Sunday, July 18, 2010

Vintage Pattern Stash is growing....

Well, I finally got my Big Bernina back home, after a tuneup. It's running wonderfully. But while it was out I sewed on my vintage machines (working on a pair of jeans). I must say I quite enjoyed sewing on them. Since neither have all the options/settings like my 830 (which I have named "Blessings"), it definitely makes my sewing a no-brainer! Which was refreshing for a change.

I got almost done with the jeans and they were fitting wonderfully, when I discovered a major snafu on my part. I had put the zipper in backwards, i.e. the front of the zipper is facing the inside of the jeans. Not a big deal, right! Just rip it out and put it in correctly. Well I didn't discover this until I was almost finished (the hem and waist band left to do). Well just let me say, I won't be making this mistake again - Laughing to myself!

Well in the midst of the vintage machine sewing, I decided to go thru my vintage patterns, and catalog them. Well I discovered not only do I have a sewing machine problem, but also a vintage pattern problem. I've only cataloged maybe 1/2 of them. If you want to take a look at what I've done so far check them out here.

Just think of all of the potential sewing, and unique clothing I'll have in my wardrobe.

Off to my sewing (lots to do, so little time) ....