) ένας χαλικόστρωτος δρόμος με κατεύθυνση βορρά-νότο, που ορίζεται από τις δυο πλευρές με παχείς τοίχους. δ) 3 ρωμαϊκοί κεραμοσκεπείς τάφοι 5/6 αιώνα μ.Χ.. Ο δρόμος και οι παχείς τοίχοι κατασκευάστηκαν μετά την εγκατάλειψη των κτιρίων πάνω στα ερείπια τους, και ο προορισμός και η λειτουργία τους είναι ακόμη υπό διερεύνηση. ΔΕΥΤΕΡΗ ΑΝΑΣΚΑΦΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟΣ (2012) Κατά την περίοδο 2012 έγιναν οι εξής εργασίες: 1. Δοκιμαστικές τομές βόρεια, δυτικά και βορειοανατολικά από το μεγάλο οικοδόμημα, από τις οποίες διαπιστώθηκε ότι δεν υπήρχαν δίπλα του άλλα οικοδομήματα. Αποκαλύφθηκαν μόνο αποθέτες απορριμμάτων. 2. Αποκαλύφθηκε σε ολόκληρη την έκταση του το μεγάλο αψιδωτό ελλειψοειδές οικοδόμημα (Μέγαρο Α) της ΥΕ ΙΙ/ΙΙΙ περιόδου, που έχει έκταση 168 τ.μ. Ανασκάφτηκε μέχρι τα πατώματα περίπου, στο 3/5 του. Έμειναν για περαιτέρω έρευνα τα βαθύτερα στρώματα. 3. Αποκαλύφθηκε ολόκληρο το μικρό αψιδωτό κτίριο (Μέγαρο Β) ΥΕ ΙΙΙΓ με έκταση 20 τ.μ. 4. Ανασκάφτηκαν τρεις ακόμη κεραμοσκεπείς τάφοι της ρωμαϊκής περιόδου 5/6ου αι. μ.Χ., ανατολικά και σε κάποια απόσταση από το μεγάλο οικοδόμημα. 5. Πραγματοποιήθηκε επιφανειακή έρευνα στον αγρό (ελαιώνα) των κληρονόμων Βαγγέλη Μενεγάτου, όπου γίνεται από το 2011 η ανασκαφή. Ακολουθεί αναλυτικότερη παρουσίαση των αποτελεσμάτων: 1. Δοκιμαστικές τομές Οι δοκιμαστικές τομές πραγματοποιήθηκαν βόρεια, δυτικά και βορειοανατολικά του βόρειου τμήματος της περσινής ανασκαφής με τετράγωνα διαστάσεων 5Χ5 μ. Αποκαλύφθηκε παντού ο στέρεος κοκκινωπός βράχος σε βάθος από την επιφάνεια του εδάφους, που ποικίλλει από 0,20 μ. μέχρι και 0,80 μ. Η στρωματογραφία προσδιορίζεται στο ανώτερο στρώμα από σκούρο καστανό χώμα καλλιεργημένο και διαταραγμένο, που περιείχε μικρές πέτρες και σποραδικά θραύσματα κεραμίδων ρωμαϊκών χρόνων, και στο κατώτερο στρώμα από κοκκινωπό χώμα, που περιείχε χαλίκια και λίγα όστρακα προϊστορικών χρόνων. Δεν αποκαλύφθηκε σαφές κατάλοιπο κάποιου κτίσματος. Σε δυο σημεία, στα βορειοδυτικά και στα βόρεια αποκαλύφθηκαν τεχνητοί λάκκοι, που δημιουργήθηκαν με απλή διαμόρφωση κοιλοτήτων του βράχου και ταπεινό πέτρινο «περίφραγμα». Οι λάκκοι αυτοί περιείχαν σημαντικές ποσότητες φθαρμένης κεραμικής και άψητου δομικού πηλού. Οι λάκκοι ερμηνεύτηκαν κατ' αρχήν ως «αποθέτες απορριμμάτων». Τα ευρήματα δεν μελετήθηκαν ακόμη, αλλά η κεραμική είναι σαφώς προϊστορική, κυρίως ΜΕ ΙΙΙ και ΥΕ Ι και ΙΙ φάσεων. Στη βορειοανατολική δοκιμαστική τομή αποκαλύφθηκε μια μεγάλη διατάραξη, που οφειλόταν στις ρίζες των δένδρων που υπήρχαν εδώ και σε μια «λιθιά», που είχε διαλύσει δυο κεραμοσκεπείς τάφους του 5/6 αιώνα μ.Χ. Συλλέχτηκαν λίγα ανθρώπινα οστά και κεραμική των ύστερων ρωμαϊκών χρόνων (μικρές χύτρες). 2. Αρχαιότερη οικιστική φάση. Στα βόρειο, στο ανατολικό και σε μέρος του δυτικού δωματίου του μεγάλου αψιδωτού οικοδομήματος η ανασκαφή έφτασε μέχρι τα πατώματα. Ανακαλύφθηκαν κάτω από αυτά
The Porti-Miamou Project is an official project of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Heraklion, co-directed by Andonis Vasilakis and Tomas Alusik. The Project focuses on the surface documentation and small-scale surface survey of the... more
The Porti-Miamou Project is an official project of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Heraklion, co-directed by Andonis Vasilakis and Tomas Alusik. The Project focuses on the surface documentation and small-scale surface survey of the immediate area of Porti [1] and Miamou, two prehistoric sites in the demos of Gortyna in the Mesara area, south central Crete. At both sites there are important remains of human habitation occurring in the Prepalatial and Protopalatial periods – EM I/II-MM I/II phases. This evidence for this is mainly found in the foundations of the large circular tombs at both sites, which were used for the burials of members of the community over the course of several centuries. Less evidence is clear of the adjacent settlements, located in the vicinity of both tombs. The 2015 season was focused on the site of Porti [2], which is located on the low hillock of Tou Bairami to Papouri between the villages of Vasilika Anogia and Kandila. The site was excavated in 1906 by Stephanos Xanthoudides, who uncovered a Mesara-type tholos tomb (labelled " Tholos Π " , dated to the EM I/II-MM II period), and also reported scant traces of a settlement on the terrace above the tomb [3] (S. Xanthoudides: The Vaulted Tombs of Mesara. Liverpool 1924, pp. 54-69, pl. LXII). The first aim of the season was to do an architectural survey and to create new up-to-date plans of the tholos site and the adjoining area based on the actual state of all architectural remains: the tholos tomb, the retaining wall(s), and the settlement. Modern methods of digitalization were used to create an orthographic view and a photogrammetric model of the tomb [4]. The main aim of the project was to do an intensive surface survey on the Papouri hillock and its environs for a better understanding of the site, its local context and chronology. The preservation of the remains of masonry, illegal excavations and agricultural activity were all taken into account and possible solutions were made. The most important finds made during the surface survey were a set of pottery, a small local limestone quarry and a small prehistoric burial cave. The main priorities for future investigation are: the further study of the material from the 2015 season, the dating of the Porti settlement, the finding of parallels and date of the quarry, the history of use of Tou Kouphou o Spilios cave, and the relation between the settlement and tholos tomb of Porti and the cave.
- by Αντώνιος Βασιλάκης and +3
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The Knossos Urban Landscape Project, a collaboration between the Kappa Gamma Ephoreia of the Hellenic Archaeological Service and the British School at Athens, is an intensive surface survey of the ancient city of Knossos and its... more
The Knossos Urban Landscape Project, a collaboration between the Kappa Gamma Ephoreia of the Hellenic Archaeological Service and the British School at Athens, is an intensive surface survey of the ancient city of Knossos and its associated cemeteries.
This paper presents four stone figurines of the Minoan Prepalatial period. Three come from south-central Crete, whereas the fourth is said to come from Knossos. The first figurine is a fragmentary “Cycladicizing” figurine of a worshipper... more
This paper presents four stone figurines of the Minoan Prepalatial period. Three come from south-central Crete, whereas
the fourth is said to come from Knossos.
The first figurine is a fragmentary “Cycladicizing” figurine of a worshipper from the Prepalatial tholos tomb cemetery
at the Odigitria Monastery. Made of grey steatite, it preserves only the torso. The closest parallel is a worshipper figurine
of the same material from the Prepalatial tholos tomb at Porti. The figurine belongs to a “transitional” group of
figurines, which preserve some Cycladic features except for the position of the arms and announce the worshipper figurines
of the Protopalatial period. The figurine dates to the mature Prepalatial period (2000 BC).
The second figurine is a fragmentary and probably imported Cycladic figurine of the Dokathismata variety from
the Prepalatial tholos tomb at Kalokampos in Trypiti. It is made of marble and preserves only part of the legs, from the
thighs to below the knees. It dates to the middle Prepalatial period (2500 BC).
The third figurine is an almost complete Cycladic-type figurine of the Koumasa variety with folded arms. It was
found during the cleaning of the Prepalatial tholos tomb cemetery of Koumasa. The head and feet are missing. The figurine
dates to the middle Prepalatial period.
The fourth figurine is a fragmentary Cycladic-type figurine of the Koumasa variety. Allegedly from Knossos, it may
have come from a site in south-central Crete. It preserves the legs and dates to the middle Prepalatial period.
the fourth is said to come from Knossos.
The first figurine is a fragmentary “Cycladicizing” figurine of a worshipper from the Prepalatial tholos tomb cemetery
at the Odigitria Monastery. Made of grey steatite, it preserves only the torso. The closest parallel is a worshipper figurine
of the same material from the Prepalatial tholos tomb at Porti. The figurine belongs to a “transitional” group of
figurines, which preserve some Cycladic features except for the position of the arms and announce the worshipper figurines
of the Protopalatial period. The figurine dates to the mature Prepalatial period (2000 BC).
The second figurine is a fragmentary and probably imported Cycladic figurine of the Dokathismata variety from
the Prepalatial tholos tomb at Kalokampos in Trypiti. It is made of marble and preserves only part of the legs, from the
thighs to below the knees. It dates to the middle Prepalatial period (2500 BC).
The third figurine is an almost complete Cycladic-type figurine of the Koumasa variety with folded arms. It was
found during the cleaning of the Prepalatial tholos tomb cemetery of Koumasa. The head and feet are missing. The figurine
dates to the middle Prepalatial period.
The fourth figurine is a fragmentary Cycladic-type figurine of the Koumasa variety. Allegedly from Knossos, it may
have come from a site in south-central Crete. It preserves the legs and dates to the middle Prepalatial period.
This paper deals with the period 1878 -1913, in which the Archaeology of Crete began. It was a revolutionary period, as Crete was part of the Ottoman Empire until 1898, and a semi-dependent state from 1898 to 1913, when it was united with... more
This paper deals with the period 1878 -1913, in which the Archaeology of Crete began. It was a revolutionary period, as
Crete was part of the Ottoman Empire until 1898, and a semi-dependent state from 1898 to 1913, when it was united
with Greece. In 1878, a merchant from Heraklion named Minos Kalokairinos revealed the western part of the palace at
Knossos. Unfortunately he dated his discovery incorrectly, since he thought that the ruins were the Greek andreion (a
public building for city officials). The Educational Syllogos of Heraklion, with Joseph Hazzidakis as president since 1884,
functioned as an archaeological service and rescued monuments, as the Great Inscription at Gortyn and the Idaean
cave, and established the Archaeological Museum in Heraklion. After 1898, as director of antiquities and of the Museum,
Hazzidakis explored the Archalochori Cave and tombs at Gournes and Gazi; he excavated Minoan villas at Tylissos and
discovered the palace at Malia in 1915. Italian archaeologists had worked in Crete since 1884, when Federico Halbherr
had assisted Hazzidakis with the Great Inscription and the Idaean cave. After 1900 the Italian mission under Halbherr
focused its interest in the Messara plain, south Crete. Here, Halbherr and Pernier excavated the palaces at Festos and
Agia Triada and their cemeteries. At Gortyn they excavated the Odeion, the sanctuary of Apollo and other monuments.
Chance reserved the full excavation of the palace at Knossos for the British archaeologist Arthur Evans. He had
uncovered the whole palace only in 6 years, and published the excavation in 6 volumes. He also excavated some houses
and the cemeteries. Evans is considered as the creator of Minoan archaeology, as he established the name Minoan to
the palace and the prehistoric civilization of Crete. Hazzidakis was succeed by Ephor Stephanos Xanthoudides, who
excavated the oval house at Chamezi, Siteia, in 1903, the cemeteries at Mouliana, Sitia, and megaron Nirou at Kokkini
Chani, a tomb at Pyrgos and the tholos tombs in the Mesara plain.
Crete was part of the Ottoman Empire until 1898, and a semi-dependent state from 1898 to 1913, when it was united
with Greece. In 1878, a merchant from Heraklion named Minos Kalokairinos revealed the western part of the palace at
Knossos. Unfortunately he dated his discovery incorrectly, since he thought that the ruins were the Greek andreion (a
public building for city officials). The Educational Syllogos of Heraklion, with Joseph Hazzidakis as president since 1884,
functioned as an archaeological service and rescued monuments, as the Great Inscription at Gortyn and the Idaean
cave, and established the Archaeological Museum in Heraklion. After 1898, as director of antiquities and of the Museum,
Hazzidakis explored the Archalochori Cave and tombs at Gournes and Gazi; he excavated Minoan villas at Tylissos and
discovered the palace at Malia in 1915. Italian archaeologists had worked in Crete since 1884, when Federico Halbherr
had assisted Hazzidakis with the Great Inscription and the Idaean cave. After 1900 the Italian mission under Halbherr
focused its interest in the Messara plain, south Crete. Here, Halbherr and Pernier excavated the palaces at Festos and
Agia Triada and their cemeteries. At Gortyn they excavated the Odeion, the sanctuary of Apollo and other monuments.
Chance reserved the full excavation of the palace at Knossos for the British archaeologist Arthur Evans. He had
uncovered the whole palace only in 6 years, and published the excavation in 6 volumes. He also excavated some houses
and the cemeteries. Evans is considered as the creator of Minoan archaeology, as he established the name Minoan to
the palace and the prehistoric civilization of Crete. Hazzidakis was succeed by Ephor Stephanos Xanthoudides, who
excavated the oval house at Chamezi, Siteia, in 1903, the cemeteries at Mouliana, Sitia, and megaron Nirou at Kokkini
Chani, a tomb at Pyrgos and the tholos tombs in the Mesara plain.
«Τα Αστερούσια όρη είναι ένας ολόκληρος κό- σμος, με πλούσια ιστορία και διαxρονικά ιδιόρρυθ- μο όσο και ενδιαφέρο- ντα πολιτισμό. Περιοχές που σήμερα είναι ακα- τοίκητες ή πολύ αραιο- κατοικημένες, σε μεγάλες εποχές της αρχαιότητας, όπως... more
«Τα Αστερούσια όρη
είναι ένας ολόκληρος κό-
σμος, με πλούσια ιστορία
και διαxρονικά ιδιόρρυθ-
μο όσο και ενδιαφέρο-
ντα πολιτισμό. Περιοχές
που σήμερα είναι ακα-
τοίκητες ή πολύ αραιο-
κατοικημένες, σε μεγάλες
εποχές της αρχαιότητας, όπως είναι η προα-
νακτορική μινωική (3η χιλ. π.Χ.) και η ρωμαϊ-
κή, ήταν πυκνοκατοικημένες κι έσφυζαν από
ζωή. Η πρώιμη αρχαιολογία των Αστερουσί-
ων – ίσως η πιο ποικίλη από τις αρχαιολογί-
ες των άλλων βουνών της Κρήτης – είναι ένα
αφήγημα που θα προσπαθήσω
να παρουσιάσω».
είναι ένας ολόκληρος κό-
σμος, με πλούσια ιστορία
και διαxρονικά ιδιόρρυθ-
μο όσο και ενδιαφέρο-
ντα πολιτισμό. Περιοχές
που σήμερα είναι ακα-
τοίκητες ή πολύ αραιο-
κατοικημένες, σε μεγάλες
εποχές της αρχαιότητας, όπως είναι η προα-
νακτορική μινωική (3η χιλ. π.Χ.) και η ρωμαϊ-
κή, ήταν πυκνοκατοικημένες κι έσφυζαν από
ζωή. Η πρώιμη αρχαιολογία των Αστερουσί-
ων – ίσως η πιο ποικίλη από τις αρχαιολογί-
ες των άλλων βουνών της Κρήτης – είναι ένα
αφήγημα που θα προσπαθήσω
να παρουσιάσω».
The Asterousia mountains in the Bronze age - Minoan period.
The aim of the present paper is to look in a comparative way at the archaeological surface surveys that were undertaken in the Asterousia region in southern Crete, focusing on the Bronze Age and to discuss issues raised by Blackman and... more
The aim of the present paper is to look in a comparative way at the archaeological surface surveys that were undertaken in the Asterousia region in southern Crete, focusing on the Bronze Age and to discuss issues raised by Blackman and Branigan in their first paper on the Ayiofarango survey project. The preliminary results of an intensive archaeological field survey conducted in the Asterousia region in the Trypiti gorge are also presented, offering new data on the settlement pattern of the Asterousia region.