Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Sunday, August 09, 2020


Dad sent me a few things in the mail. Two of them are brass etuis; he said they're from Cone Mills. One says 'textile needles' and other (mostly) reads 'Torrington needles.' Aren't they neat?! One side is lightly indented to make pulling the ends apart possible. The picture is below because despite my attempts, I could not load it into place or move it once it was uploaded. Seriously, I meant to post this on Friday but the picture just would not cooperate.

He also sent his keychain. Layers of wood and he thought it was interesting (he's right). Also a Marine Corps sticker. I put it on my iPad case, opposite my LGBTQ sticker.

And the coronavirus doily has like 10 rounds. Uh oh. At 4 rounds, it's about 9" or so. I had to use a box to block because my blocking pad isn't big enough. Round 5 is in progress. 

Oh, the plexiglass was installed Monday, It's a quick process (they had already measured and cut it). They put these clips on the metal strips that hold the ceiling tiles. Then, metal chains ending in S hooks connect the clips and the plexiglass, which just hangs there. There's a small gap over the counter, so I can still handle lost and found without circling my counter, which would defeat the purpose of the plexiglass.

On Wednesday, I lost my phone. I was slipping it into my pocket as the bus came and I guess I missed. I checked the stop after work and there was no sign of it. I've called it but no one has answered. I called the bus company lost and found, but they haven't seen it. My contact information scrolls across the lock screen, so in theory whoever found it can contact me. It's not that it's an expensive phone, but I just got it. And I spent a lot of time typing in my contact list again. 

I finally mailed these mitts to Richard's daughter. She's young enough and small enough they should fit. They are too small and tight for me or for Alisa. If they haven't arrived already, they should arrive soon.

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Back to Work

I went back to work on Monday. I took transit (bus). I was a little worried because they're only accepting 10 riders at a time. So far, the most people on 1 ride have been 5, including the driver.

I'm adjusting to wearing a mask most of the day and I now have a spare mask in a desk drawer, just in case.
I finished Tonya's fingerless mitts and almost finished Alisa's. It's a very quick pattern in bulky yarn. They're not fancy but warm and cute.
This discussion about knitting kind of baffles me. I can see about being a little unsure about yarn substitutions, especially when just starting out and reluctant to spend lots of money on supplies. I've had some bloopers when trying out yarns different than called for (see my dice bag nee sock), but I've also had some great success (see my sorbet shawl).

I got four letters (replies) in the mail this week. I've written responses to 2 of them and put 1 in the mail. I used some old note cards I found in the thrift shop. They're one-piece cardstock that fold over and closed with a matching seal/sticker.
I downloaded an app for my phone (I have a phone that can handle apps! Wow!) called Seek. It identifies plants, animals, and insects. You take a picture and it tries to get to species. Some plants have stalled at dicots. But I did spot an eastern cottontail and a muscadine vine. It's a little slow to process (no instant gratification, sadly) but I've been looking for something like this for years. Literally.

The Goulet pen I ordered is nice but I need to use it more to really get a feel for it.
But I did write a poem. I originally wrote the poem back in December but I like how I wrote this out in ink. The title is "I'm Not Poor" & I wrote it out on blank pages from a pocket calendar.

Students come back starting tomorrow. Hopefully, this week the plexiglass for over my counter will be installed. It's a measure of safety for me, as a barrier between me and visitors.

I pinned out the coronavirus doily and I think I'm ready to start round 5. I just need to load my shuttles. I think I'll use Elderberry Jam for the next round.

And in case it's not clear, BLACK LIVES MATTER
Support LGTBQ+
Close ICE
Defund police (leave them with the crime fighting, not social services, etc).

Friday, May 29, 2020


I'm still alive and well. My family is well. One cousin did get sick and go to the hospital. But he came out. With an oxygen tank, but he did come home. I haven't been able to go see mom, but I have done some video calls. Not as good as an in-person visit but better than nothing. Mom still forgets to plug in her phone/charge it.

I've been working remotely, at home, since mid-March. I have a loaner laptop from work with the software I need. I miss seeing my co-workers. I even miss my commute, somewhat. I miss that time of 'not at home, not at work' time to read or tat, or whatever.

I've been doing some knitting and I've sewn a couple masks. They're reversible, which is nice. I also made ear savers (strips of knitting with buttons) to go with them. I loaned my sewing machine to my neighbor so he could sew some masks.

I did a little bit of retail therapy. I bought a large fine gauge loom (25% off sale) so I can resume my Buffboo (bison silk & bamboo yarn) Hydrangea shawl (pattern by Renee Van Hoy). I bought a cartridge ink pen.

Been playing Blue Rose. My character, Nahla Jossa, had the goal of becoming a travelling noble (1 part circuit judge, 1 part tax collector, and 1 part Crown troubleshooter). Instead, she was made a landed noble (1 step above a travelling noble). Her district is smaller and more concentrated. And that's mostly because of 2 circumstances. 1 is her part in taking a refugee camp and turning it into the beginnings of a small town. The other is because of her contact with a cave-dwelling cannibal civilization and negotiating a peace. There's now an ambassador to them (not her, she doesn't speak the language) and not a war. Apparently, more responsibility is her reward.

Last session though, it was (giggles) all about another PC's family. I got to watch as that player got to navigate family dynamics and secrets and stuff (most of which my PC has no idea about). And another player had a (in character) minor meltdown as stuff from his past came up and bit him. In comparison, my PC's family life is drama-free. And HER brother-in-law just ran out on her sister.

My current scarf project is a feather and fan pattern. I started in black but I ran out so I switched over to red. In theory, when I'm done, it will be a mostly black scarf with a red block.

I made hats this past winter. I just need to donate them before it gets cold next year.

I knitted a couple scrubbies (polyester ~eyelash yarn and cotton yarn knitted together.

I just wanted to make a post. If anyone is reading, I wanted you to know I'm okay.

I started tatting a doily.

I also knitted this shawl for myself (Sweet on Ruffles by Renee Van Hoy)

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tatting and Pathfinder

 Saturday was the Triangle Tatters' meeting. My friend wasn't available so I went alone. I brought my books to show off and worked on my beanile necklace. I also found the size 10 thread I was using for my bottle holder. I had a great time and there were a total of 10 of us at the meeting.

Sunday was the Pathfinder game. There were some scheduling conflicts, so we had a short day; only 2 pm to 6 pm (well, by the time we were packed up, it was about 7 pm) and then went out to supper. I handled the tactics pretty well this time and really challenged them.

My two new students started on Monday. I finally have someone to cover my lunch hour and my meetings. Which is good since I had a 2+ hour meeting today.

Need to know about a movie before you shell out for a ticket or DVD or whatever? Here's a collection of review sites.
One: if you or someone you know has problems with certain themes or content (ie blood and gore are fine as long as no kids or animals are hurt, or No explosions, period), this tumblr site is working on a list to let you know before you view.
Two: How accurate is that outfit? Frock Flicks lets you know.
Three: aggregate of professional critics review movies on Rotten Tomatoes and they have a separate audience score
Four: general audience (ie whoever wants to) reviews on the internet movie database.
okra blossom

some kind of bean


muscadine grapes

display at library

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

It's Been Hot

Last Wednesday was the garden meeting at 8 am. I'm parking somewhere new, thanks to my Park and Ride lot's policy changes (only park 6 am - 6 pm). I was earlier than I needed to be because I was so worried about being late. Most of the advisory board was early, in fact. A couple of the new folks from the Employee Forum made it.

In the afternoon, I had to take a refresher course for work. I found out I needed it the Monday prior. Kind of short notice but there were two locations that were close to me and I took the earlier one.

I'm in a couple games on Storium. One is a superhero game and one is a 7th Sea game. The superhero is based on my Dresden Files sailor. She's a bit unusual because she's a lot older than she looks, because for a time she sailed with the Flying Dutchman.

I went to see Mom on Saturday. It was a grossly hot, so mostly we just hung out. We did go out to eat and hit a thrift shop. Mom found a couple pairs of slacks. However, her phone charger has disappeared. Her phone is dead, now, so I can't even call her.

I had ordered some blouses from Zulily and they arrived Friday and Saturday. One had sleeves that were too small, alas. It's a real shame because it's a cold shoulder one and I really want one.

 But the others fit and look lovely. There's one dress length, one wintry one, two tunic length, and one very thin, white one; I'll need a chemise with that one.  On Monday, I contacted Zulily to see how to return the blouse. Yvette, who talked to me, was lovely. She did everything reasonable (find a larger size, etc) as well as being sympathetic and commiserating with me. She did not do backflips through fiery hoops, but since I wasn't expecting that, I'm very happy with their service.

Palmetto contacted me about being a teacher's aide for two of my classes. I love doing that. I get to do the projects early and I get to help people! <3 a="" and="" at="" by="" couple="" craft="" for="" i="" items="" mom.="" nbsp="" needed="" notecards="" p="" picked="" projects.="" some="" store="" the="" up="" went="" while="" yarn="">
I had to walk to a lunch meeting today. With the recent hot weather, I was dreading it. However, the temp was only around 90 and it felt comparatively cool. If I had been sitting in the shade, with a bit of breeze, I would have been quite comfortable.
the bracelet I mentioned last week

packing string kumihimo
pollinators pollinating
 growing pepper

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

On Time This Week

A bit of a struggle this weekend. I managed to get some laundry done on Saturday but not much else. I went with CD as he ran errands and I started some kumihimo. I desparately needed a creative outlet but tatting and loom knitting required too much brain power. And I had been wanting to try a kumihimo pattern. However, I used the satin rattail I've used before, but before it was an 8-strand pattern and this one on Sunday was a 16-strand. It turned out a liiiiittle larger than I expected.

Pencil is for size comparison
Mom bought me some cords at the thrift shop. There are a couple leather cords so I made another one. Since my colors were limited (2 short strands, in separate colors, and 2 longer colors), I went to a webpage that helps me plan it. I ended up using all but part of 1 color. I ended up with 3 colors making a spiral stripe against the background of the 4th color.

Tomorrow is the Employee Forum retreat. I plan to have some tatting ready, to work on as fidget work. I have to work on that now.

Although I also finally blocked my stitch gauge swatch. Now I need to measure it to calculate my stitches.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Late, but Hey, It was a holiday

We had our Deadlands game on Thursday. DC's son joined us, playing an NPC as a PC. We started causing trouble, by releasing a T Rex in the enemy's camp. Hey, they created the thing, they can deal with it.

Saturday's tatting demo was cancelled so I just did some stuff around the house.

Monday was very slow. I got most of my work done by noon and after that I just answered the phone and dealt with a couple visitors.

The edible garden in front of work is going well. The tomatoes and peppers are growing nicely.

Tuesday, the 4th, I spent relaxing. In the evening, I had supper with CC. MB was supposed to join us, as she's been trying to do for months, but she's still unpacking from a recent move. Despite sleeping 10 hours Monday night, I was exhausted by the time I got home.

I found a neat crosswalk just off campus. It amuses me.

Wednesday was volunteering at the Carolina Campus Community Garden. The Employee Forum sponsored the workday, so I had to be there early to meet the caterers. Employee Forum provided tea, lemonade, fruit, and snacks. I took pictures with Claire's camera. I did get a few with my iPad, though.

Today, my boss and I had a meeting with the finance people about how to do travel vouchers. It's a new process but it looks pretty simple. And we got a look at the new form which may go live as soon as Monday.

I am finally washing my stitch gauge piece. Once it's blocked, I'll count the stitches and plan my mock cable wristlets. I made another ice drop but made a poor choice in thread color and it's kind of meh.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I'm Blaming the Weather

This is what I woke up to on Saturday morning.

 And this is what I saw later; there's a layer of ice, a layer of snow, and then a glaze of ice on top. Do I need to mention that I didn't drive to go see mom on Saturday? Or on Sunday?
 Thanks to unusually cold temperatures, there wasn't much melting, except in direct sun, until yesterday. I knew it was Tuesday, but I still forgot to make my blog post.  There was no reporting to work for me on Monday or Tuesday. I go back today.

Yesterday we finally got above freezing temperatures so I cleaned off my car. Since I need to make a trip to the fabric/notions store, I'm driving to the park and ride today.

I woke up at 3 am, managed to doze until about 4 am and finally got up at 5 am. I was starving and thirsty and just couldn't get back to sleep.

This is the gaiter I made for Cs nephew, to match his scarf. I need to go buy buttons and sew them on.

I gave this book to my Dad almost 20 years ago. He started working on it while working nights. When that job ended, he lost track of the book. He found it recently and loaned it to me at Christmas. I scanned the pages he's filled so far and then returned it so he can continue to fill it.
 I started using my coloring page of the day calendar. I'm already behind. This is the only page I've completed.
This is the hand crocheted scarf SNS made for me. Each color is a different yarn; fiber, etc. It's gorgeous! Her daughter also introduced me to a new term 'stupid scarf'. It's a name for an infinity or circle scarf, because no matter how stupid you're being, you can't/won't drop the scarf. C said he wants one, which makes me happy. I've been wanting to make one for him, but he's been reluctant because he doesn't spend as much outdoors as he used to.

I've been reading Rejected Princesses, another of my presents. I'm still reading Drunken Botanist from last year. It was on my TBR pile and I picked up a couple months ago. I've been reading one plant per night most nights.

My date with  C went...unexpectedly. She gave me some lovely gifts from Williamsburg, Va (powdered ink, handbound journal, quill pen, and a couple coasters). However, while I was waiting for her, she called. Her car had died. I went and picked her up, we ate supper, and then her boyfriend came and got her so she could get her car towed.

I've been shopping for a lacy pattern to use the buffboo yarn CD gave me. I got the two skeins wound into center pull balls but it's been difficult to find a suitable pattern. There's three main limitations; yardage, my skill, and my knitting is on a loom. One lovely pattern called for a cast on more stitches than any of my looms have. I finally bought a book of loom knitting shawl patterns. I'm starting with Sweet on Ruffles, as it looks simplest and will get me used to working a shawl pattern. I'm using a bulky yarn and I made a decent start last night.

Since I didn't see mom last weekend, I'll go this weekend. I have her new remote control, which will helpfully fix her no DVD player problem. We'll see. If not, then I'm buying a new player for her. TV runs out quick. I also need to pick up some books for her.
And as a treat, this is JJ's corrigated boxer. She's still a puppy and she's a corgi/boxer mix. She fell asleep on my leg during the party.

Jane's TIAS starts today. I need to load my shuttles and start.